plan 199Construction of two Bore holes in Ugele Ilangila and Kwakilosa Village in Iringa Region


Construction of 2 boreholes for 2 Villages( Ugele Ilangila and Kwakilosa) to make them access to clean and safe water to over 650 Villagers 350 women and 300 are men ) aiming at serving time used to walk 1-3 km for fetching some water.


Ugele Ilangila and Kwakilosa villagers. are among of 146,762 of the total population in Iringa’s Municipal Council located in peripheral wards. There are over 650 people living in those villages with no source of clean and safe water. Potential sources of clean water include (but are not limited to) boreholes, taps, and improved wells. For the residents of these villages local dug wells are the only source of water they use . Unfortunately, they are used for washing clothes and bathing within local wells, is a common practice that often leaves many wells contaminated. Also, the wells are exposed, affording animals the opportunity to pollute the water. Worse enough the said villages do not have enough water from water springs which hinders even the construction of improved water wells. The possible support we can help them to accesses clean and safe water is by constructing bore holes with depth ranging between 40 metre to 60 metres.

The washing of soiled clothes and bathing, along with exposure to animals, clearly compromises the effectiveness of these wells as safe sources of drinking water. This problem is further compounded in the rainy season by soil runoff that can swamp some of the wells in dirt and soil. This renders the effected wells completely unusable. Students and women fetching water are often forced to check multiple wells before finding one that has not been effected by runoff. is particularly troubling to villagers, who have more limited time due to having several responsibilities including agricultural practices and for women are also needed to take care of their families.Use of these wells for drinking water, which is often not boiled (due to the lack of cheaply available fuels), has led to the occurrence of the water borne diseases like diarrhoea, intestinal parasites (such as worms), and bilharzias.

Experience relating to the water project:
PADI has been implementing this kind of water project for more than four years, beginning in 2003. The first implementation of the project was done in the Mletele ward at Liwumbu B streets from June to August 2003, where seven (7) improved local wells were built. PADI received funds from Peace Corps Tanzania under the supervision of Mr. Tim Hogan.The second implementation of the project took place from September to November 2003, where PADI received funds from professors Miller and Rulfs of the USA and constructed 4 improved local wells.

The third project implementation took place from October 2005 to December 2005, funded by Help Age International, which enabled PADI to build 8 improved local water wells. The fourth implementation took place from July –August 2007.The project funded by Run For Africa, the funding enabled us to construct 13 improved traditional water wells and 1 bore hole ( supported to Mdandamo Sec. School).

The fifth project implementation took place from Nov. 2007 to Jan. 2008 where 7 improved traditional water wells were built, funded by Help Age International and the sixth water project implementation took place from Sept. 2008 to date where 34 improved traditional water wells have been constructed ( funded by Blue Planet Run Foundation-BPRF). In total over 9,200 beneficiaries are benefiting from the initiate since 2003 including 1,500 school children. From Nov 2008 –Mar.2009 three bore holes were constructed in 3 secondary schools, funded by Blue Planet Run Foundation- BPRF.

Even after the construction of 73 improved Traditional water wells and ( 4) bore holes in the district (to the community and schools) the need to expand the project to other areas especially in secondary schools and community is great (more than 5 requests from secondary schools and 7 villages have been received by our office). The people who have not yet received such assistance have been zealous in their appeals for support and are ready to contribute their efforts so as to make the project a successful.

To address the problem, PADI is asking for funding of USD. 21,086.40in order to
Construct 2 hand pump( bore hole) for Ugele Ilangila and Kwakilosa villages which do not have taps or borehole water sources for drinking water.

To address the problem, the following activities will be conducted:
i).Mobilizing village community to fully participate in project implementation
In mobilizing the community PADI will conduct meetings to those villages requested water support. During these meetings the community will be explain on how the project will be conducted and other project conditions which include community contribution, formation of WMF and WMC. The meetings will help to create awareness and readiness of participating in the project implementation. In this project the village communities are required to construct pump house as their contribution. Contract of receiving the support will only signed only if they agree to construct the pump house as soon as the pump has been installed

ii)Formation of Wells Monitoring Committees (WMC) which consist of 10 people.
The ten people described in the proposal on a part of community organization will be the school management committees in each school and they will be responsible in hand pump maintenance and repair, day to day care of the pump and managing the ( WMF)
iii)Formation of Water Maintenance Fund ( WMF) which will be formed by the school community The fund will be contributed by the school communities aiming at supporting them to manage to maintain and repair their pump.

iv).Transportation of building material from Morogoro; This activity will be done soon after receiving fund.
v) Drilling tube well to the depth of 40- 60 Meters with provision for re-drilling and construction of slab and flumes. The work will be done by water technician.

vi).Construction of Pump House: Construction of Pump House will be done by the village communities as their contribution to the project. Construction will be done soon after completing pump installation.

vii) Conducting one day training to 10 WMC on how to care, maintain and repairing the wells and sanitation and hygiene skills School children from each school. Municipal water engineer will facilitate the training.

viii) .Monitoring : Project monitoring is going to be done through participatory way, where PADI project management team including water technician and project coordinator and the Water Monitoring Committees from both two villages will be responsible in monitoring.


Iringa, Iringa, Tanzania


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Primary Focus: Drinking Water - Community
Secondary Focus: Drinking Water - Schools

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 0

Among over 650 Villagers from Ugele Ilangila and Kwakilosa no one accesses safe and clean water. The villages are in peripheral wards in Iringa Municipal council where water services are not yet reached the areas.

School Children Getting Water: 150

150 school children are getting water from local dug wells which are un safe for drinking

People Getting Sanitation: 0


People Getting Other Benefits: 200

They are using the un safe water in other activities like gardening actities, cleaning houses and toilets.

Start Date: 2009-08-15

Completion Date: 2009-12-15

Technology Used:

Water hand pump are complete water schemes suitable for serving small communities with portable water supplies. Primary schools, Secondary schools, Dispensaries, etc ,which are not covered by other water supplies because of various reasons may suitably be supplied with water from a hand pump.

A water borehole carrying a water hand pump with a standard yield 800 litters per hour can meet water needs of people. A good water borehole equipped with hand pump can supply over 1000 liters per hour of safe water to isolated communities and thus reduce mostly women’s and students workload in fetching water from long distances.

This is good potential of potable ground water supplies in Iringa District from existing water hand pumps constructed in Iringa district and from existing surveys. Over 300 water pumps were constructed in villages at shallow depth (with maximum depth of 35 m).The depth of water table is ranging between 35 meters to 40meters depth. There are both hygienic and convenient model to operate. SWN 81 model pump set are locally manufactured in Tanzania. A pump set complete with 4”PVC casings Up to a depth of 60m cost slightly over Tsh. 13,000,000 (equivalent to $ 10,140) due to inflation and raising of transportation costs.
In hand pumps constructions we target a borehole yields of not less than 800 litters per hour at shallow depths suitable to service our beneficiaries, presently most of sub-urban villages are not covered by other public water supplies, there fore, the project is going to provide 2 Hand pumps to 2 villages ( Ugele Ilangila and Kwakilosa villages), 1 hand pump in each villages. The project will benefit more than 650 villagers ( 350 women and 300 men).

The Goals and Objectives:
1. To provide clean and safe drinking water sources to over 650 villagers in Ugele Ilangila and Kwakillosa within Iringa Municipal council by December 2009.
2. To minimize distance walked by villagers to fetch some water from 1-3km to 100-500 Meters and time from 30 -60 minutes to 10 minutes by December 2009


The project will be done in one phase

Community Organization:

Making the project owned by the communities:
1.In project implementation the village community will contribute 10% -15% of the project total costs ( usually required to build pump house). A contract to support them is only signed if the community are willing to do such contribution.

2.Wells Monitoring Committees (WMC) formed in each school village always monitor the whole process of well construction to see whether the required procedures followed and building materials assigned at each pump are well used. Monitoring of the pump will be a continuous process even after completing construction.

3..Water Maintenance Fund (WMF) which will be formed through their own contribution to ensure smooth maintenance and repair of the pump.

Government Interaction:

We plan to use government expertises in the project as the technician to take the role of advising and government laboratory and technicians will be used to conduct water quality analysis. Also the government water program is targeting to ensure clean and safe water accessed by people living in rural and urban areas without desclimination.The government official from village to regional level have played a big role preparing this proposal and planning to work together in the project implantation.
Ancillary Activities Other activities associated with this project, not related to WASH, but included for greater impact.

Ancillary activities:

A training session will be conducted to 10 people who are members of Well Monitoring Committee (WMC) on how to manage to perform miner repair , clean, maintain the pump and monitor any problems associated with their functioning. These people, being villagers living in the vicinity of the pump, will be on hand to maintain the wells (ten from each hand pump 5 men and 5 women).

Other Issues:

Due to the government budget constraints it become more difficult to provide all essential needs to the community including clean and safe water. There fore the need of different stakeholders to support these needs to community is needed

Maintenance Revenue:

To make the project sustainable the following actions will be done
A training session will be conducted to 10 people who are members of Well Monitoring Committee (WMC) on how to manage to perform miner repair , clean, maintain the pump and monitor any problems associated with their functioning. These people, being villagers living in the vicinity of the pump, will be on hand to maintain the wells (ten from each hand pump 5 men and 5 women). To make the project sustainable PADI will sensitize villages to form Water Maintenance Fund (WMF) which will be formed through their own contribution to ensure smooth maintenance and repair of the pump.

PADI will make regular monitoring (at least twice per year to see how pump is working).
Monthly report from the water monitoring committee (WMC) representative who will be attending PADI monthly meeting will help us to know the situation of the pump in each village.

Well Monitoring Committees (WMC) will be formed in each village consisting of 10 people per pump assigned to properly maintain their pump functioning, managing WMF and daily monitoring of the pump.

Maintenance Cost: $90


Prior art before metrics

Cost: $22,686

The total cost of the project is USD.22,772.33 where by the the contribution from the community is USD.1600 and funds requested from BPRF is USD. 21,086.40

Co Funding Amount: $0


Community Contribution Amount: $1,600

The community will contribute through house pump construction soon after the pump set is installed.

Fund Requested: $21,086


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  • 1 participant | show more

    Review process

    Rajesh Shah of Peer Water Exchange

    This application will not go thru peer review. It will get a combination of 3 results: - the peer review of a similar application last year - the peer review of this years application - the reports and results of the 3 projects: Kalem...

    This application will not go thru peer review.

    It will get a combination of 3 results:
    - the peer review of a similar application last year
    - the peer review of this years application
    - the reports and results of the 3 projects:
    Kalembo,, Luwawasi,, and Chandarua, funded last year.

    Regarding the numbers for people impacted in this application:
    Please fix the numbers - they are not correct nor in the right place. This is not a school project and so that number should be zero as also the sanitation number as this project does not involve installing sanitation facilities.

    Also, check out the rope pump video on HPPI profile and their application. Maybe that can be used here.

  • 1 participant | show more


    Rajesh Shah of Peer Water Exchange

    In your application you state you will visit the site every 6 months. We would love to see that happen with all your projects. Your earlier projects do not show field reports which will help us see continued impact and also demonstrate use of the platform to keep the project information updated and alive.

    In your application you state you will visit the site every 6 months.

    We would love to see that happen with all your projects. Your earlier projects do not show field reports which will help us see continued impact and also demonstrate use of the platform to keep the project information updated and alive.

  • 1 participant | show more

    Budget question

    Rajesh Shah of Peer Water Exchange

    Looking at the 2 budgets for the 2 proposals: 1. this one 2. (Bore-hole construction London & Mbulani Secondary Schools) Please explain the huge difference in costs: - item 2: pumpsets seem similar but cost almost double in this proposal. - item 4: drill production is double in this proposal - have you conf...

    Looking at the 2 budgets for the 2 proposals:
    1. this one
    2. (Bore-hole construction London & Mbulani Secondary Schools)

    Please explain the huge difference in costs:

    - item 2: pumpsets seem similar but cost almost double in this proposal.

    - item 4: drill production is double in this proposal - have you confirmed the depth is 60m v 30m?

    Please explain these items more clearly:

    - item 1: mobilization: what is equipment mobilization? How is it different from purchase and transport. Personnel mobilization - what is it?

    - item 9: prepare completion report. That should be part of administrative costs (already budgeted at 10%). Reports from earlier projects do not show any effort in this area.

    - item 10: project monitoring: nothing is reflected in earlier projects - no reports.

    Thank you.

  • Not Reviewed

    by Peer Water Exchange