plan 2710 School roof RWH systems in W.Bengal


10 School roof RWH systems in West Bengal/E. India (arsenic contamination) for drinking water


Murshidabad district of West Bengal is mainly suffered by high level of arsenic contents in groundwater.
All the souces are contaminated by arsenic and no other alternate to get fresh water for drinking
Only community based solution is ha


West Bengal, Indo-Bangladesh Border Area, India


Primary Focus: Drinking Water - Schools
Secondary Focus: Sanitation - Schools

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 4,000

School Children Getting Water: 4,000

People Getting Sanitation: 4,000

People Getting Other Benefits: 4,000

Start Date: 2006-03-01

Completion Date: 2006-12-31

Technology Used:

Local material and local barefoot architects and engineers. This low cost solution and maintenance free.


Single phase

Community Organization:

Throough local community, schools teachers and school children with their contribution in construction selection of rwh site and organising socail audit of each work in front of the public.

Government Interaction:

Ancillary activities:

Other Issues:

Maintenance Revenue:


Maintenance Cost: $0


Prior art before metrics

Cost: $30,000

Construction cost of a RWH strucutre fro drinking water and school toilets for girls as a part of sanitation @ $3000 per school

Co Funding Amount: $0


Community Contribution Amount:

digging of pit of RWH free labour by the community

Fund Requested: $30,000

  • 1 participant | show more

    HDPE v PVC pipes

    Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network

    Which pipes do you use? Everyone appears to be moving away from PVC, because its so toxic to manufacture and impossible to dispose off. HDPE is non toxic, lasts for many years longer and is totally recyclable. Finally, Blue Planet Run may be having access to HDPE pipe supplier for our projects. Interested?

    Which pipes do you use?

    Everyone appears to be moving away from PVC, because its so toxic to manufacture and impossible to dispose off. HDPE is non toxic, lasts for many years longer and is totally recyclable.

    Finally, Blue Planet Run may be having access to HDPE pipe supplier for our projects. Interested?

  • 1 participant | show more

    Sanitation Component of Proposal

    Patricia Dandonoli of WaterAid

    Thank you for your proposal and work in India over the past twenty years. We at WaterAid America are interested in further learning about the sanitation component of this proposal. Your submission underscores the need for RWH due to arsenic contamination of groundwater, however the proposal appears to address sanitation as well (an approa...

    Thank you for your proposal and work in India over the past twenty years. We at WaterAid America are interested in further learning about the sanitation component of this proposal. Your submission underscores the need for RWH due to arsenic contamination of groundwater, however the proposal appears to address sanitation as well (an approach we whole-heartedly support).

  • 1 participant | show more

    total number of beneficiaries? maintenance and tracking program?

    Meera Hira-Smith of Project Well

    1. Is the total number of people receiving benefits 4000 or 12,000? (2) In West Bengal there are examples where RWH has failed due to lack of proper maintainance and management and there are some where it is successful, is there any tracking system managed by BFC to ensure maintenance of the system to make it sustainable and durable?

    1. Is the total number of people receiving benefits 4000 or 12,000? (2) In West Bengal there are examples where RWH has failed due to lack of proper maintainance and management and there are some where it is successful, is there any tracking system managed by BFC to ensure maintenance of the system to make it sustainable and durable?

  • 1 participant | show more


    Marcella D'Souza of Watershed Organization Trust

    Thank you very much for the project description. But it is not clear how the RWH system will benefit or satisfy the need of safe drinking of the children? Please elaborate how this collected rain water will be stored and what is the storage capacity? also what are the techniques being used for the purification of water.

    Thank you very much for the project description. But it is not clear how the RWH system will benefit or satisfy the need of safe drinking of the children? Please elaborate how this collected rain water will be stored and what is the storage capacity? also what are the techniques being used for the purification of water.

  • Rating: 6

    review by Blue Planet Network

    This application lacks specifics about how the community organization will work and how the public will be educated about the RWH systems.

  • Not Reviewed

    by Watershed Organization Trust

  • Rating: 7

    review by WaterAid

    WaterAid's guiding principles require us to look for solutions that are responsive to local needs, integrated (combining water, sanitation, and hygiene education providing the best health and poverty outcomes for poor communities), replicable, sustainable, and accountable.

    With these guiding principles in mind, and given the scope of the four proposals WaterAid was asked to review, and the information provided in each proposals, we found the 10 school roof RWH systems in W. Bengal submitted by Barefoot College to be the most compelling of the three Rain Water Harvesting projects (10 School roof RWH systems in Assam also submitted by Barefoot College and RWHT Faith in Christ Primary School, Allentown/Freetown, Sierra Leone submitted by Safer Future being the other two projects). Water tables are dropping in many parts of India and water resources need to be managed carefully. Where groundwater is scarce, rainwater harvesting in schools and communities has been a successful supplement to other water sources.

    CARE’s Ramal de Tierra Firme Project was unique in terms of its scale and scope compared with the other three proposals and the scope of WaterAid’s current project work.

  • Rating: 7

    review by Project Well

    Missing information on cost details, pictures, maintenance. (Maintenance of pipes and taps of any house or building is needed from time to time). Suggestion: For tracking the status of the water supply it is advisable to use GIS starting with mapping the projects and link project details by year.

Name Status Completion Date Final Cost
10 School RWH systems in West Bengal (E. India) completed Oct 2006 3,000