Maridini Cooperative - now known as the Global Women's Water Initiative, MOYO Branch - will build 8 tanks and 10 biosand filters.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Mar, 2014 Implementation Phase
  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sat 01 Feb 2014, Almost 11 Years ago

    Project will be delayed

    Project will be delayed as the remainder of the funds have just arrived in Uganda and still needs to be disbursed. Estimated completion will be Nov 2014

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 19 Dec 2013, Almost 11 Years ago

    Comfort checks in with GWWIMoyo

    They have completed their toilets and are waiting for the rest of the BPN grant to finish the 8 other tanks and start their BSFs.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sun 01 Dec 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Waiting for BPN Grant and getting ready for holidays

    Waiting for other implementing partner (KWDT) to provide updates on their projects so the balance of the grant can be issued.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 12 Nov 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Report from GWWIMoyo for their Sanitation Project

    Latrine with Girls Wash Room

    Parents and Teachers Association of Moyo Boys Primary School
    Phone: +256782475916 +2567829294
    Secondary E-mail:
    Submitted to: Gemma Bulos
    Time Frame: 4 weeks. Project started on 17th/Sept/2013 to 18th/Oct/2013
    Location: Moyo Boys Primary School
    Back Ground
    Global women’s water initiative Moyo is a CBO situated in Elenderea Village Moyo Town Council and trained on wash programme by Global women’s water initiative californice in Kisumu June 2013.
    Problem or Issue Statement
    Moyo Boys Primary is one of the schools which received Rain water harvesting tank built by GWWI-Moyo in June 2012, the school is mixed both girls and boys with the total of 948 pupils.
    The school has pit latrines for both boys and girls, due to the population of the school, the pit latrines fills quickly. GWWI-Moyo will construct 4 stanches of VIP Latrines and girls wash room.
    Organizations past project
    Constructed RWH tank with capacity of 15,000 litre for Moyo Boys Primary School.
    Beneficiaries : Teachers, pupils and Community.
    Project Benefits:
    Availability of VIP latrine for pupils teachers and Community will reduce worm infestation and improve hygiene due to availability of water in the school pupils will not go looking for water during period of learning.
    Technology Description
    • Made ISSB block using murrum, river sand cement 7.1.1. with square machine.
    • Meeting with head teacher, PTA and SMC and teachers.
    • Identification of site and digging the pit.
    • Making of slab which was made to set for 7 days.
    • The slab was lifted and put on the pit.
    • Doors fited and PVC put in place.
    • The VIP latrine handed over to the PTA, SMC & Teachers by GWWI-Moyo.

    Project success
    • 4 stances VIP latrine and girls wash room.
    • Photos.
    • Liquid soap made in 3 groups and distributed to women groups and school.
    • Handover of project to school management.
    Auxiliary Activities and Benefits
    GWWI Moyo helped Moyo Boys Primary School to select sanitation Committee to maintain hygiene.
    There is already water Committee in place to maintain hygiene and the project properly.
    • GWWI- Moyo has initiated self help saving and credit group.
    • Moyo self help savings and credit group was established under GWWI-Moyo on 20th Jan 2013. The objective is to assist members in their daily activities as the individual members need arises.
    • The members contributed a sum ranging between one thousand shillings and five thousand shillings only every two weeks.
    • Members are allowed to borrow from the savings and pay back at the end of three months period.
    • Social welfare is also borrowed but paid back at the end of every two weeks.
    • Currently we have 30 members and our savings is 2,300,000/= shillings which is circulating among the members.
    • Our social welfare is 660,000/= shillings which is also circulating among our members.
    Summary report
    • Moyo Boys Primary School is one of the schools which have maintained their RWHT very clean and properly.
    • Much cooperation with school management and GWWI-Moyo.
    • Our appreciation goes to Gemma Bulos our director from California for her tireless support to GWWI-Moyo.
    • Our Ugandan Coordinator Hajira Mukasa and Engineer Godliver Busingye for their support whenever needed.
    • Moyo Local Government has always supported us in every way we are grateful.
    • GWWI-Moyo you are great, I am proud of you.
    • Materials for making soap product is not available and we shall not be able to make it though, there is demand.
    • During the implementation, there was too much rain which delayed our activities.
    • Some of the challenges can be managed as they arise and we always work for success of our community.
    Appreciation to:
    All the stake holders who support us morally, financially.
    We always want to work with people to develop our District.
    In God we Trust


    a. River sand 1 trip 25,000 25,000 ORG
    b. Murrum 2 trips 65,000 130,000 ORG
    c. Transport 3 trips 60,000 180,000 ORG
    d. Cement 10 bags 35,000 350,000 ORG
    e. Transport Boda boda 1000 10,000 ORG
    f. Black polythene 3 meters 3500 11,000 ORG
    g. White polythene 5 meters 3,000 15,000 ORG
    h. Burnt oil 5 litre 1,000 5,000 ORG
    i. Water Lumpsum 50,000 50,000 771,000
    j. Meals 7,500X5 daysX14 people 525,000
    2. Pit-Digging 6ppx6 days 220,000 School Admin
    Meals 6ppx3,000x6days 108,000 GWWI-Moyo

    3. Slab making
    a. Reinforcement bar 5 pcs 28,000 140,000 ORG
    b. Wire mess 3 pcs 25,000 75,000 ORG
    c. Binding wire 2 kgs 6,000 12,000 ORG
    d. Saw blade 1 pc 5,000 5,000 ORG
    e. Cement 6 bags 33,000 198,000 430,000 ORG
    f. Aggregate 1 trip 140,000 140,000 School Admin
    g. River sand 2 trips 25,000 50,000 School Admin
    h. Plaster sand 1 trip 25,000 25,000 School Admin
    i. Transport 4 trips 60,000 240,000 School Admin
    j. Meals 7500x15ppx4days 450,000 School Admin
    905,000 School Admin

    1. Construction ORG
    a Cement 25 bags 33,000 825,000 ORG
    b Timber 9 ( 2X 4 ) 10,000 90,000 ORG
    c Timber 2 ( 2 X 3 ) 9,000 18,000 ORG
    d Timber 12(2X4) 10,000 120,000 ORG
    e Timber 2(2X3) 9,000 18,000 ORG
    f Iron Sheet 8 pcs 28,000 224,000 ORG
    5 PVC Pipes 2 pcs 20,000 40,000 ORG
    a Roofing nails 4 kgs 7,000 28,000 ORG
    b Nails 6 inches 5 kgs 6000 30,000 ORG
    C Nails 4 inches 4 kgs 4000 8000 ORG
    d Nails 2 inches 2 kgs 4000 8000 ORG
    e Hinges 2 pairs 2000 8000 ORG
    f Fly screen 8 pcs 1000 8000 ORG
    Sub total 146,000
    Meals 7,500 X 10 PP X 5 days 375,000 GWWI
    6 Labour
    Mansion 2X5 days 20,000 200,000 ORG
    Carpenter 1X2 days 50,000 100,000 ORG
    Women 5X5 days 10,000 250,000 ORG
    Sub total 550,000 ORG
    Transport of Machine to site 60,000 GWWI
    Appreciation to GWWI 400,000 Sch Admin

    1 Organisation 3,392,000/= ORG
    2 GWWI MOyo 1,068,000/= GWWI Moyo
    3 Sch Admin 1,525,000/= Sch Admin
    Total Amount 5,985,000/=

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  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 14 Oct 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Sanitation Training in Moyo

    Moyo -
    - Girls - 2 stances built with concrete bathroom. Also made a washout for the girls. Cotton wall with curtain. Used GWWI Seed Grant
    - Boys - 2 stances
    - Executive pit latrines!
    - Made one long pit - separated by 5 feet with a wall in between.
    2 stances for girls and 2 for boys
    - Made extra bricks for future projects
    - when constructing - the district intelligence security officer (DISO) visited - good advocacy to come on site while working.
    - DISO identified a strong person with president to help them market soap etc. Advocate for women begin to construct all schools irrespective. shocked by old women working and young women complaining they have nothing to do - surprised Comfort is builder. Kept looking at them and amazed

    During Comfort and Godliver's travel back from Moyo, their bus was in an accident and fell off the side of the road. Journey took 2 days. There was only a primary school closeby- no trading centers. They were bruised but safe.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Fri 04 Oct 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Sanitation Training scheduled for sometime the week of 10/7

    GWWI early next week either Monday or Tues. Will build 4 VIPs and teach other women to make soap. Comfort waiting for soap material delivery from Rose (GWWI coordinator in Kenya).

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 16 Sep 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Delay in onsite Sanitation Training

    School strike in Uganda. All public schools closed.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 04 Sep 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    GWWI Moyo update for onsite Sanitation Training

    GWWI Moyo -
    - will start brickmaking next week after rains
    - waiting for seed money to be transferred

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Sun 01 Sep 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    comfort checks in with GWWIMoyo

    they said even if the prices of materials are high, they will get community contribution to build the toilets if the GWWI seed grant doesn't cover it.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sun 04 Aug 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    check in with Comfort after break with tasks

    GWWI Moyo is still mobilizing resources and getting community support to build 4 toilets in a school (2 for boys and 2 for girls) as a requirement for their participation in the GWWI training program.

    The Sanitation training is a separate project and is not funded by the BPN grant. However, we are including it because it is relevant to the women's growth as WASH entrepreneurs and also accounts for their other activities outside of the BPN grant.

    Comfort will call to remind them of their prep list:

    Women's prep
    - have all materials on site -
    - plan labor and masons on site
    - dig pit
    - make slab - 1 week prior to GWWI training team arriving
    - make bricks
    - call every group with dimensions/measurements to the toilets
    - ask if they will build composting or VIP
    - remind them of what they have to do before you come
    - help design last day - 2 or 3 events of soapmaking
    - ask if they need materials from Kampala
    - areas with public health officials - they can ask them to help identify good at sites - use district officer, role of them to inform them of any danger -
    - comfort write emails to women about who they should talk to - which officer and which official to speak to.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sat 20 Jul 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    BREAK from July 20 - Aug 4

    Comfort and team take a much needed break from July 20-Aug 4 while the women's teams including GWWI Moyo prepare for their on site Sanitation Training by raising money, gathering materials, getting community support and donations and coordinating volunteers and trainees.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Fri 19 Jul 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Continued visits to 10 GWWI Projects in 3 countries

    July 1 - KMET, Kisumu, Kenya
    July 2 - WWNRC, Kakamega, Kenya
    July 3, KSHP, Kitale, Kenya
    July 5, Life Bloom, Naivasha, Kenya
    July 8, KWDT, Katosi, Kenya
    July 10, GWWIMoyo, Moyo, Uganda
    July 12, OWAD, Amuria, Uganda
    July 14, AWARE, Kaabong, Uganda
    July 17, BUWEA, Bukoba, Uganda
    July 19, WCFJC, Jinja, Uganda

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 10 Jul 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    GWWIM M&E Site visit

    Ocular inspections of GWWIM projects.
    Tank 1) Homing Dove Primary School
    Tank 2) IAWA Mosque
    Tank 3) Rahman Mosque
    Tank 4) Boys Public School (co-ed)

    All tanks functioning properly. All users happy with technology, but know that it isn't enough to supply water throughout the year. Modifications made at mosques because of the building architecture. See slide show for further updates.

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  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 01 Jul 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    M&E site visits to 10 GWWI Teams

    Comfort and GWWI Team (Rose, Godliver and Gemma) embark on a 3 week journey to travel to 10 sites in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda to conduct M&E visits and interview users/non-users.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 19 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    GWWIM and KWDT attend Sanitation Training in Kisumu

    GWWIM and KWDT join 9 other women's teams to learn comprehensive strategies and technologies for sustainable sanitation solutions. They learn to build 2 kinds of latrines (VIP and composting), menstruation cleaning bays, how to make soap, shampoo, digesters, reusable menstrual pads. How to start a microbusiness and launch WASH/health campaigns in their communties

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 17 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    KWDT and GWWI Moyo Sanitation Prepare to Attend Training in Kisumu

    Comfort Mukasa contacts KWDT and GWWIM team members to make sure they have proper documentation to travel to Kisumu for the GWWI Sanitation training where they will learn to build toilets and make hygiene products to sell.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Sun 16 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Marindi Coop/GWWI Moyo - Women and Water Entrepreneurship in Uganda

    Mid-term report enclosed. 2 more tanks built on an additional school in Madulo and a mosque in Maringu-Lefori.

    School tank # of people served: not known. Will confirm in July
    Mosque tank:
    # women - 60
    # men - 15
    # children - 80
    TOTAL: 155

    GWWI Team will conduct M&E visits in mid-July. Expect M&E reports next month.

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  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 16 May 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Marindi Coop/GWWI Moyo - Women and Water Entrepreneurship in Uganda

    2 tanks built at a school in Homing Dove Primary School in Moyo Town Council, between Marinyo and Metu quarter village. See attached report.

    Highlights from report:
    - School management very happy with construction and contributed 800,000UGX approx $320 of which 20,000UGX/month (approx $8) allotted for maintenance
    - 900 pupils served

    Also attached is a future work plan.

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  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Fri 19 Apr 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    marindi Coop/GWWI Moyo - Women and Water Entrepreneurship in Uganda

    Conducted seminars and interviews at the following:

    WASH Education at Besia Health Center
    WASH Education on the radio
    Drama on safe water on World Water Day
    Demonstrating block-making
    WASH talk at Moyo town hall to a women's group

    Construction and training scheduled for early May.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 21 Mar 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Marindi Coop/GWWI Moyo - Women and Water Entrepreneurship in Uganda

    Begin planning the RWH/ISSB tank construction and training to build first 2 tanks at schools in Congo village in Moyo, border of Sudan. Hiring and engaging Godliver Businge, GWWI Head Tech Trainer to provide support as they construct the system to help Angella and Martha build their technical training skills so they can train others on their own.

  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sat 23 Feb 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Marindi Coop/GWWI Moyo - Women and Water Entrepreneurship in Uganda

    GWWI Moyo sought out to offer WASH seminars around the town to encourage good WASH practices, show how water is contaminated through the F-diagram and water testing, and promote the rainwater harvesting system with ISSB tank.

  • Implementation Phase Project started on 24 Jan, 2013 Preparation Phase
  • Gemma Bulos of Global Women's Water Initiative
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 23 Jan 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Marindi Coop/GWWI Moyo - Women and Water Entrepreneurship in Uganda

    Between the time this proposal was submitted and the issuance of the grant, Marindi Cooperative opened a new entity called the Global Women's Water Initiative Moyo Branch. Marindi Coop realized the importance of the Women and Water Entrepreneurship when the 2 women, Angella Tassas and Martha Adong returned from the GWWI training with useful knowledge and technologies to address their local water issues. With full support from the cooperative and local leaders, 30 women came together to form GWWI Moyo with the sole intention of building water and sanitation solutions to their communities to improve community health and empower women.

    They received their first grant from GWWI/BPN in January 2013.

Maridini Cooperative - now known as the Global Women's Water Initiative, MOYO Branch - will build 8 tanks and 10 biosand filters.


Implementer: KWDT, MCS and GWWI

Implementing org #1 - KWDT, named the Best Performing WASH NGO in Uganda and the 2011 3rd Kyoto World Water Grand Prize at the World Water Forum in Marseilles. KWDTs unique model in working with women's circles and training the local women to build each other's ferro cement tank is replicable and sustainable. The KWDT women's circles raise money through "Merry-Go-Rounds", where members contribute a fixed amount per month and one woman will receive the full month's contribution to invest in a RWH system. KWDT members Rose and Mastula are GWWI trainees and will be implementing the BSF project.

Implementing org #2 - MCS is Marindi Co-operative Society - now known as Global Women's Water Initiative Moyo (GWWIM) is an organised group composed of women trained in WASH. The group’s main activity is carrying out small scale credit and savings services to its members. MCS members Angella and Martha are GWWI trainees and will be implementing the RWH projects. They are both retired nurses and health workers and continue to offer health education, gardening, poultry farming, tree nursery management and other vocational training.

Training org - GWWI trains women in Sub-Saharan Africa to to build simple water and sanitation technologies so they can become economically self-reliant and improve their communities' health. GWWI provides women with tools to educate their community about hygiene and water protection as well as technical skills to build rainwater harvesting tanks, water treatment technologies and toilets. With this training, participants have the potential to start micro-businesses. GWWI Director Gemma Bulos is a multi-award winning social entrepreneur integrating social entrepreneurship into the WASH sector in the Philippines via A Single Drop for Safe Water, an organization she founded in 2006.


