6 communities of Ramal de Tierra Firme, of La Masica Municipality

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Jul, 2006 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Dec, 2005 Preparation Phase

6 communities of Ramal de Tierra Firme, of La Masica Municipality

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

The construction of water system itself cannot reduce prevalence of water-borne diseases and improve the quality of living. Provision of sanitation facilities, environmental health education, protection of micro-watershed areas and strengthening of local and municipal capacity must be included in the project.

CARE considers that in order to attain sustainability of the investments made in the development of water and sanitation programs and to improve the health of the Honduran people, it is necessary to develop and enhance the capacities and skills of the community leaders. Women from the communities are actively participating and are being trained in basic plumbing and watershed protective skills. Municipal leaders are encouraging community participation in a more conscientious and active way, so that they may generate attitude changes, as well as new behaviors regarding system administration.

It has been our experience that it is only possible if a true educational process is facilitated, in its role as administrator, during the execution of the specific strengthening system. In the context of the Rio San Juan project, CARE will monitor the work of La Mamuca with the communities and carry out training sessions that respond to the needs of the technical personnel. The capacity building process should include several knowledge transfer methodologies, such as theoretical classes, learning while doing, and exchange of experiences. CARE will be responsible for guiding the project execution process, providing the methodological tools (promotional material, training modules, and the activity check list) to ensure intervention sustainability.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

CARE held community leadership training in the communities of Flores de San Juan and Tri­poli in March 2006, in sessions attended by a total of 15 women and 22 men. Community assemblies were held as a follow-up to the leadership training. Overall, only 36 percent of participants in the community assemblies were women. However, the women who attended these assemblies demonstrated the potential to motivate others to take part in these types of activities.

The children's committees were readily accepted in the schools, and teachers were very motivated to participate. A total of 15 teachers and 59 students took part, with participation evenly split between girls and boys.

Micro-Basin Protection
The Ramal de Tierra Firme communities and the municipality of La Masica are working together to clean up the micro-basin area. In addition, MAMUCA is promoting environmentally friendly practices in another small community that lies at a higher elevation and therefore can affect micro-basin water quality. MAMUCA is also preparing a management plan for the entire micro-basin, which will include a payment strategy for environmental services.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 2000

436 households

School Children Getting Water: 750

estimate based on total number of people

People Getting Sanitation: 2000

People Getting Other Benefits: 2000

Strong educational component - community organization, financial training, watershed protection, plumbing, hygiene. CARE and its local partners are implementing the "Healthy Homes and Schools" methodology in the Ramal de Tierra Firme communities. As part of this effort, members of the water board's basic sanitation committee are being trained in personal hygiene, ensuring clean drinking water and constructing pigsties, chicken coops and livestock fences. Keeping livestock from roaming free prevents further contamination of the local water source. School sanitation committees were also organized for students in grades 4-6. Committee members visited families to promote good hygiene practices; they also made signs as part of a community sanitation campaign. There was 40 percent female participation in these training sessions.


Final Cost:
edit $20,000:
Blue Planet Network
