Construction of one bore hole for ST. Teresa Orphans plan to provide clean and safe water to 350 people including 146 Orphans and 204 communities around the Centre.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 30 May, 2012 Implementation Phase
  • Iskaka Msigwa of Tanzania Mission to the Poor and Disabled (PADI)
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 21 Feb 2012, Over 12 Years ago

    Construction of one bore hole at St. Teresa Center

    ST. Teresa Progress/Status report:
    1. The work started soon after receiving Funds. We started the project implementation on 18 January 2012 and we expect to accomplish the work by May 23rd 2012 and Final report will be Send by 23rd July 2012. To date the centre has a total of 166 children instead of 146
    Before signing a contract with the company assigned to construct the pump, PADI started to mobilize the community at the St. Teresa center by conducting meetings with Orphans Children and staff members. During the meetings the following issues were addressed including signing the contract which included the responsibilities of the Center during the project implementation and after the project:
    Among the responsibilities included:
    • Formation of Wells Monitoring Committees (WMC) which consists of 10 people from the Center
    • Construction of Pump House soon after the company has completed to install the pump
    • Formation of Water Maintenance Fund (WMF) to support pump maintenance
    • All WMC to attending one day training on how to monitor the well uses and repair
    • Formation of ageing clubs to support older people around the Center
    Activities accomplished to date done by the St. Teresa:
    • Formation of Wells Monitoring Committees (WMC) which consists of 10 people from the Center
    • Formation of Water Maintenance Fund (WMF) to support pump maintenance
    • All WMC to attending one day training on how to monitor the well uses and repair
    Activity in progress to date by the St. Teresa.
    • Pump House construction (St. Teresa has started to construct a Pump house, the remaining part is roofing and plastering the walls and door fitting)
    • WMC attending training on how to monitor, care and repair the pump
    • Formation of ageing club
    2. PADI signed a contract with Handei Tanzania Company Ltd to accomplish the following activities to facilitate water pump installation at St. Teresa Orphans Center
    i. Mobilizing personnel and equipments
    ii. Supply SWN 80 pump set complete with riser/rods (stainless steel) to a depth of 30 meter
    iii. Supply 10 PVC (B) CASING 7 plain + 4 screen
    iv. Transportation of pump sets
    v. Drill production well 30 M an Construct slab and flume d
    vi. Develop borehole for minimum yield of 800 lt/hr
    vii. Install pump set
    viii. Conduct water quality analysis
    ix. Technical report writing
    Activities accomplished to date done by the Contracted Company:
    • Mobilizing personnel and equipments
    • Supply SWN 80 pump set complete with riser/rods (stainless steel) to a depth of 30 meter
    • Supply 10 PVC (B) CASING 7 plain + 4 screen
    • Transportation of pump sets
    • Drill production well 30 M an Construct slab and flume
    • Develop borehole for minimum yield of 800 lt/hr
    • Install pump set
    • Conduct water quality analysis

    Activity In progress to date by the Company
    • Completion report (Technical report is in process)
    Activities accomplished to date done by PADI:
    • Mobilizing St. Teresa Community
    • Contracting and disbursing funds to the company
    • Monitoring the project progress(is in progress)
    • Contracting St. Teresa Center on her responsibilities
    During the day when they the pump installed, the director of the Center had the following words ‘’On behalf of the center, we all see, this is a really Miracle to us of having water pump in our center. For three weeks now, our center has missing water services even from our neighbors due to the fact that piped water in our Council is distributed on time table basis and sometimes they even not follow the time table. But let’s just say thank you for the valuable support ‘’.The water now is serving several purpose at the Center including trees around the building also the same water now is used to construct new class rooms at the center.
    Fund spending:
    To date the project has spent Tsh.9, 000,000 which is equivalent to $ 6428 to date.

  • Implementation Phase Project started on 30 Dec, 2011 Preparation Phase

Construction of one bore hole for ST. Teresa Orphans plan to provide clean and safe water to 350 people including 146 Orphans and 204 communities around the Centre.



Final Cost:
