Construction of 1 borehole for Mbulani secondary school to make them access to clean and safe water to 324 students (168 Girls and boys) aiming at serving time used to walk 1 km for fetching some water and minimizing water born diseases outbreak.
Mbulani Secondary School is among of over 7 secondary schools in Songea’s Municipal Council located in peripheral wards. There are over 38,000 people living in these wards where 1500 people are secondary school children with no source of clean and safe water. Potential sources of clean water include (but are not limited to) boreholes, taps, and improved wells. For the residents of these schools, local dug wells are the only source of water. Unfortunately, they are used for washing clothes and bathing within local wells, is a common practice that often leaves many wells contaminated. Also, the wells are exposed, affording animals the opportunity to pollute the water.
The washing of soiled clothes and bathing, along with exposure to animals, clearly compromises the effectiveness of these wells as safe sources of drinking water. This problem is further compounded in the rainy season by soil runoff that can swamp some of the wells in dirt and soil. This renders the effected wells completely unusable. Students and women fetching water are often forced to check multiple wells before finding one that has not been effected by runoff. is particularly troubling to students and women, who have more limited time due to having several responsibilities including academic studies for students and for women are also needed by the family to participate in agricultural production activities.
Use of these wells for drinking water, which is often not boiled (due to the lack of cheaply available fuels), has led to the occurrence of the water borne diseases like diarrhoea, intestinal parasites (such as worms), and bilharzias.
It is even worse to newly built schools in same peripheral wards where they are forced to walk about to 2 Km far away from the school fetching some water. The students wasted a lot of time for fetching water for a variety of uses including cleanliness, cooking and school buildings construction which leads students to miss lessons because of water problem.
Experience relating to the water project:
PADI has been implementing this kind of water project for more than four years, beginning in 2003. The first implementation of the project was done in the Mletele ward at Liwumbu B streets from June to August 2003, where seven (7) improved local wells were built. PADI received funds from Peace Corps Tanzania under the supervision of Mr. Tim Hogan.The second implementation of the project took place from September to November 2003, where PADI received funds from professors Miller and Rulfs of the USA and constructed 4 improved local wells.
The third project implementation took place from October 2005 to December 2005, funded by Help Age International, which enabled PADI to build 8 improved local water wells. The fourth implementation took place from July –August 2007.The project funded by Run For Africa, the funding enabled us to construct 13 improved traditional water wells and 1 bore hole (supported to Mdandamo Sec. School).
The fifth project implementation took place from Nov. 2007 to Jan. 2008 where 7 improved traditional water wells were built, funded by Help Age International and the sixth water project implementation took place from Sept. 2008 to date where 34 improved traditional water wells have been constructed ( funded by Blue Planet Run Foundation-BPRF). In total over 9,200 beneficiaries are benefiting from the initiate since 2003 including 1,500 school children. From Nov 2008 –Mar.2009 three bore holes were constructed in 3 secondary schools, funded by Blue Planet Run Foundation- BPRF.
Even after the construction of 73 improved Traditional water wells and ( 4) bore holes in the district (to the community and schools) the need to expand the project to other areas especially in secondary schools and community is great (more than 5 requests from secondary schools and 7 villages have been received by our office). The people who have not yet received such assistance have been zealous in their appeals for support and are ready to contribute their efforts so as to make the project a successful.
To address the problem, PADI is asking for funding of USD.6443 in order to
Construct 1 hand pump( bore hole) for Mbulani Secondary school which do not have taps or borehole water sources for drinking water.
Approach and Technology Details of approach and the planned solution. Experience with this approach and the plan for success. Information on the technologies to be used, and their applicability to the situation.
Water hand pump are complete water schemes suitable for serving small communities with portable water supplies. Primary schools, Secondary schools, Dispensaries, etc ,which are not covered by other water supplies because of various reasons may suitably be supplied with water from a hand pump.
A water borehole carrying a water hand pump with a standard yield 800 litters per hour can meet water needs of people . A good water borehole equipped with hand pump can supply over 1000 liters per hour of safe water to isolated communities and thus reduce mostly women’s and students workload in fetching water from long distances.
This is good potential of potable ground water supplies in Songea District from existing water hand pumps constructed in Songea rural district and from existing surveys. Over 500 water pumps were construction in villages at shallow depth (with maximum depth of 35 m).The depth of water table is ranging between 15 meters to 25 meters depth. There are both hygienic and convenient model to operate.
SWN 80 AND SWN 81 model pump set are locally manufactured in Tanzania. A pump set complete with 4”PVC casings Up to a depth of 35 m cost slightly over Tsh. 8,000,000 (equivalent to $ 6,200) due to inflation and raising of transportation costs.
In hand pumps constructions we target a borehole yields of not less than 800 litters per hour at shallow depths suitable to service our beneficiaries, presently most of sub-urban secondary schools are not covered by other public water supplies, there fore, the project is going to provide 1 Hand pumps to Mbulani Secondary School, The project will benefit 324 students (168 girls and 156 boys) ) by 2010 the school expect to have capacity of accommodating 520 students. The beneficiaries are part of the total population of 38,303 people in three wards where we are going to implement the project.
Goals and Objectives:
1. To provide clean and safe drinking water sources to over 324 students in Londoni Secondary School within Songea Municipal council by Jan 2010.
2. To minimize distance walked by students to fetch some water from 1-1.5 km to 100 Meters and time from 30 -60 minutes to 10 minutes by February 2010.