Sanitation provides safety, security and privacy for women and children. Gramalaya envisions a society in which all people will have safe sanitation, adequate water and hygiene facilities that empower individuals and communities. Gramalaya has successfully demonstrated sanitation models over the past 25 years and plans to expand these models to other parts of India including Capacity building and support services to other organizations interested in the WASH sector. The support from donor organizations will help Gramalaya to achieve its goals.
Date Founded
Primary Focus
Capacity Building
Secondary Focus
Hygiene Education
History of Water Projects
Related work not on PWX.
Gramalaya works directly and through partner NGOs with communities and schools to design and construct WASH facilities. Gramalaya has established the Centre for Toilet Technology and Training at its Training Center in a rural setting with 24 toilet models and instrumental in declaring many rural villages and slums in Tamil Nadu to achieve Open defecation free status.
Organization Background
Gramalaya was established in the year 1987 and works mainly for promoting household water and sanitation facilities, involved in capacity building of Government officials through its Key Resource Centre recognition got from MDWS, Government of India.