: Strengthening the banks of water bodies with Vetiver grass.

Applicant Ekoventure Plan ID: 234
Status: approved_not_funded Review Cycle end date: 2009-08-29

Discussion Forum

New direction

By Blue Planet Network Posted on Sat 08 Aug 2009, about 15 years ago

This is a very different and difficult request for Blue Planet Run.

Protecting of a pond has never before been considered or even approached for.

Why can't the gov't who is doing desilting work do this? Esp. if you can prove the savings tha you mention.
Can't NREGS be of assistance here?

Or even some kind of community work to protect their own water source?

How do you prevent grazing and other actions from destroying this green protection?

New direction

By Ekoventure Posted on Mon 10 Aug 2009, about 15 years ago

Dear Rajesh,
In the present scenario of extinction of water bodies due to encroachment for construction of housing flats, bus stand, collectorate, etc., we feel that it is necessary to protect these water bodies.

Southern India is famous for the water bodies like ponds, tanks and lakes. Until 1970's the water bodies were well protected by the traditional system named "Kudimaramathu" wherein from each household they provide one labour (or cash or kind) and maintenance of the system will be carried out during the summer season. Under the world bank funded IAMWARM project the Tamilnadu Govt is taking steps to reestablish the "Kudimaramathu" system in major irrigation tanks only.

It is necessary to show/prove to the Govt, the benefits of establishing Vetiver system and for that purpose this can be taken as a model project in Pondicherry. After seeing the success the Govt may adopt in the remaining 500+ ponds in Pondicherry.

The cattle try to feed this grass (aged/older) only if they don't get any other vegetation. The young grass will be grazed and it is necessary to protect the grass till its establishment (4-5 months) and this will be done involving the community and women SHG members.



New direction

By Team Blue Posted on Mon 10 Aug 2009, about 15 years ago

This proposal, while it might well provide certain benefits to rural communities in terms of agricultural production (and perhaps reduced localized flooding especially during the monsoon season), using small dikes for water stabilization and control, appears to be well outside the typical activities subsidized by PWX, such as water supply, sanitation and health and hygiene promotion.

New direction

By Ekoventure Posted on Tue 11 Aug 2009, about 15 years ago

Dear Rick McGowan,

The main source of drinking water in Pondicherry is only the "Ground water". In early 70's, the water table was only between 15 to 40 feet. Now, due to over exploitation of the Ground water for Agriculture and industrial purpose, the ground water table has gone deep to 700-1000 feet. It is more essential to maintain these small water bodies to recharge the Ground water and to ensure the drinking water availability for the future generation.

New direction

By Blue Planet Network Posted on Wed 12 Aug 2009, about 15 years ago

You say "the Govt may adopt".
So while the activity itself may succeed the goals to be a pilot and spread it requires gaining attention of various other orgs, agencies, people.

Who will do it and how? Has your org taken some pilot and spread it? Or thru enlisted help?

In the future, PWX may be the platform for this kind of activity, but not today.

Application Summary

Applicant :   Ekoventure
Status : approved_not_funded
Country : INDIA Map