Member Profile: A Single Drop for Safe Water, Inc

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A Single Drop | Status: approved
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ASDSW is a non-profit organization building the capacity of self-reliant partnerships to plan, implement, and manage community-driven clean water and sanitation solutions through sustainable organizational strategies, WASH Education, and appropriate technologies.

Date Founded 2006-09-07
Primary Focus Capacity Building
Secondary Focus Other
History of Water Projects
Related work not on PWX.

2006 - 7 Bio-Sand filter Implementer Trainings for government and non Government organizations. Technical Training for Wat/San Volunteers for Peace Corps Volunteers
2007 - 1 engineering training for LGU Engineers, 4 BSF implementer trainings and 1 Ferro-cement technical training
2008 - 6 organizations developed to produce and implement BSF's for health and livelihood, 1 pumped well community distribution system, 2 spring development community distribution systems, WASH planning and project development/implementation for 31 municipalities (08-09), BSF, Dug well improvement, community and HH latrines dry pit, water seal and flood resistant, Engineering training
2009 5 organizations for BSF, 1 FC Tank Training, 1 spring development distribution system, 1 emergency water treatment station for 50,000l/day, Humanitarian Response work - technical supervision for hand-pumps and communal water seal latrines, water quality management
2010 - Deep well pumped system distribution system, 4 spring development distribution systems, pilot implementation and monitoring of 220 BSF', continuation of Humanitarian Response Work from 2009. 3 pumped spring development distribution systems
2011 continuation of humanitarian response work including engineering and well drilling trainings along with technical trainings for water quality monitoring, BSF, completed 1 spring development and distributions system, started 3 others,

Organization Background

in 2006 through the Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) Gemma Bulos and Kevin Lee facilitated trainings for the Bio-sand Filter. We then opened up the office of ASDSW to support the results of this training. This expanded quickly to include capacity development for both the technical and organizational side of the water and sanitation issues.

Over the years of 2007-11 ASDSW started to get into water system implementation and then working with local governmnents building capacity, accountability and transparency into their WASH related programs. We are now 2 offices with 30 staffs working with communities and local governments all over the Philippines. ASDSW believes that the communities and local governments can work in partnership identifying their needs and implementing their solutions. ASDSW is a demand driven needs based organization that implements solutions for the needs. The technologies are developed based on the specific requirements and are always implemented with capacity development of the community and organization so as to sustain the efforts for the future.

The budgets listed below are for 2011 based on current predictions

Annual Water and Sanitation Budget
(in USD)
Annual Non-Water
(in USD)
Bank Info
Routing Number: 026003007 SWIFT BIC ID: PNB MPH MM Bank Account Number: 222917600062 Bank: Bank Name: Philippine National Bank Bank Address: Valencia Street, Puerto Princesa City 5300, Palawan Philippines Bank Phone: +63.48.4332421

Profile and Logo

Last Updated: 12 Jul, 2019 (over 5 years ago)

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