: Himmothan Pariyojana

Discussion Forum


By Blue Planet Network Posted on Thu 10 Nov 2011, about 13 years ago

HMP brings a wealth of experience and projects to PWX, so welcome. The PWX Q&A process is in your case, not as much to determine membership, but to introduce you on how PWX members share and learn. This process is similar to proposal for funding, for which i hope you take part and help other organizations proposals get strengthened (since you are not likely to be applying for funding!).

We look forward to hearing about Dean's trip and also working with you to get all your watsan projects onto PWX and its map.

My questions:

1. on your website you mention interacting with gov't agencies. How is that working out? Have you been able to mobilize gov't resources to build on your projects and follow your lead?

2. In what ways have you (or your partners) succeeded in building the capacity of village level institutions to directly implement projects, thus circumventing intermediary agencies?



By Himmothan Pariyojana Posted on Tue 22 Nov 2011, about 13 years ago

Ans 1. We are involved with Govt. Programs like MGNREGA. We have accessed fund from this Govt. activity to do various our project works through village communities in our project viz. Integrated Fodder and Livestock Development Project (IFLDP).

Ans 2. Instructional arrangement is utmost to all our project, hence all project are base on robust instructional arrangement, in case of water supply, we have village water Management committees, registered as an Ngos, we built their capacity during Planning Phase (almost 12 months) then they design, implement the project ( through our guidance) and one year is given to train them, towards O&M. Once the schemes are completed then all assets handed over to the MS for operation and maintenance. Over the last 10 years more than 160 gravity schemes are run by villagers successfully.

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Last Updated: 12 Jul, 2019 (over 5 years ago)

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