: Millennium Water Alliance

Discussion Forum

Board support

By Peer Water Exchange Posted on Sat 30 Jun 2012, about 12 years ago

Four of your board member who are leaders of 4 PWX members: Care, LifeWater, WaterAid, Water for People, have been invited to participate in this review. I am expecting resounding support for MWA!


Response by MWA

By Agua Para La Salud (APLS) Posted on Sat 07 Jul 2012, about 12 years ago

I understand that the review ends today the 6th of July and most of my specific questions have gone unanswered. Will MWA be responding to the questions so that a rating can be determined?

Membership and support

By Agua Para La Salud (APLS) Posted on Wed 20 Jun 2012, about 12 years ago

Would you list your member organizations; source and amount of member funding ;membership requirements; and location of any material related to the effectiveness of you programs ( WASH, Circuit Rider etc;)such as follow up studies after two to four years.
This will help in the review.

Membership and support

By Millennium Water Alliance Posted on Mon 25 Jun 2012, about 12 years ago

Members of MWA are listed at http://mwawater.org/about/members/, and are CARE, Catholic Relief Services, and Food for the Hungry, LifeWater International, Living Water International, Water Mission International, Water.org, Water Aid, Water For People, and World Vision.

Information about partnership is included at http://mwawater.org/about/partnerships/

MWA audited statement for the 2010 and 2011 are included in the following link http://mwawater.org/about/financials/

Financial sources from MWA are included at http://mwawater.org/about/our-funders/. They include Coca Cola Foundation, The Coca Cola Africa Foundation, Coca Cola Latin America, Hilton Foundation, Craigslist Foundation, Global Environmental & Technology Foundation, Inter American Development Bank, Proctor & Gamble, 3 For 5, Wallace Genetic Foundation, USAID and Department of States of USA.

Goals and steps towards them

By Blue Planet Network Posted on Mon 25 Jun 2012, about 12 years ago

Having met some of your team at the Mexico World Water Forum, i admire your goal of reaching 500 million people. We need to set some audacious goals to stimulate us beyond the normal operating mode in the WASH sector, which are too slow to achieve the MDGs or get water to every human being.

Is it still your goal?
How are you moving towards it? What steps have you taken? Any innovations to reach the goal? What measurement systems are in progress?


Also, how active and involved is your board which consists of many leaders of the popular US WASH NGOs?


Goals and steps towards them

By Millennium Water Alliance Posted on Mon 25 Jun 2012, about 12 years ago

May I ask you the name of the person you met at the Mexico World Water Forum? Is the person you refering a staff of the MWA or is affiliated through any of our membership organizations? I am new at MWA and don’t know all the people…

Regarding the membership program and the level of involvement of our board, I think the most appropriate person to answer your questions is Rafael Callejas, which is the CEO of the MWA. He can be reach at Rafael.Callejas@mwawater.org

Re: Goals and steps towards them

By Peer Water Exchange Posted on Sat 30 Jun 2012, about 12 years ago

Thanks, i am pretty sure it was Malcom who i had discussions with.


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Last Updated: 12 Jul, 2019 (about 5 years ago)

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