: Kairos

Discussion Forum

At least 3 ways to help us

By Blue Planet Network Posted on Sat 03 Nov 2007, about 17 years ago

Over three years ago, i was forced to trust Martin, whom i still have not met, to hand carry currency into Sierra Leone. Now in addition to complete trust, i have respect and admiration for his work.

Martin's support of:
1. Safer Future and being an volunteer intermediary when times demanded it
2. PWX from design and test
3. Helping me (and BPRF) understand the issues in Africa and small local NGOs
has been invaluable and essential.

So i really look forward to his more independent status in PWX (he was part of Safer Future till now) and need help in 3 areas:

1. Helping small NGOs like Safer Future grow in stability and capacity and become more connected outside of their immediate work and grow in influence to others

2. Finding new small NGOs that BPR and PWX can help

3. Helping design and develop the monitoring component of PWX. Note that in PWX, monitoring is not just evaluation of a project, but its about learning and sharing.

Comments and discussion on the above list would be very welcome and beneficial.

Martin has been one of PWX's most hidden assets, it is now time he gets his own spot on the map.

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