Member Profile: Sabore's Well

Member Type
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Blue Planet Network | Status: approved
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Sabore's Well project will provide fresh clean drinking water to the nearly 9,000 residents in Ewaso Nyiro, Kenya. This will elimiate the 5-6 mile walk the women and girls make everyday to collect water from the contaminated river. It will help prevent water borne diseases, conflicts with wild animals and allow young girls the opportunity to attend school since they won't have this laborious chore.

Date Founded 2010-01-06
Primary Focus Drinking Water - Community
Secondary Focus Education
History of Water Projects
Related work not on PWX.

We do not have any other water projects. This is first one and will be completed through PWX.

Organization Background

Sabore's Well project was started in January 2010 with a $15 dollar donation from a high school senior. Sabore had written a proposal to build wells in the Oldonyo Orasha region, Narok South District of Kenya, but funding the project proved difficult. By receiving this first donation, it gave Sabore the realization that this was a viable project and it would happen.

The mission of Sabore's Well is to provide fresh clean drinking water to the nearly 9,000 residents of Ewaso Nyiro, Kenya. These first 2 wells will bring a big change to the community in terms of health, sanitation and safety. The wells will eliminate the 5-6 mile walk, one-way, that the women have to make every day to bring water to their homes. This is the same water that is used for bathing, washing clothes as well as where the domestic animals drink and the wild animals embide. It is contaminated from soap, laundry detergent, human waste and animal fecal matter. It creates many health issues for the women and their children, especially if the water is not boiled. Additionally, women come in contact with wild animals which can be life threatening.

Sabore's Well Project will initially drill 2 wells in the region which will bring a clean water source for the many residents. The proximity of the water will alliviate the many hours spent walking to the river and allow the women to spend more time with their families. This will also free up the young girls from helping their mothers, either collect water or taking care of their siblings, and give them the time to attend school.

Annual Water and Sanitation Budget
(in USD)
Bank Info
Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Account holder - Sabore Ole Oyie Account #1126869716

Profile and Logo

Last Updated: 12 Jul, 2019 (over 5 years ago)

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