WaterAid is an international charity dedicated to helping people escape the stranglehold of poverty and disease caused by living without safe water and sanitation.
Date Founded
Primary Focus
Capacity Building
Secondary Focus
Water - Community
History of Water Projects
Related work not on PWX.
Internationally, WaterAid has country programs carrying out fieldwork and advocacy in the following countries:
WaterAid is one of the world's leading non-profit organizations dedicated exclusively to helping the developing world's most vulnerable people gain access to safe water, improved sanitation facilities and hygiene education. WaterAid works in partnership with local organizations in 17 countries throughout Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Region, helping some of the poorest communities take action to improve their health and quality of life, and take the first steps out of poverty. WaterAid also works locally, nationally and globally with governments and other stakeholders in order to promote the interests of those most in need and to leverage our impact beyond the projects we are able to undertake ourselves.