In 2005, UCOBAC carried out a Baseline Survey for Strengthening Community Based Resource Mobilisation To Empower Vulnerable Rural Women and their Children in Mityana district and information obtained about the water situation in the rural parts of the d
In 2005, UCOBAC carried out a Baseline Survey for Strengthening Community Based Resource Mobilisation To Empower Vulnerable Rural Women and their Children in Mityana district and information obtained about the water situation in the rural parts of the district gave very poor indicators. The report indicated that the principal source of water was unprotected springs and wells (23%), rainy water (23%). The study further indicated that for most part of the year most households rely on ponds and few rivers whose water was described as “very dirty.” The problem of accessing safe clean water is compounded by long distances which women and children walk to collect water (over 1 kilometer away). The study also indicated that most parts of the district have very low water tables leading to severe water shortages. Aware that water is a fundamental human need and therefore a basic human right, UCOBAC has embarked on working with communities in the project area to create awareness on rainy water harvesting and storage. UCOBAC has had experience in implementing a water project in the districts of Kumi where fourteen (14) wells were protected and is now delighted to extend the service to the people of Mityana district.
Mbuya, Kampala, Kampala, Central, UgandaFocus
Primary Focus: Drinking Water - Households
Secondary Focus: Drinking Water - Community
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 90
Ten families, each comprising of seven children, one old man and one grandmother. Total number of people is 90.
School Children Getting Water: 70
The seventy children living in the ten selected families are in school but they benefit from the safe water provided at home.
People Getting Sanitation: 200
We shall train the ten target families and the communities around without discrimination on sanitation etc Total number of people may be 200
People Getting Other Benefits: 10
Ten older youth will be employed in the installation of the technologies and also in maintenance of the systems.
Start Date: 2009-05-15
Completion Date: 2009-08-15
Technology Used:
UCOBAC will still implement the rain water harvesting and storage technologies below:
- One with an iron sheet raised on four poles with a water tank at the end
- One with a polythene sheet spread on part of a grass-thatched roof and a ridge.
- Buy medium size plastic tanks
The project will be divided into three phases:
- Training
- Installation of the technologies
- Monitoring and Evaluation
Community Organization:
The strategy of enhancing participation by key partners, beneficiaries and the community in project implementation is key to ensuring project sustainability and local commitment to the set project objectives. The project approach is integrated, focusing to build capacity and to improve the participation of benefiting households with greater focus on women and children who bear the burden of walking long distances in search for water sources. In addition, the Government water department officials, UCOBAC staff and volunteers will pass on the rain water harvesting technologies learnt to other communities.
The problem of scarcity of water and inaccessibility to safe clean water in the rural areas cannot be solved without increased participation of the local communities themselves with support from civil society organizations and government water departments. It is therefore essential that focus is put on cheap, affordable and manageable technologies like the ones mentioned above which were taught at the African Women And Water Conference and which UCOBAC believes can be used in a sustainable way by the rural poor communities of Mityana district.
Government Interaction:
Mityana is a rural district located seventy-five (75) kilometers from Kampala city centre. Like many rural districts of Uganda, it is characterized by extreme poverty, lack of basic social services like water, medical care, etc. It is part of the Luweero Triangle that was badly affected by the 1980 Civil War whose effect is still evident among the population to-day. Development programs including provision of clean safe water by Government and civil society to the population have tended to concentrate only in a few core urban locations leaving the rural population extremely vulnerable. Above all, the district is very, very rural!
Ancillary activities:
We always ask people in the communities where we work to plant as many trees as possible.
Other Issues:
Maintenance Revenue:
Maintenance Cost:
Prior art before metrics
Cost: $1,000
9. BUDGET. For the Dollars 1000
Labour 10 homes 7000 70,000
Nails 6 Kgs 10000 60000
Poles 40 7500 300000
Ridges 10 12000 120000
Plastic Containers 10 85000 850000
Iron sheets 10 20000 200000
Administrative costs 100000
Personnel 100000
TOTAL 1800000
Co Funding Amount:
Community Contribution Amount: