plan 18831 Latrines in Quisaurita, Camoapa


Thirty-one families, 149 people, need adequate sanitation. The request is to install one latrine per home to improve the health of this community.


The people of Quisaurita drink water from open springs and use the bathroom in the open air. They suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, parasites, and skin rashes because of the lack of clean water and adequate sanitation.

They are motivated to improve their situation and approached El Porvenir for support to build latrines as a first step. They are willing to contribute the labor to dig the holes, line the holes, and build the exterior structures.

The people are very poor, laboring as subsistence farmers and sometimes working as day laborers.

No other NGO or governmental group has worked with this community.


Camoapa, Boaco, Nicaragua


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Name Status Completion Date Final Cost
31 Latrines in Quisaurita, Camoapa completed Dec 2009 11,514