Start Date: 2009-06-30
Completion Date: 2010-06-30
Technology Used:
Community learns how to build and maintain sanitation infrastructure
-Purchase and transport construction materials to community by truck and animals
-Provide training and technical assistance to community in construction, maintenance and repair of latrines
-Build latrines (hand dig pits to depth of 9 feet, line with rocks, bricks or stones, install precast concrete slab and box seat, create walls and roof from zinc panels)
The superstructure shells are made of zinc and metal, so as to be easily reused (and moved) when the pit fills; we are investigating double-pit options (see application in Cooperativa Ismael), but in the meantime, in single-pit applications, we recommend community members to dig a shallow 1-2 foot pit for temporary use when the latrine fills, to let the current latrine lie fallow for 6-12 months. After that period, it is then safe to dig out the old latrine and move to superstructure back to the original.
El Porvenir has nearly 20 years of experience helping rural Nicaraguan communities build appropriate technology (wells, latrines, community washing stations, and fuel efficient stoves) as well as providing communities with the tools they need to manage their water, sanitation and forestry resources. The methodology of El Porvenir is based on three key principles: (a) community empowerment through active participation and ownership in all aspects of the project, (b) creation of sustainable organizations in the community to manage resources in the long term, and (c) focus on appropriate technology made from low-cost locally available materials that can be maintained by the community.
The 31 latrines will be built in one phase.
Community Organization:
The beneficiaries have met with the El Porvenir Promoter and agreed to carry out, use, and maintain the latrines as per the 12 norms on the use of latrines. This includes keeping them in good condition, preventing contamination of the surrounding area, and understanding how this will improve their overall health.
Community Committee:
Juan Ramón Matuz Duarte, President
Oscar Danilo Suárez Lopez, Vice-President
Ángel Antonio Barrera Figueroa, Treasurer
Pablo Saúl Báez Siles, Secretary
Santos Sánchez Miranda, Hygiene
Álvaro Antonio Membreño Duarte, Responsible for Maintenance
Latrines are built on the property of each family, so each family owns their own latrine through their labor of building it.
Government Interaction:
This project is not connected to government programs.
Ancillary activities:
Health and hygiene education- Community learns how to reduce water and sanitation related illnesses through good hygiene practices.
-Identify and train local hygiene and health promoters from the community to reinforce hygiene trainings on an ongoing basis
-Carry out household visits and community workshops to help the community to identify risky behaviors and learn good hygiene practices. Topics covered include: Definition of hygiene, 10 rules for using latrines, Why sanitation is important, Water and sanitation related diseases, The cycle of contamination, Why hand-washing is important, How to maintain and dispose of garbage, How to use and maintain wells and community washing stations, How to treat and use water, Sources of water contamination, Role and responsibilities of Community Water and Sanitation Committee members.
-Create and air health and hygiene announcements on local radio stations to reinforce community health learning and to reach a larger audience.
-Organize community clean up days to reinforce training about environmental sanitation and waste management
-Collect data from local clinics and health centers on incidence of water and sanitation related diseases (diarrhea, skin infections etc.)
Other Issues:
This is a remote community; it is located 76 km from small city of Camoapa. To travel between the two places, villagers take the bus for 63 km, then walk 13 km on a small path.