A gravity water project delivering 70 liters/day per inhabitant and a latrine to individual houses, education for maintenance, long term hygiene and sanitation, the preservation and reforestation of the watershed. Will make possible drinking water for
The population uses mostly running water from ravines including that in the private property of near-by ranch-owners. We have verified that these are extremely polluted. There are no previous sytems. But there exists fairly near the upstream community of Quirragua an abundant spring that allows delivering water not only to Quirragua but to San Isidro and to an additional community (El Carmen).
San Isidra, Province of Matagalpa, Municipality of Matiguas, NicaraguaAttachments
Primary Focus: Drinking Water - Community
Secondary Focus: Sanitation - Community
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 394
74 families , 56 women . 298 children
Present population survey is by APLV
School Children Getting Water: 335
Children from surroundings of village attend this school and water and latrines will be available there.
People Getting Sanitation: 437
The whole village population +the outside children attending school
People Getting Other Benefits: 398
Hygiene education, a program that stretches over several years reaches all homes and is incorporated in the school. Capacity building is inherent in the organization of the village prior to project. Fish farming made possible by water system is under study for this project.
Start Date: 2009-10-15
Completion Date: 2010-08-15
Technology Used:
The presence of this abundant spring which is unusually easy to protect from pollution and drying up suggest a gravity system as the obvious first choice. These systems are the specialty of APLV which has designed and help build 60 of them- all presently functioning. The basic components are a spring-catching and protecting construction, a buried conduction line to a holding tank evening out the supply over the day, and a distribution network leading to individual water taps all by gravity.
APLV has developed advanced design tools for such systems which have performed excellently
Once the community is ready, (which this one is) the project will be carried out in one stage.
Community Organization:
The community has been organized. Family have each individually signed a commitment to work the required number of men-days. A CAPS ( (committee charged both to organize the daily work schedule during construction and to learn and provide maintenance after construction) has been formed. Monthly rates por family have been established to cover maintenance and its tools. The project is kept under observation by APLV for 4 to 6 months and is thereafter formally handed over to the community as its owner. The spring has been formally handed over to that community and to the other two ( El Carmen and Quirragua) by its former owner.
Government Interaction:
The project is endorsed, facilitated and modestly financed by the municipality of Matiguas
Ancillary activities:
Reforestation is one component of our training of the community. Monitoring of baby health and measurement of the impact of our program on baby development is another. The amelioration of the diet of the farmers thru fish farming is contemplated.
Other Issues:
This undertaking should of course be the responsibility of the local and central governments. While municipalities are just beginning to contribute to such projects, their resources allow them to be only minorcontributors. However they may play an important role for instance in helping enforce the national law guaranteeing communal access to springs and other sources of water as well as using their facilities (trucks) for material transport. Both are the case with the municipality of Matiguas.
Maintenance Revenue:
The maintenance costs are totally assumed by the community thru monthly payments collected by the CAPS. The CAPS is responsible for the management of the fund. Maintenance costs are minimal and estimated at 40/month.
Maintenance Cost: $480
Prior art before metrics
Cost: $48,839
This is external cost, (excluding community contribution.
Including it:: $62,906,
See attachment
Co Funding Amount: $4,462
APLV general fund , 2000
Municipality of Matiguas 2462
Community Contribution Amount: $14,067
Contribution in man-days of work @ 4$ per day:
Monetary contribution (part payment of individual water stands, food for technical personnel, tools for maintenance) 1057