The purpose of the Project is to create the institutional prerequisites for self-help oriented watershed development through NGOs and to replicate and disseminate the approach and the lessons learnt in Maharashtra and beyond.
This program seeks to train and enhance the skills and competencies of watershed communities, CBOs, local level promoters are developed for the implementation of watershed development projects.
, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, IndiaFocus
Primary Focus: Watershed Development
Secondary Focus: Capacity Building
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 3,632
Watershed project rejuvenated the water table for 722 households.
School Children Getting Water: 0
People Getting Sanitation: 0
People Getting Other Benefits: 3,632
The promotion of self-help based watershed development (WSD) which contributes to improving living conditions and increasing income in rural areas of Maharashtra as well as contributing towards replication beyond Maharashtra.
Start Date: 2001-06-06
Completion Date: 2004-12-31
Technology Used:
The skills and competencies of watershed communities, CBOs, local promoters are developed for the implementation of watershed development projects. The skills and competencies (management/ technical/social) of NGO's projects team are developed and enhanced for promotion and facilitating CBOs for watershed development projects. The dissemination, promotion, policy advocacy and working of the IGWDP concept is expanded and intensified. The replication (totally or partially) of the participatory watershed development concept is further initiated and intensified. The capacities, infrastructures and capabilities in the WOTR are further upgraded and developed.
An effectively implementing VWC is established successfully within 30 watersheds (35 watersheds with a 15% risk factor)
- 1st year : 20 watersheds
- 2nd year : 10 watersheds
- 3rd year : 5 watersheds
Community Organization:
People of 30 watersheds will contribute local contribution as per the new criteria.
Government Interaction:
This project seeks to ensure the continuity of the TC-FC sector co-operation based on the 2 projects “Promotion of Watershed Self-Help Programme/India, Maharashtra” (through WOTR, Project No. 01.2067.5-001.00) and “Resource management through NGOs in Maharashtra” (through National Bank for Rural Development - NABARD). This TC-FC co-operation is meant to promote the replication of the self-help oriented watershed development approach through NGOs with the indirect participation of the Government of Maharashtra and where possible in other parts of India. In this TC-FC co-operation, WOTR is responsible for the institutional and capacity building components.
Ancillary activities:
Other Issues:
Maintenance Revenue:
Maintenance Cost:
Prior art before metrics
Cost: $137,365
Community contribution and total GTZ funding for three project areas converted from rupees.
Co Funding Amount: $0
Community Contribution Amount: $20,302
Under the new guidelines for people’s contribution the following targets for voluntary labour on unskilled labour cost are fixed:
a) 20% for afforestation on common lands and private lands with more than 3° slope
b) 33% for private land with less than 3° slope from individual farmers
c) Unskilled labour cost on major drainage line structures
d) All unskilled labour for agro-horticulture (only plants are provided as grant)
e) 20% on small gully stabilization works