plan 303Construction of 50 nos. of model ECOSAN toilets for the women SHG members in Sethubavachatram and Peravurani Blocks of Tanjore District, Tamilnadu


The successful functioning of 20 nos. of model ECOSAN toilets constructed in Vathalikadu and Kalanivasal villages during 2009-10 under PWX funding has resulted in the expansion of 50 nos. of ECOSAN toilets in the surrounding villages.


In rural Villages of Tamilnadu open defecation is a common aspect. The present situation is not favorable to the girls and women in most of the villages to perform the day-to-day defecation and to urinate in a safe and private place. Ekoventure has been involved in creating awareness among the women SHG members about the importance of toilets. Under the PWX project funds Ekoventure has constructed 20 nos. of model ECOSAN toilets in the Vathalaikadu and Kalanivasal villages of Sethubavachatram block, Tanjore district, Tamilnadu during 2009-10. The women SHG members are the beneficiaries of the project. The contribution part has been obtained as loan from the Group by the members.
All the 20 nos. of toilets are presently in use. out of the 20 families only 3 families reported of bad odour from the toilets in the early stage. Use of more quantity of wood/cowdung ash traeted with Activated Effective Microorganism solution has been recommended and adopted to reduce the foul smell.

The present project is an expansion of the work done in the two villages to the other surrounding villages. The successful use of the ECOSAN toilets in these 2 villages will help in changing the mindset of the public towards ECOSAN toilets. The present project will be implemented in Kalathur, Palayanagar and Kalagam Panchayaths of Peravurani Block and Kalanivasal, Kuruvikarambai and Veeriankottai Panchayaths of Sethubavachatram Block, Tanjore District, Tamilnadu.


Sethubavachatram and Peravurani, Tanjore District, Tamilnadu, India


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