This project, in correlation with the total rehabilitation of the Soleil 4 water station in Cite Soleil, Haiti, will rebuild the wall around the water centre to provide a secure place for those in Cite Soleil to receive clean water.
Port au Prince, the capital city of Haiti was near the epicenter of the January 12, 2010 earthquake and over 40% of the city’s buildings were either destroyed or damaged. Cite Soleil was particularly hard hit and the inherent vulnerability of this, the poorest area in Port au Prince, has significantly increased their needs. In addition, most international NGOs do not provide any services in Cite Soleil, citing security policy. PWW has worked in Cite Soleil for several years with our water, sanitation, and hygiene program in schools and has demonstrated its commitment to the people there. We enjoy strong relationships with the community and community leaders and we are able to work and move safely throughout Cite Soleil.
Since the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti, PWW has temporarily suspended its schools and communities WASH programs and has focused on emergency water delivery principally in the Cite Soleil area of Port au Prince. We have been able to deliver water to up to 80,000 people per day. As we move from the emergency phase of the relief effort into recovery and rebuilding, we are committed to the continued development of sustainable water projects.
The Soleil 4 water station is located in the heart of Cite Soleil, home to over 400,000 of the most vulnerable population in the greater Port au Prince area. There is a large IDP camp adjacent to Soleil 4 with a population of over 8000.
The sites has 2 elevated 10,000 gallon-large tanks, connected to a pipe system to allow for easy water distribution, that was built as an effort to alleviate the clean water needs of the CS population. However, during the gang war of 2004, the site was caught between the fire exchange between the CS gangs and the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH)/Haitian Police and was completely destroyed.
The property is owned by the Salesian Priests who have been active in ministry and education in Cite Soleil for over 20 years. PWW has met with the Executive Director of the order, Father Zucchi Olibrice, SDB. Fr. Olibrice and the Salesian community are in full support of the rehabilitation of the site and have committed to the maintenance and financial support of the site at the completion of the project to assure sustainability. The Salesian community is committed to providing free water through 2010 in accordance with the WASH cluster strategic operating framework. Beginning in 2011, the community intends to provide water at a nominal and subsidized rate for the Cite Soleil community.