A water treatment plant will install in the rural village with women SHG members participation to supply the bacterial & chemical free water to the families in the village (as per ISI standard).
The purified drinking water will be tested to ensure the qu
The Ponnaiyar, the Malattar and the Gadilam are the major rivers draining the district.
The Ponnaiyar River flows from northwest to east in the district.
The Varaganadhi is also known as the Gingee River and drains the parts of Gingee and Vanur
taluks of this district. 16617 ordinary wells and 24885 tube wells in two blocks of Vanur & Marakanam
The depth to piezometric surface ranged from 2.8 to 11.25 m bgl during Pre monsoon and
0.5 to 6.35 m bgl during post monsoon. The yield of bore wells in favorable locations
vary from <1 to 6 lps.
The incidence of high total
hardness is attributed to the composition of litho units constituting the aquifers in the
district, whereas nitrate pollution is most likely due to use of fertilizers and other
improper waste disposal.
Palmyra NGO, Auroville – We have already installed 3 bacterial free water treatment plant with the support of donor agency in 3 villages. This activity is continuing in 5th year. Apart from that we also installed saline water treatment plant in Koyalmedu village in the year 2009, still is is being used by the community.
We have also constructed about 100 ecosan toilets in the coastal villages and also in the agricultural area in Vanur & Marakkanam Blocks of Villupuram district. In coastal area, 95% of the families are using where as in the agricultural area only 70% are using. The sanitation activity carried under donor agency with government support (DRDA & UNICEF).
The Tamilnadu region is supposed to have plentiful water resources because of good rainfall. The annual rainfall of about 1200 mm in about 50 rainy days is received from
both the southwest and northeast monsoons.