The villages of malur taluk lack safe drinking water.The dissolved solvents are high in the water such as fluorine, and also water is contaminated by E-colen bacteria. Community have to depend on rainwater in future.
Kolar district is grouped under southern maiden region.The annual average rainfall in the district is 711.4mm,(ref: climate of Karnataka state,) The district water samples shows highest beyond permissible level water solvent conditions such as hardness , dissolved salts, calcium hardness chloride,iron and fluoride contents. Specially in malur 1.5-ppm(66 samples) which is the highest concentration of fluoride., the nitrate content is 101-223 ppm. and E-coli bacteria exists in 10-86 numbers in 100ml water.
Rainfall is not retained in an effective way in these areas.The small lakes are used for brick work and individual houses have no water saving facilities. The traditional wells, water tanks, have dried because catchment area is now covering with extended city projects. The community purely depends on the bore well water supplied by the panchayat which has high amount of fluorine, and smells if water is stored for two days. Though there has been good rainfall in surroundings of Malur taluk, Malur town and villagers always suffer from less rains.
Due to more than 40 brick factories functioning makes warm weather results in no cloud formation and less rain. Retaining a limited rainfall is the only solution for the local community.
The projects on rainwater harvesting in anganwadi have motivated the community to build similar structures for their individual house holds.
In the project proposed, organisation also included Awareness programmes, ( which already taking place for children). Campaigns on importance of safe drinking water, building toilets and solid waste management.
Malur, Kolar, IndiaAttachments
Primary Focus: Rainwater Harvesting
Secondary Focus: Capacity Building
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 500
he angashetty villages have 90 HH and chikupparalli has 46 HH, 30 HH. Each village will be covered under the project and will cater to 500 people including adults and children. The data is obtained from personals visits to HH survey, government preschool and lower primary school data and local Grampanchayat survey data.
According to the above data, the ten lower primary schools have rainwater harvesting structures and toilets built under SSA (SarvashiskanaAbiyan)and Zillapanchayat budget, out of ten structures only one is effectively utilized by the school. In earlier projects three structures built by Aa foundation; two has been used and one not used( started using three days back),
No community house holds have rainwater harvesting structures.
Grampanchayat have build over 100 toilets for the villages of 1000HH, out of those 80% are not been used.
The local panchayat has been digging at least yearly 5-6 bore wells to supply water, out of those go dried within few weeks.
School Children Getting Water: 0
There are about 120 children in two villages who are in lower primary school and anganwadi run by the government, this data is based on Anganwadi and school enrollment.
People Getting Sanitation: 0
The awareness programme will create impact on these two villages on whole. The programme covers around 1000 community members , viillages leaders, health workers, preschool teachers and local governance representative.
The project will be covering 30 HH in each villages and will impact directly on 500 community members and 180 children and youth .
People Getting Other Benefits: 120
RWH in the village will help at least two members in the families a job oriented skill and will educate the villagers the importance of RWH.
The two village communities will have awareness on safe drinking water, usage of toilets and solid waste management.
The local women group will be involved in monitoring and implementing this programme will also generate income through waste management.
The women and adolescents will be benefit with good toilets and safe drinking water in households.
Local youths will be trained as masons,plumbing and will provide them employment opportunities.
Education materials regarding RWH, usage of toilets, and solid waste managements through pamphlets, posters will be used.
The Network will be established at local level regarding RWH, waste management and Health. between community and experts for sustainability. ( network will consists of Primary health care center, experts to subjects,institutions,local leader , women representatives and child representatives).
Start Date: 2013-04-02
Completion Date: 2013-12-31
Technology Used:
The Organisation has already built 3 projects of rainwater water harvesting structure and four toilets for preschool children. In the process the local community and children have gained the importance of storing the rainwater.The water is used by the community members from preschool premises. The awareness is still needed and we are educating the women to retain rainwater in house holds.
The simple local technology will be used to save electricity, save construction material so on.....We look forward to learn from the funders and peers on retaining large amount of water without leakages in the ground tanks, so that the community can preserve it for at least 8 months and will have access to water in their households.
The project will be implemented in 3 phases,
Awareness/meeting at Ist phase .
II phase implementation of programme in 30 HH.
III Phase implementation of another 30 HH each stage will have reviews and planning with local committee.
Community Organization:
The planned project is for individual households. The households selected will be for the children who are in school and preschool and who are interested in building structures in their premises, so naturally the community has owner ship.
The day one approach from the organisation is involving them on all the proceeding of discussion and implementation, with their consent , ideas.
Contribution of labor and materials, estimation of each HH will be decided in community meetings.
Community will decide from where the project should begin( which HH).
Apart from organisation, monitoring the committee will be set up which will involve school teachers, health workers and project staff, panchayat member for monitoring and implementation.
Awareness, timely guidance by the experts , review meetings and discussion will be in the process.
Government Interaction:
The Government will partner with us and provide us the data, water connections etc. Also providing NREGA to the community members during the project.
Ancillary activities:
The organisation is also willing to take up WASH related research programmes, RWH, Awreness, increasing Toilets for HH under Nirmal grameen yoijana. The whole project process will help atleast two members of a family to get trained and develop the skill in constructing
Awareness to all the family members on RWH.
increased participation of children and women.
Increased participation of women on self help group.
Other Issues:
The women and children in large number are suffering from safe drinking water, lack of water and no house hold toilet facilities.
Lack of knowledge in using toilets and water.
The Primary health care data shows large amount (900 cases per month every month 300 cases adds freshly in a primary health care center) of women and adolescents (15-50 years) are infected by water borne diseases, lack of personal hygiene, anemia and sexually transmitted diseases.
Tuberculosis, bone related diseases are high among community and children.
The Programme from Zilla panchayat ,and grampanchayat are not effectively implemented and monitored. The thousand of awareness programmes, materials from the government are not reaching the community.
Maintenance Revenue:
Maintenance regarding the structure related to rainwater will be done by community themselves. Monitoring, guidance and followup will be done by the organisation which needs a personal for a year.
Maintenance Cost: $1,000
please see the attachement