The goal of the project is to improve access to potable water and to provide access to sanitary facilities for the residents of the three rural communities of Dulce Nombre de Jesus, San Esteban #2 and El Chaguite of the Ciudad Dario region.
In the village Dulce Nombre de Jesus, water comes from an open spring which is located about 400 meters from the community and from two hand dug wells, built by the community in the same general area as the open spring. One of these two wells is uncovered and exposed to contamination, including leaves and twigs that fall from the trees, dust and debris that the wind carries, and the dirty buckets that are dropped into it.
There are a total of 141 latrines in Dulce Nombre de Jesús, 102 of which were constructed approximately nine years ago by CARE. Forty of these latrines currently go unused because they have reached their capacity, and need to be replaced. The other 39 latrines were constructed this year with the assistance of El Porvenir as part of Phase I of this project. The objective of the original request was the construction of 38 new latrines and the replacement of the 40 latrines that are now full. Given the difficulties in supervision and training for the construction of 78 latrines at once, it was decided that this project be divided into two phases, 39 latrines in each phase. Thirty nine of the families that benefited from the latrines provided by CARE are currently without access to this basic service due to the fact that their latrines have reached capacity. They have come to rely on the latrines of their neighbors, or conduct their necessities in the open air. The replacement of these 39 latrines comprises Phase II of this project.
For the 24 families of San Esteban #2, water is provided by a gravity flow project constructed by El Porvenir and UNICEF in a cooperative effort in 1997, prior to Hurricane Mitch. This water system consists of a capture tank which distributes water to four public spigots. At present this system has serious problems because after Hurricane Mitch the sources from which the water was captured have diminished, because the water table has dropped, causing scarcity of water supply to the families. In addition, population growth has intensified the problem of water shortage. Therefore, the community has asked El Porvenir to fund the construction of 3 new wells.
In this village there are a total of 57 latrines for 70 houses. Some of the existing latrines were constructed with the support of CARE and the rest through El Porvenir, about 6 years ago. Of these 57 latrines, 31 are full and have finished their useful life. In addition, there are 13 new families in San Esteban since the latrine projects were built, and lacking sanitary facilities, they do their necessities in the bushes, creating a community health problem. Adding these 13 new families to the 31 whose latrines no longer function gives a total of 44 new latrines needed now in San Esteban. The community also requests help with the construction of 44 latrines because they understand the importance that latrines have in the prevention of disease, especially for the children. Due to the fact that the number of families who need new latrines is very great, they propose to build the latrines in two phases of 22 latrines each.
There are 29 latrines in the village of El Chaguite, which were constructed with financial support of ENACAL, the government water agency, seven years ago when they drilled the well. Eight of these latrines are now full and have ended their useful life. Local population growth has added 3 families to the village since the latrines were built, giving a total deficit of 11 latrines. At present these 11 families are performing their necessities in the bushes. This project includes the construction of 11 latrines.
Matagalpa, Ciudad Dario, NicaraguaAttachments
Primary Focus: Drinking Water - Community
Secondary Focus: Sanitation - Community
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 730
Dulce Nombre de Jesus-90 families
San Esteban-54 families
El Chaguite- 12 families
School Children Getting Water:
People Getting Sanitation: 730
People Getting Other Benefits:
Start Date: 2004-07-01
Completion Date: 2005-08-05
Technology Used:
Sanitary rope pump, wells and latrines.
Two phases
Community Organization:
The communities in each of these villages have recognized their needs and approached El Porvenir.
They are aware of the importance of clean water and sanitary facilities to their health and the health of their children. They volunteer their labor throughout construction.
Government Interaction:
Ancillary activities:
Other Issues:
Maintenance Revenue:
Maintenance Cost:
Prior art before metrics
Cost: $17,366
Please refer to page 2 of "El Chaguite Proposal" attached under Additional Documents on page 2 of application for El Chaguite's budget details.
Co Funding Amount:
Community Contribution Amount:
Once approached by village representatives, El Porvenir staff go out to the village and meet with the entire community, explaining how we work (community provides all labor, we provide materials, transport, and logistical support), and setting forth a series of requirements for our assistance: the village must organize itself, elect a committee to manage the project, pay their own dowser to locate the water source if the project is a new well, obtain permission of the landowner if the new or “to be rehabilitated†water source is on private land, assume responsibility for the tools we will lend and the materials we will provide, and petition the mayor for whatever support city hall might give: the services of the mayor’s mason, the use of the city’s big truck to haul cement or bricks, etc. The community must submit a written request for help in which they identify the need and the proposed project, together with a census of the entire community, and a map of the village including proposed site of well or latrines.