Drilling 1 boreholes for Luwawasi , a remote secondary school to make them access to clean and safe water to over 607 students hence serve time used to walk 1 to 2 km fetching water. The only source of water they use is local dug wells which are open


We planned the implementation of the project to start on 30th Nov.2008 and expected to be accomplished on 30th Jan. 2009. The actual situation is that the project started 16th Dec..2008 and accomplished on 15th March 2009. Water technician managed to accomplish the work as we planned but school community failed to complete pump house in time due to the fact that during the time when the project started, most of the school community were in leave almost up to the end of January 2009 when the school re-opened.

Activity planned to be done:
Several activities were planned to be done to reach goal. Among those activities included:
•Mobilizing school community
•Formation of Well maintenance Fund(WMF)
•Formation of Water Monitoring Committee(WMC)
•Transportation of building material
•Drilling tube well
•Construction of Pump House
•Conducting one day training on how to care, repair and maintain the well and sanitation and hygiene skills to school children
•Project monitoring

Mobilizing school community:

PADI managed to mobilize the head of schools where each of them was given a responsibility of organizing some people who could be responsible to support well technician, monitor by forming WMF and WMC. Basically all of them agreed with the plan and they did so. WMF valuing USD.78.74 and 10 people of WMC has been formed.

Pump parts and other building materials:
All building materials reached at right time soon after receiving funds. This enabled the water technician to manage to install the pump in time and is working properly.

Drilling tube well, construction of slab and flumes:

Drilling tube well, construction of slab and flumes were all done in time and successfully. The yield of water in litters per hour is 1020 with depth of 25 meter. Further more we took a sample of water to Water Officer Lake Nyasa Basin for Physical and Chemical water Analysis. Report from the Water Officer was as following:

•Ph 6.4
•Turbidity 48.12 N.T.U
•Conductivity at 25 degree centigrade 135.3 us/cm
•Iron 0.14
•Manganese 0.608
•Sulphate 23
I) With the following remarks: ACID WATER BUT SOFTE

Construction of Pump house:
We planned the pump house to be constructed before 1st February 2009 instead the work has been accomplished on 15th March 2009 due to the fact that, construction of the wells started when most of the school community were on leave from Dec. 2008 to almost at the end of January 2009.For this reason they failed to meet the deadline.

Conducting one day Training:
The one day training on how to care and use the water for drinking and sanitation has been done to over 600 participants (Water Monitoring Committee, students and school staff). 10 Water Monitoring Committee received training for a single day while Students and other community attended one day sensitization meeting on sanitation.

Project monitoring went well from the beginning to the end of the project by involving PADI Management team in collaboration with Water Monitoring Committee from school Community. Though the Water Monitoring Committee involved few members at the beginning of the work but the work went well.

A Message from the Students:

Luwawasi Secondary School
P.O.BOX. 583,
Tanzania,East Africa.

Luwawasi Sec. School is among over 150 Sec. Schools in Ruvuma region and over 25 schools in Songea Municipal Council. Among the critical problems we face especially new school include shortage of Safe and clean water, Luwawasi is included.

For more than 4 years now the problem has been part of our lives. Most of us have been facing problems including long distance walking, suffering from water borne diseases due to the fact that water sources are unsafe for drinking.

We are now getting safe drinking water, cooking, washing fruits, and washing our hands and other sanitary works. Also we walk short distance (from more than 1km to less than 100 meters long). At the same times we plan to use the same pump water to irrigate flowers and trees around our school Compound. In coming 12 months we really think our school surrounds will be better than before.
We finally say thank you BPRF for your appreciable support.

James M. Komba
Head Prefect

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 15 Mar, 2009 Implementation Phase
  • Iskaka Msigwa of Tanzania Mission to the Poor and Disabled (PADI)
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Wed 18 Feb 2009, About 16 Years ago

    safe water for Luwawasi secondary school in Songea

    James M. Komba a Head Prefect of Luwawasi when interviewed on the support of water pump (bore hole) in their school he had the following comments: “Our school is among several school facing similar problem like ours (shortage of safe and clean water). Though we are enjoying clean water now but I am feeling like a person dreaming to get some water. This is just because we had no dream to receive such support this yea though our head master has been struggling to get the service from Songea Municipal council without success. For almost 4 years now we have been using Local dug well which usually un- safe for our health and we found it far away from the school (over 1km).To day we only walk less than 100 meters and less time used. We hope academic performance will be improved as we are going to use save time in academic issues, thank you for including us be among few schools which have received this scarce commodity”.

  • Implementation Phase Project started on 30 Nov, 2008 Preparation Phase

Drilling 1 boreholes for Luwawasi , a remote secondary school to make them access to clean and safe water to over 607 students hence serve time used to walk 1 to 2 km fetching water. The only source of water they use is local dug wells which are open


We planned the implementation of the project to start on 30th Nov.2008 and expected to be accomplished on 30th Jan. 2009. The actual situation is that the project started 16th Dec..2008 and accomplished on 15th March 2009. Water technician managed to accomplish the work as we planned but school community failed to complete pump house in time due to the fact that during the time when the project started, most of the school community were in leave almost up to the end of January 2009 when the school re-opened.

Activity planned to be done:
Several activities were planned to be done to reach goal. Among those activities included:
•Mobilizing school community
•Formation of Well maintenance Fund(WMF)
•Formation of Water Monitoring Committee(WMC)
•Transportation of building material
•Drilling tube well
•Construction of Pump House
•Conducting one day training on how to care, repair and maintain the well and sanitation and hygiene skills to school children
•Project monitoring

Mobilizing school community:

PADI managed to mobilize the head of schools where each of them was given a responsibility of organizing some people who could be responsible to support well technician, monitor by forming WMF and WMC. Basically all of them agreed with the plan and they did so. WMF valuing USD.78.74 and 10 people of WMC has been formed.

Pump parts and other building materials:
All building materials reached at right time soon after receiving funds. This enabled the water technician to manage to install the pump in time and is working properly.

Drilling tube well, construction of slab and flumes:

Drilling tube well, construction of slab and flumes were all done in time and successfully. The yield of water in litters per hour is 1020 with depth of 25 meter. Further more we took a sample of water to Water Officer Lake Nyasa Basin for Physical and Chemical water Analysis. Report from the Water Officer was as following:

•Ph 6.4
•Turbidity 48.12 N.T.U
•Conductivity at 25 degree centigrade 135.3 us/cm
•Iron 0.14
•Manganese 0.608
•Sulphate 23
I) With the following remarks: ACID WATER BUT SOFTE

Construction of Pump house:
We planned the pump house to be constructed before 1st February 2009 instead the work has been accomplished on 15th March 2009 due to the fact that, construction of the wells started when most of the school community were on leave from Dec. 2008 to almost at the end of January 2009.For this reason they failed to meet the deadline.

Conducting one day Training:
The one day training on how to care and use the water for drinking and sanitation has been done to over 600 participants (Water Monitoring Committee, students and school staff). 10 Water Monitoring Committee received training for a single day while Students and other community attended one day sensitization meeting on sanitation.

Project monitoring went well from the beginning to the end of the project by involving PADI Management team in collaboration with Water Monitoring Committee from school Community. Though the Water Monitoring Committee involved few members at the beginning of the work but the work went well.

A Message from the Students:

Luwawasi Secondary School
P.O.BOX. 583,
Tanzania,East Africa.

Luwawasi Sec. School is among over 150 Sec. Schools in Ruvuma region and over 25 schools in Songea Municipal Council. Among the critical problems we face especially new school include shortage of Safe and clean water, Luwawasi is included.

For more than 4 years now the problem has been part of our lives. Most of us have been facing problems including long distance walking, suffering from water borne diseases due to the fact that water sources are unsafe for drinking.

We are now getting safe drinking water, cooking, washing fruits, and washing our hands and other sanitary works. Also we walk short distance (from more than 1km to less than 100 meters long). At the same times we plan to use the same pump water to irrigate flowers and trees around our school Compound. In coming 12 months we really think our school surrounds will be better than before.
We finally say thank you BPRF for your appreciable support.

James M. Komba
Head Prefect


Creating and measuring long-term impact

The formation of Water Monitoring Committees and Well Maintenance Fund within the school and one day training on how to maintain the wells will help to sustain the project. The support is going to improve the student’s health as most of them will be free from water borne diseases attack, school surrounds where by the same water is going to be used in watering flowers and trees around the school which will change the school environment for a very long time. Also the school is using the same source of water for school building construction instead of walking long distance to get the water in the former wells and loosing several lessons will also be reduced hence improving academic performance as most of time will be spend on academic issues.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

Construction of pump house has delayed because the time where school community required to start constructing the pump house they were on leave which made it difficult to them to start pump house construction in time.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

In implementing the project we have been working very close with Council water department. One of the most important issues we have introduced during implementation was the testing of the water in order to know the suitability of water for Human consumption. Formally in our proposal we overlooked this. By involving Councils water technician we have gained this experiences for future project implementation


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 670

670 (where 607 are students, 12 school staff and 51 are community around school) 52% of the population are female. Reported by the head of the School.

School Children Getting Water: 607

607 students are getting water from the water pump (316 are girls and 291 are boys)

People Getting Sanitation: 670

670 (where 607 are students, 12 school staff and 51 are community around school) 52% of the population are female.

People Getting Other Benefits: 612

612 people are using the same source of water in school buildings construction , flower and tree irrigation, improving classrooms and toilets cleanliness.

Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $78

Creating and measuring long-term impact

The formation of Water Monitoring Committees and Well Maintenance Fund within the school and one day training on how to maintain the wells will help to sustain the project. The support is going to improve the student’s health as most of them will be free from water borne diseases attack, school surrounds where by the same water is going to be used in watering flowers and trees around the school which will change the school environment for a very long time. Also the school is using the same source of water for school building construction instead of walking long distance to get the water in the former wells and loosing several lessons will also be reduced hence improving academic performance as most of time will be spend on academic issues.


Final Cost:
