
This second Phase is the expansion of what MWATF has already been doing, although $1000 is awarded, the the overall project cost is nearly $US 1,000,000.

  • Namulonda Sarah Asumin Justine Muduuli of MWATF
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 07 Sep 2009, About 15 Years ago


    P.O. BOX 201, MUKONO – UGANDA (E.A)
    TEL: +256-782-551632 / +256-772-903649
    Email: or


    Uganda Technical team:-
    1 Director : Namulondo Sarah Asumini
    2 Coordination : Okullu-Ayor
    3 Trainer : Nabukenya Mariah
    4 Legal Counsel : Mulira James
    5 Financial Controller : Nakayenga Miriam
    6 Community Mobilizer: N. Aisha Saleh
    7 Secretary : Annette M. J.
    8. Field Officer : Asuman Mulondo
    9. Driver : Isiko Kusaini
    10. Security Guard : Geoffrey Mivule





    1. By way of introduction, MWATF has been implementing Water Projects before, but in other categories, namely Water Wells development, Boreholes construction, advocating and sensitizing communities in household water boiling before drinking, as well as sanitation programmes in Mukono and Rakai District-central Uganda;an important period came to MWATF after the African Women Water Conference (AWWC) in Nairobi, Kenya, 2008; which saw the introduction of improved Ferro-cement Tanks Rainwater Harvesting Technologies, Potable Water Testing Kits, Solar Cookers, Solar Water Pasteueraization as well as newly proposed BioSand Water filters. After AWWC ,MWATF managed to train several communities to use the technologies; todate already two (2) units Ferro-Cement Tanks have been constructed in Mukono Town Council, Mukono District. Some fifty (50) participants in Ferro-Cement Tanks training got the required skills to reach out to others, while eight (8) are qualified to become trainers. Equally important, the technology has been introduced to local stakeholders including Mukono Town Council water Engineers and Health Inspectors as well as District Water Officers and Health Inspectors. Partners that benefited include Women Groups, Youth, Elderly, People with HIV/AIDS, Orphans and Vulnerable, Persons with Disabilities as well Women in Homesteads.

    2. Safe Water problem is a cute in Mukono, therefore, when MWATF got Seed Grants from Peer Water Exchange, Mukono locations became a priority of choice being that the beneficiary families were homes of persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

    3. (i) According to MWATF pre-project Baseline Surveys conducted last year, at least 700 persons around these water tanks shall benefit directly, similarly another 200 persons shall benefit indirectly.

    (ii) Supporting Household members shall fetch water,

    • Surveys and Data gathered, assessed and used.
    • Community consultations
    • Mobilization of communities and sensitization
    • Site identification for projects
    • Site measurements and preparations
    • Materials procurement and transportation to sites
    • Constructions, Trainings and Briefing
    • Ferro-Cement Tanks construction

    5. Key players in the project implementation were;
    (i) MWATF Staff
    (ii) MWATF members and partners
    (iii) Elderly
    (iv) P.L.W.H.A (Persons Living with HIV/AIDS)
    (v) Beneficiary Homeowners
    (vi) Local Elected and Civic Leaders

    6. Technologies implemented were:
    (i) (a) Ferro-Cement Rain Water Harvest Tank
    (b) Potable Water Testing Kits
    (c) Solar Water Pasteurization Technology

    (ii) (a) Ferro-cement Tanks units are themselves Self-Sustaining since water costs
    nominally whenever it is collected, at least Uganda shillings (UGX) 200 per 20 litres Jerricans.
    (b) Potable Water Testing Kits are not easy to assess because stocks have to be with MWATF for distribution; users are expected to defry costs.
    (c) Solar Water Pasteurization Technology is new and stock is not there, this presently limits its effectiveness Assessments.
    (d) Solar Cookers have never been in MWATF s stock.-was never funded for training.
    7 Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy.
    Three Levels of Management used are s follows:
    (i) MWATF management on Top
    (ii) Below MWATF area Coordinators on the ground in the communities by ways of Lead Agencies (CBOs, NGOs, Groups, Associations and Households) whose task is to run a Local Water Committees (LWCs) which is answerable to MWATF.
    (iii) Community stakeholders / users

    8. Success Evaluation
    (a) Seed Grants were received by MWATF
    (b) Technical Expertise were given by Peer Water expert, Mariah Klingsmith, and Alec Desmore from USA, then jeal Ester Amati from GROOTS Kenya.
    (c) Trainings by MWATF
    (d) Trainer Team now in place
    (e) Tanks are in place
    (f) Communities informed, knowledgeable about the technologies
    (g) MWATF Water Programmes now on track, exemplary in Uganda
    (h) Many doors of opportunities now open for MWATF sustainable development.

    9(a) Further serious plan is to construct 800 Ferro-Cement Tanks each 10,000 litres capacity each costs UGX 2,500,000 x 800 = UGX 2,000,000,000
    (b) Bio-Sand Water Filter needed 300 units each cost $US 75 x 300
    = US$ 22,500 (UGX: 45,450,000)

    (c) Potable Water Testing Kit procurement, distribution and training costs
    US$ 148,515 (UGX: 300,000,000)

    (d) Solar Cookers Training and Distribution: needs 600 solar cookers each costs
    UGX 500,000 x 600 = UGX 300,000,000 (US$ 148,515)

    Materials costs all UGX 3,245,450,000
    US$ 1,606,658

    Capacity Building: UGX 202,000,000
    US$ 100,000

    Administrative Costs: UGX 1,522,140,000
    US$ 753,535

    GRAND TOTAL (3 years) UGX 4,969,601,880
    US$ 2,460,198

    10. Challenges encountered while implementing the projects
    (i) Working and operational Capital is limited
    (ii) Trainings deserve to be Residential since participants come from far away with no Transport Refunds Package
    (iii) MWATF needs own Vehicles for Transport than using Public means or Hiring which are so Expensive.
    (iv) Social Resistance, unpreparedness and other Barriers
    (v) Exchange Rates Fluctuations makes Local Currencies got to be smaller than planned while Prices of Goods go up.
    (vi) Trainer’s Honoraria so minimal compared to Inputs they give.
    (vii) Site selection difficult since so many are in need but Resources so few.
    (viii) There is need for more Natural Water Sources like Spring Wells, obtained freely as these technologies need Money the Poor are not able to afford.

    11. MWATF used Innovative Approaches to solve these including Volunteering, giving Meals out of all Funds, plus Meeting Contingency costs than originally planned, for example, MWATF used own Resources to Facilitate Trainers.

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  • Namulonda Sarah Asumin Justine Muduuli of MWATF
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 11 Jun 2009, Over 15 Years ago


    MWATF as leading Agency has been greatly empowered since African Womens Water Conference in Nairobi-Kenya in 2008 and since then made big steps in Rainwater Harvesting in Uganda, special thanks go to everyone who participated , especially the Facilitators Mariah Klingsmith, Alex Desmore, Ester Jeal from GROOTS Kenya, plus the USA Team that included Gemma Bolas, Jan, Melinda Krammer, Annette Fay to mentioned a few-we have gained much from the shorttime since Nairobi than many years of operation-a big thanks to everyone, MWATF now has recognition countrywide as champions and pioneers in Affordable Water Supply Knowhow and capabilities. Our last project from SEED GRANT was well accomplished, thought with prices much higher than originally budgetted for, thanks to organizational capacity to meet emergency fundraising at such short time, the Current Projects will evidently move on successessfuly, given the above experiences.However, MWATFs vision is reflected in larger projects submitted, we treasure every step that lead us there.

    On Capacity Building, we found out that the Training should be Residental because other participants come from far off, requiring Accommodation and other provision including Meals and Transport Refund, this is still missing from the Funding Package.

    LOGISTICS is another problem, particularily in Africa just as maybe in other developing countries-our Communities are scattered in remote locations, roads are so bad at times that public transport at times so expensive, given high Fuel Prices.

    In the above, MWATF seeks Project Vehicles to reach remote areas in times and safely back to Offices.

    Communities, Civic Leaders, as well as Religious Leaders, District Authorities and Healthcare Institutions have pledge cooperation with MWATF-thus the future is bright.

    Thissecond round of Funding shall witness much success.

    • SCANS.exe
  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 8 Jun, 2009 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 8 Jun, 2009 Preparation Phase
  • Gemma Bulos of A Single Drop
    • peer
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Wed 14 Jan 2009, Almost 16 Years ago

    A Single Drop Site Visit

    AWWC Site Visit
    MWATF, Namulondo Sarah
    Mukono, Uganda
    January 14-23, 2009
    Follow-up conducted by Mariah Klingsmith, A Single Drop

    • Learn more about MWATF’s organizational structure and community
    • Turn over AWWC seed grant
    • Provide technical assistance as needed by the AWWC participants for water project implementation

    Community/Organization Information
    • The office of Mukono Women’s AIDS Task Force (MWATF) is located within Mukono town council in an office building belonging to an Anglican Church supported women’s center. The modest MWATF office is staffed by Sarah, a program coordinator named Mr. Ayor Okullu and an office volunteer assistant named Annette. MWATF works primarily in Mukono and Kayunga districts but has done a bit of work in Rakai district as well. There are 60 active members and 80 inactive members. Each parish (division of townships within a district which are further separated into villages) has 5 elected representatives for MWATF who report directly to Mr. Okullu. In each parish there are committees which oversee the implementation of MWATF’s various programs. MWATF’s programs focus on three main issues: gender, environment and HIV/AIDS. These issues encompass a myriad of topics including women’s property rights, orphans and vulnerable children, domestic abuse, nutrition and health, HIV/AIDS home based care and counseling, livelihood projects, energy saving stoves, poultry and livestock raising, and water.
    • MWATF has been assisted by several international organizations including Global Fund for Women (who was responsible for helping with the initial funding for the creation of the organization). There is a strong presence in the community-and in Uganda in general-of support from the Norwegian government and other Scandinavian countries.
    • MWATF has a very impressive reporting and accounting system which Sarah AND Mr. Okullu are committed to maintaining.
    • Sarah has a remarkable ability to mobilize members rapidly and easily and seems to have gained a great degree of respect with the members she works with. The members met during the visit seem to be willing to participate in trainings with no expectations of receiving compensation for fares or meals-something that has been observed elsewhere as being necessary to travel to meeting s and trainings.
    • There are many NGOs within Mukono and they are trying to organize themselves to be guided by a forum aimed at coordinating their efforts and creating an environment where they work together more effectively to change their community. The district chairman is a great advocate for the NGOs, recognizing the role of the NGOs as being vital to fill the gaps left by the government in community development and has pledged to give them support (particularly if the NGOs can find the resources and mobilize the people the local government will provide technical assistance). However, there is a general suspicion among many of the area NGOs that the majority of the local government does not support the NGO community and is alternatively trying to discourage donors from funding the NGOs directly believing instead that funding should be channeled through the local government. An interesting observation in local politics.
    • The prevalence of HIV/AIDS is quite high in Mukono district, being 9% as compared to the national statistic of 6 %.
    • Mukono district includes several island parishes. The islands are considered a challenge by the local government and NGOs where HIV/AIDS affects 25% of the population, low attendance of primary schools, commercial sex workers, and water are all looming problems. Few NGOs work in the islands because they are difficult to travel to and the resources and mobilization are lacking. This is an area the local government has urged the NGOs to focus on.

    Project Implementation
    Training for MWATF members on HIV/AIDS, WASH education, and PML:
    • 30 PLWHAs participants
    • CAWST WASH materials were introduced
    • TIOS 5 Components of HIV/AIDS module was taught
    • Participants were trained in Portable Mirobiology Laboratory technology and discussion followed to consider how to implement the PML within the target areas of MWATF (no definitive plans were created but there was excitement at the prospect of figuring how to incorporate the water tests into the MWATF programs)
    • Mr. Okullu was very impressed with the simplistic and systematic approach of the TIOS model for teaching basic HIV/AIDS education. The current strategy of MWATF members is to sensitize the communities on HIV/AIDS through songs, drama and testimonials. The questions and debate raised during the presentation of the material made it evident that the correct and complete information about HIV/AIDS is still not ubiquitous, even among those living with HIV/AIDS. Only three participants had ever taught anyone how to use a condom. Sarah had all of the right answers but the people she works with and sensitizes don’t so there is a concern that the MWATF strategy for awareness has some gaps. Mr. Okullu particularly liked the aspect of training with the visual to show the spread of HIV/AIDS using the 15 year old boy as the origin. Hopefully, MWATF will be able to incorporate some of the lessons and activities from the TIOS module into their community sensitization.
    Plans for AWWC project implementation and future water program activities:
    • The AWWC water project MWATF has proposed is to build a demonstration Ferro cement tank as part of a training of trainers and implementers at the beginning of March.
    • They plan to train 25 people in the basics of RWH and several different options for water storage along with WASH education. The trainer will be Maria, their TOT for RWH, who has implemented many RWH/FCT projects in Rakai district following a three week training she attended in 2006.
    • The participants will include 5 People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs), 5 female youth, 5 male youth, and 10 women coming from two districts (Mukono and Kayunga).
    • The training will be 5 days and will be held at the site of MWATF’s new office (which is being built and funded by Hand in Hand-a Norwegian-supported NGO that focuses on helping needy children pay school fees, from primary to university and children with disabilities. The building is on land donated by the town council and will be turned over to MWATF after a period of 10 years).
    • The small tank proposed is insufficient for the size of the roof (which could easily support 40,000 liters of water storage) but the FCT is meant to serve as a demonstration
    • The looming question about the implementation of the AWWC funded water project is how MWATF plans to fund the transportation, accommodation, meals for the proposed training. Sarah claims they have a budget for it and that the town council always supports them to fill in the funding gap.
    • Following the training the participants will be expected to train community members and implement RWH/FCT projects within their respective locales.

    • AWWC seed grant money distributed to MWATF
    • 30 people trained in the TIOS HIV/AIDS module, introduced to WASH education resources, and sensitized about Portable Microbiology Lab
    • MWATF program coordinator trained in PML and WASH education
    • Introduced to district and municipal officials
    • Meeting with MWATF RWH trainer
    • 5 sets of WASH materials provided

    • Sarah was often sick and absent but this challenge was mitigated by the enthusiasm and capability of the program coordinator to trained and engaged in discussion about project planning and implementation.
    • MWATF not being “ready” for implementation as expressed to GROOTS and ASD prior to site visit (a challenge not unique to this group but with many groups from the AWWC). There is a general trend here in Africa for organizations not to engage in the implementation until the funding arrives.
    • There were several nice and flattering compliments of note that came from the workshop we gave on the 20th. One man who attended is the nursery school teacher and teacher of women’s livelihood projects commented that the facilitator must be a teacher because the teaching methods and style were very effective (i.e. participation, visual aids, etc.). He was very impressed by the flow and order of information created by TIOS.
    • MWATF expressed that the PWX process was challenging for them, particularly that they weren’t clear on the reasoning for the peer review and that the numerous emails received were confusing.
    • The PML was not being used because Sarah was unwilling to implement the technology when the future acquirement of materials was unclear.
    • Mukono District is notorious in Uganda for retaining strong traditional beliefs and
    • Accommodation was provided by James Mulira, legal counsel to MWATF and friend of Sarah. The invitation is standing to return there whenever ASD or AWW organizers are in Mukono.
    • There was much discussion about the two phases of NGO work-“In the brain and briefcase-‘brief casing’-and on the ground”
    • The road running through Mukono is chaotic. This is a major route for goods and people traveling from Mombasa to many East African countries and the prevalence of accidents is high.
    • Purified water is sold in small little plastic bags.
    • Water Missions International’s installation of the Living Water Treatment System at the Salama School for the Blind (included in site visits around Mukono).

    • Monitor closely the progress of the implementation to ensure accountability, i.e. establish a deadline, required regular reporting, etc.
    • Community trainings to establish local groups to provide groups with skills and knowledge to address water issues (mainly to encourage action without waiting for the local government to initiate projects).
    • Encourage proper and diligent reporting of PML water testing.

    • Assist MWATF to procure funding for larger scale implementation
    • PML and solar connection and support
    • Directed to Jan: Sarah was asking about a woman at the conference who was interested in working with PLWHAs and she has expressed MWATF’s willingness to work with her. I do not remember this but Sarah wanted me to ask Jan about it so that they might pursue this partnership.




This second Phase is the expansion of what MWATF has already been doing, although $1000 is awarded, the the overall project cost is nearly $US 1,000,000.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

NEEDS are there for Sustainable Water Business Models as Water Sources Developers, Water Services Provision, Water Treatment, Packing, Distribution for Revenues ass serious Business Models.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

Local Communities cooperative and exciting to work with and be trained, others particularily Youth see a way to earn Gainful Living out of It!

Homeowners are happy about the Project being built on their compounds because the benefits are visible.

Participants from far-away need Transport Refunds or Residental Training yet Funds not sufficient.

TANGIBLE Examples in Communities of What PRACTICAL Developments are, than abstracts common by other organizations-here the Tanks are visible examples of Achievements!

EQUALLY IMPORTANTS are other sources of Water namely Protected Spring Wells(Hand-Dug and Motor Drilled), as well Submersible Tanks in some to supply Trading Centers and Townships in remote settlements, Schools, Health Centers and Mission Point, Counselling Centers and Homesteads or Orphanages.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

Experiences of MWATF in the field show prices increment overnight and challenges implementers Budget often becoming inadequate requiring urgent financial mobilizations, thus Miscellaneous Funding Pack should be always standby.

Some project Sites require Higher Volume of Ferro-Cement Tanks than the Funding Provided can accommodate, this is a challenge difficult to correct since getting New Site is not easy within short-time Notice, equally disturbing.

Trainers sometime expect Facilitation Fees higher than Implementers can afford, this is a problem to be solved.

Community Turn-Up for the Programme so encouraging , yet resources are limited.

Transportation is problematic in Remote Rural; Areas, roads are bad especially in Rainny Seasons, need for Four Wheel Drive Project Vehicles.

POTABLE WATER TESTING KITS were admirable and received big welcome and needs further development, people expecting it to be promoted into use when we demonstrated.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 5640

Total of all sector beneficiaries indicated below.

School Children Getting Water: 24

Each school with 500 kids equals 1,200 Kids, plus each school Personnels 10 per school equals 240

People Getting Sanitation: 6000

500 Homesteads, with average 8 members-Fishermen, Fish Vendors, Market Venders and Petty Business Persons and Transporters especially Drivers, Ministry of Health Uganda Data and District Health Authorities and Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, with Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda.

People Getting Other Benefits: 900

220 Homesteads each with 7 members,
among which are People Living With HIV/AIDS, Orphans, Widows, Elderly, People With Disabilities.

Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $30000

Creating and measuring long-term impact

NEEDS are there for Sustainable Water Business Models as Water Sources Developers, Water Services Provision, Water Treatment, Packing, Distribution for Revenues ass serious Business Models.


Final Cost:
