With the completion of well construction and training of two caretakers, the people of Makambie including school going children will now benefit access to safe drinking water.



The Makambie well was completed last March, 2010 and has been properly
monitored and observed since then to see if it could serve throughout
the year. This has been proven and the well is fully operational and
serving its targeted beneficiaries. And of this regard, also is a
detailed expenditure analysis.
Since January 2010, sinking of culvert was effected and after completion
of sinking the Apron was constructed and later followed by the slab.
The hand pump was also installed.
Two members selected by the Makambie community were trained in repairs
and maintenance of hand pump. The training lasted for a period off
After the training of community pump care taker, the well was handed
over to the community through the town headman.
The Makambie well is about 12metres deep and has very good quality water
to serve the present total Population in the community.
The well was completed in the last week of March 2010 after the
resumption of work at the end of the rainy season.
In the area of water purification, hygiene and sanitation, a workshop
was conducted at the village to train community members on a simple and
cheap household water treatment (Solar water disinfection Technology)
and basic Hygiene and sanitation practices. By this, it is believed that
people in the community will not only have access to pure drinking
water but will also have good health that will help them in making a
The commissioning and handing over ceremony was very colourful, drums
were sounded with lots of singing by all and sundry as they celebrated
their newly constructed well funded by Sisters’ Sunshine through The
Blue Planet Run Foundation.
Pictures were snapped and random interview was conducted in the
community to know the impact the constructed well will make in the

The heavy down pour of rains had to forced us to stop work due to the high level and pressure of the water table. We had no alternative but waited till January, 2010 when construction started till the last week in March when it was finally completed and handed over to the community in April, 2010.
During the construction we had to meet a very had core bed which created hard time for the workers in the absence of compressor machine which is very costly and can only be seen in big companies working in rocky areas. This also contributed to the delay of the manual work.
The increase in the cost of fuel also affected us as prices for the supply of materials from their respective sources increased also.
Also was the community's annual Poro Initiation Society Celebration. People who are not members could not come out during such activities or else they could be forcefully initiated. This was a cause of concern as our staff do not belong to the society and had to leave until the initiation completed.

That construction, repairs and maintenance of wells be carried between
the months of November to April which are the most ideal period for a
very good quality well that is not easy to dry during the peak of the
Provision be made for contingencies to meet the increase in cost of
materials while awaiting approval and funding of proposal for
Negotiation and recommendation be made to all village chiefs or headmen
to create opportunity for workers to execute the services even at
initiation periods.

The Safer Future Youth Development Project together with the community
leaders and inhabitants, appreciate the wonderful gesture from sister
sunshine and BPR.
Therefore, we would like to express our profound thanks to sisters
sunshine, BPR and all those that contributed to the success of the
Makambie well project.

  • Idriss Kamara of Safer Future Youth Development Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 05 Sep 2011, About 13 Years ago

    Visit with Rajesh of PWX and Bank on Rain team

    Four members of the SFYDP team with four members of the Bank on Rain team and Rajesh of PWX and Liz the photographer visited the village. Everything was found working well and we also told them about the CLTS programme that they were not aware of. We had a meeting with the cross section of the village, who expressed their appreciation to the entire team for providing them with safe drinking water. The sounding of drums and dancing was part of the experience.

  • Michael Williamson of Bank-On-Rain
    • peer
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 05 Sep 2011, About 13 Years ago

    Water Well for Makambie

    A site visit to the project was made by Rajesh Shaw of PWX and a 4 person team from Bank On Rain, accompanied by Idriss Kamara and 3 staff of Safer Future Youth development Project. The hand dug well in Makambie village was fully functional, serving the needs of the village and we were told, people from nearby villages as well. We were told that the well was 12 meters deep and provided safe water, although we also noted solar disinfection (SODIS) in plastic bottles placed in trays at some of the homes. All households had latrines dug by the residents and the village was clean and free of flies.

    We visited another well at the school, located about 200 m from the village well. The pump head had been removed as the water table had dropped below the bottom of the well during the dry season. This well will need to be deepened or perhaps RWH could be used, harvesting rainwater from the school roof. It may be possible to divert rainwater from the roof of the school into the existing well, but if the water table is below the bottom of the well during the dry months it is not likely that water would be retained and storage tanks would be required.

    The Community-Led Total Sanitation program initiated by Safer Future seems to be very successful. All households had latrines and were using them, the well and surrounding area was clean and well maintained, as was the entire village.

    From Bank On Rain, Mike & Gail Williamson, Ken Blair and Emily Berg

  • Moray Hengoi of Safer Future Youth Development Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Sat 10 Apr 2010, Over 14 Years ago

    Commissioning and Handing over ceremony

    The commissioning and handing over ceremony was very colourful, drums were sounded with lots of singing by all and sundry as they celebrated their newly constructed well funded by Sisters’ Sunshine through The Blue Planet Run Foundation.

    Pictures were snapped and random interview was conducted in the community to know the impact the constructed well will make in the township.

  • Moray Hengoi of Safer Future Youth Development Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Wed 31 Mar 2010, Over 14 Years ago

    Water well for Makambie community - completed

    Two members selected by the Makambie community were trained in repairs and maintenance of hand pump. The training lasted for a period off 3days.

    After the training of community pump care taker, the well was handed over to the community through the town headman.
    The Makambie well is about 12metres deep and has very good quality water to serve the present total Population in the community.

    The well was completed in the last week of March 2010 after the resumption of work at the end of the rainy season.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 30 Mar, 2010 Implementation Phase
  • Idriss Kamara of Safer Future Youth Development Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 13 Jan 2010, Almost 15 Years ago

    Well digging restarted again

    The well has been dug, lined and caisson. Sinking has begun and the water table has been reached but since it is in the mid of the raining season and the water table has rise beyond the expected water level, sinking has been stopped until the first week of September so that we can determine the actual water level that will maintain continuous water supply even during the mid of the dry season.

    Cooperation in the community is commendable. The final sinking of the well is in September to tap the real water source.

    We are sorry that for the past five months we could not update our progress report for the Makambie well construction project.
    The fact is that there was nothing new to report about.
    We stopped construction in August 2009 due to increase and excessive rains which made it very difficult to locate the actual water table
    In a bid to avoid similar problems of wells being dried up during the dry season and with the desire to provide water in these wells at all times we saw the need to temporary halt our operation till January, 2010 so as to locate the proper water table.
    Now that the water table has reduced, construction work has resumed.
    We present for your attention and perusal our work plan.

    Activity January February March
    Sinking of Culverts xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
    Construction of Apron xxxxxxx
    Fixing of Slab xxxxxxxx
    Installation of hand pump xxxxxxxx
    Caretaker Training xxxxxx
    Commissioning and Handing over of Completed Well xxxxxx
    Reports xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx

    UPDATE AS OF 25th January, 2010.

    As the water table has reduced this January, our engineers have commenced on the construction of the well at Makambie.
    It is expected that the actual water table will soon be reached and the completion and handing over of the well be hastily done before the end of March, 2010
    Lining and caisson is in progress. A total of 9 metres has been reached.
    We expect to sink three additional culvert which is three metres making a total of 12 metres for final sinking.
    Find attached, pictures showing the state of the well at the end of the rains in December, 2009 with plenty of water and in January, 2010 when the water table is low.
    You will also find pictures of the present work that is ongoing.

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    • 100_1984...
    • 100_1999...
    • 100_2017...
    • 100_2018...
    • 100_2026...
    • CIMG4456...
  • Moray Hengoi of Safer Future Youth Development Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 15 Sep 2009, About 15 Years ago

    Final sinking of the well postponed to January

    The well has been dug, lined and caisson. Sinking has begun and the water table has been reached but since it is in the mid of the rainy season and the water table has rise beyond the expected water level, sinking has been stopped until the first week of September so that we can determine the actual water level that will maintain continuous water supply even during the mid of the dry season.

    Cooperation in the community is commendable.

    In a bid to avoid similar problems of wells being dried up during the dry season and with the desire to provide water in these wells at all times we saw the need to temporary halt our operation till January, 2010 so as to locate the proper water table.

  • Moray Hengoi of Safer Future Youth Development Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 05 Aug 2009, About 15 Years ago

    Well project temporarily stopped due to rains

    We are sorry that for the past five months we could not update our progress report for the Makambie well construction project.

    The fact is that there was nothing new to report about. We stopped construction now due to increase and excessive rains which made it very difficult to locate the actual water table.

  • Idriss Kamara of Safer Future Youth Development Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Fri 03 Jul 2009, Over 15 Years ago

    Project Kickoff!

    The Safer Future Youth Development Project, together with the Contractor that has been contracted for the implementation of Makambie Water Well Project met with some community elders in Makambie village for the confirmation of their contribution and full participation in the implementation exercise. Together with the community a suitable site has been selected for the construction of the community water well. A decision was reached for the project to commence on the 1st of July, 2009. Working tools have been bought and site preparation and digging has begun.

    • communit...
    • Communit...
    • Site-sel...
    • site-sel...
    • site-sel...
    • site-sel...
    • tools1.jpg
    • tools2.jpg
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jul, 2009 Preparation Phase

With the completion of well construction and training of two caretakers, the people of Makambie including school going children will now benefit access to safe drinking water.



The Makambie well was completed last March, 2010 and has been properly
monitored and observed since then to see if it could serve throughout
the year. This has been proven and the well is fully operational and
serving its targeted beneficiaries. And of this regard, also is a
detailed expenditure analysis.
Since January 2010, sinking of culvert was effected and after completion
of sinking the Apron was constructed and later followed by the slab.
The hand pump was also installed.
Two members selected by the Makambie community were trained in repairs
and maintenance of hand pump. The training lasted for a period off
After the training of community pump care taker, the well was handed
over to the community through the town headman.
The Makambie well is about 12metres deep and has very good quality water
to serve the present total Population in the community.
The well was completed in the last week of March 2010 after the
resumption of work at the end of the rainy season.
In the area of water purification, hygiene and sanitation, a workshop
was conducted at the village to train community members on a simple and
cheap household water treatment (Solar water disinfection Technology)
and basic Hygiene and sanitation practices. By this, it is believed that
people in the community will not only have access to pure drinking
water but will also have good health that will help them in making a
The commissioning and handing over ceremony was very colourful, drums
were sounded with lots of singing by all and sundry as they celebrated
their newly constructed well funded by Sisters’ Sunshine through The
Blue Planet Run Foundation.
Pictures were snapped and random interview was conducted in the
community to know the impact the constructed well will make in the

The heavy down pour of rains had to forced us to stop work due to the high level and pressure of the water table. We had no alternative but waited till January, 2010 when construction started till the last week in March when it was finally completed and handed over to the community in April, 2010.
During the construction we had to meet a very had core bed which created hard time for the workers in the absence of compressor machine which is very costly and can only be seen in big companies working in rocky areas. This also contributed to the delay of the manual work.
The increase in the cost of fuel also affected us as prices for the supply of materials from their respective sources increased also.
Also was the community's annual Poro Initiation Society Celebration. People who are not members could not come out during such activities or else they could be forcefully initiated. This was a cause of concern as our staff do not belong to the society and had to leave until the initiation completed.

That construction, repairs and maintenance of wells be carried between
the months of November to April which are the most ideal period for a
very good quality well that is not easy to dry during the peak of the
Provision be made for contingencies to meet the increase in cost of
materials while awaiting approval and funding of proposal for
Negotiation and recommendation be made to all village chiefs or headmen
to create opportunity for workers to execute the services even at
initiation periods.

The Safer Future Youth Development Project together with the community
leaders and inhabitants, appreciate the wonderful gesture from sister
sunshine and BPR.
Therefore, we would like to express our profound thanks to sisters
sunshine, BPR and all those that contributed to the success of the
Makambie well project.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

The Project has trained two community members on well maintenance. They shall be responsible for overseeing the operation of the well, doing repairs when due and ensuring the proper use of the well.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

Because the well was started during the rains the water table was not stable, hence we had to wait for awhile (until Mid March) to get the actual water table.
The PORO SOCIETY initiation disrupted our time scheduled to get the well completed on time. Our workers could not work because they are not members of the society. If they had ventured out they would have been forced to be initiated.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

To be fully aware of the customs and tradition that prevails in a community.
Build on the capacity of the community to enable them take charge after the handing over would fave been done or when the implementing partner would have left.


People Impacted: 350

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 350

Under 5 years
6 to 19 years

School Children Getting Water: 180


People Getting Sanitation: 350

Under 5 years
6 to 19 years

People Getting Other Benefits: 180



Final Cost:
Blue Planet Network
