Self-supporting community- based mitigation program that provides arsenic safe water using modified dugwells along with public education on water related health effects
Initially there were 6 families. Male 8 and female 5. and no children below 5 years. The word is spreading and people are using the water.
Jyotsna Sarkar of Project WellImplementation Status: completed Mon 25 Nov 2013, About 11 Years ago
There is 4ft of water.500ml theoline was sold. 5families.30people .good water used for drinking and cooking.
Jyotsna Sarkar of Project WellImplementation Status: completed Sat 24 Aug 2013, Over 11 Years ago
Gave the handover folder.this well is used by 8families,30people drinking and cooking
Jyotsna Sarkar of Project WellImplementation Status: completed Thu 13 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago
1500ml. Thenoline was sold. Rupees-30
Suparna Mondol of Project WellImplementation Status: completed Thu 14 Feb 2013, Almost 12 Years ago
Water collection for annual arsenic test
Jyotsna Sarkar of Project WellImplementation Status: in_progress Sun 18 Nov 2012, About 12 Years ago
Gave the hand over packet.
Jyotsna Sarkar of Project WellImplementation Status: completed Thu 18 Oct 2012, Over 12 Years ago
12ft water 600ml theoline give. the theoline has been sold to the owner.
- Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Dec, 2008 Implementation Phase
- Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Aug, 2008 Preparation Phase
Self-supporting community- based mitigation program that provides arsenic safe water using modified dugwells along with public education on water related health effects
Initially there were 6 families. Male 8 and female 5. and no children below 5 years. The word is spreading and people are using the water.
Other Issues
Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution
Research and Development is part of the project. Arsenic and bacterial analysis were undertaken after dugwell construction and will be executed regularly in the months of June and July respectively.
Knowledge of project and process for sharing
Over the period of time if the water quality is good the demand increases especially when the women come to know that rice and dal (lentil) cooks well using the dugwell water and many users agree that their stomach problems of slight wind, indigestion and dysentery type ailment has reduced. No health related study has been done yet.
People Impacted: 23
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 23
As of June 2012 5 consumers belonging to 2 families use this well.
According to register records from July 2011, there are 10 beneficiary families and 35 consumers. Males=17, females=18, and children <5=0.
People Getting Other Benefits: 50
Public health education on arsenic health effects and personal hygiene is given to all the dugwell beneficiaries. A training program on the maintenance of the dugwells (including chlorination) is given to develop a sense of ownership and to make the program sustainable. There are five field workers working on the dugwell program who are selected from the arsenic afflicted villages. They are involved in site selection, village meetings during site selection, followed by construction of the wells and also follow up the on the technical faults of the dugwells and the numebr of users. The villagers are also shown VCDs on how to improve personal health and hygeine through proper practices. The office of Aqua Welfare Society is located in the village and the coordinator and the account asistant / data entry person travel from Kolkata to meet with them weekly. Trades like well-digging, pottery, and masonry, are required for the dugwell program and are benefiting from work generated by the project.
Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $40
Creating and measuring long-term impact
Implementer: Project Well & Aqua Welfare Society
Aqua Welfare Society, AWS, is the partner NGO. Their office is based in the North 24 Parganas. The 8 honorary board members are located in Kolkata. There are only 5 field workers who are interacting with the villagers and beneficiaries, training the users on maintenance of the dugwells, organizing village meetings and health meetings. A technical advisor of AWS is based in Kolkata who visits the village occasionally and one awareness programmer who is in charge of awareness programs in the communities and educational institutions. There is an accountant and also a data entry person on part time basis.
- Final Cost:
- $909