Helping 376 households from Phuoc Duc,Phuoc Son in Vietnam access drinking water. The system is managed by the local Communal People's Committee.


Historical Data Imported.

Helping 376 households from Phuoc Duc,Phuoc Son in Vietnam access drinking water. The system is managed by the local Communal People's Committee. The following methods were utilized for treatment: sedimentation tank, vertical gravity. The following chemicals are added: chlorine

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Dec, 2012 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jan, 2012 Preparation Phase

Helping 376 households from Phuoc Duc,Phuoc Son in Vietnam access drinking water. The system is managed by the local Communal People's Committee.


Historical Data Imported.

Helping 376 households from Phuoc Duc,Phuoc Son in Vietnam access drinking water. The system is managed by the local Communal People's Committee. The following methods were utilized for treatment: sedimentation tank, vertical gravity. The following chemicals are added: chlorine


People Impacted: 1554

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1554


Member Specific Project Data

Water Source: G
Project Type: U
Treatment Type: pressure, sedimentation tank & open filtration system
Chemicals Added: chlorine & alum
Length of Pipe System (m): 4174
Comments on Status: non operational - No operators. This hamlet shares clean water with Cam Dong WS
Comments on Solutions: EMW works with local CPC and the project hamlets to get good water managers to operate the system again in 2013.
Cost in Local Currency: 354551555


Final Cost:
edit $16,490:
