Construction of 2 wells and 42 latrines in Yuca and San Francisco, and Peñas de Cáfe
The project is complete.
Field Photographer of PhotoPhilanthropyImplementation Status: completed Fri 20 Aug 2010, Over 14 Years ago
Interview with 2 Teachers
I was able to visit several residents as well as the school in Penas de Cafen. The latrines appeared to be very well maintained because they were very clean. Once we got to the school, we set up a photo shoot with the children. Afterwards, I was able to interview two of the teachers there.
What follows is a summary of what they had to say:
Celsa Isidra Franco Treminio - School Teacher
She is very grateful to El Porvnir because there were no latrines in the school before the projects. Now, there are not only latrines in the school, but there are latrines in every home. Similarly, there was no water before and now there is a well. These projects have improved the lives, health, and environment tremendously. Once again, she expressed her gratitude for the work of El Porvenir and hopes that they will continue to work in the community.
Leneyda Saarvedra Lira - School Teacher
Before the project, life was ALMOST impossible because they didn’t have a potable water source... now they have a potable water source. It allows them to get things done quicker now that they have water close to their homes. The latrines have helped reduce environmental contamination and they are grateful to Blue Planet for the funding and El Porvenir for the execution of the projects.
After the interviews, we visited another residence and then headed off to La Reina.
Full Photo Album of this visit can be found at:
- Jon Polka
- Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Mar, 2008 Implementation Phase
- Implementation Phase Project started on 30 Jan, 2005 Preparation Phase
Construction of 2 wells and 42 latrines in Yuca and San Francisco, and Peñas de Cáfe
The project is complete.
Creating and measuring long-term impact
Community commitees collect funds when needed for minor repairs to rope pump. Latrine maintenance and repair is family responsibility..
Other Issues
Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution
El Porvenir has worked for many years in three municipalites of Nicaragua, has a small local office in each, and local personnel. We are well known in these areas and communities readily find us to ask for financing for projects, and for follow up. These four projects are in three remote villages in the rural area of Camoapa.
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 107
Number of families: 14
Number of children: 33
People Getting Sanitation: 271
Number of families: 43
People Getting Other Benefits: 271
Reforestation, hygiene education
Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $3
Creating and measuring long-term impact
Community commitees collect funds when needed for minor repairs to rope pump. Latrine maintenance and repair is family responsibility..
- funded:
- $11,237
- edit $11,237:
- Blue Planet Network