Developing the watershed to provide clean water, developing agriculture, and creating an institution so that villagers can continue to see benefits after project has ended.


During the reporting period, under soil and water conservation measures, 338.75 ha area have been treated. The treatments undertaken are Continuous Contour trenches, Water Absorption Trenches, Farm bunds, Stone outlets etc.

By end of this reporting period a cumulative 2935.27 ha area have been treated in 11 project villages with various treatments: Continuous Contour Trenches (CCT), Water Absorption Trenches (WAT), Stone Bunds (SB), and Refilling of the CCT, Plantation, Stone Outlet (SO) and Farm Bunds (FB).

Under the drainage line treatment, during the reporting period, the work of 15 check dams has been completed in 7 project villages namely Pirewadi, Morala, Dhangarwadi, Wanjarwadi Shirur, Kelwandi, Landakwadi and Khadakwadi.

In the project area, the people have been mobilized and Village Watershed Committees (VWCs) have been formed in 4 old villages (Pirewadi,Morala,Landakwadi and Nagtala). The Village Development Committee (VDCs) have been formed in remaining project villages (Kelwandi,,Wanjarwadi,Wanjarwadi,Dhangarwadi,Khadakwadi,Sawarchol and Shirasgaon). The VDC is sub committee of grampanchayat. The members of the VDC are selected form the various constituencies formed. It is ensured that at least 33% are the women members.

The VWC/VDC is established to fulfill following roles:
• Planning and execution of project works, identifying target group/population coordination between village level supervisors and farmers etc.
• Organizing monthly meetings to observe social discipline like banning free grazing and tree felling.
• Supervising work, measurements and payments
• Ensuring maintenance of assets and structures created
• Facilitating conflict resolutions
• Net working and linkages with government line departments.
• Collection of maintenance fund.

VWCs/VDCs formed in all the villages are functioning well. Six training programs have been organized for VWC/VDC members. The members from all the villages are organizing the meetings and writing minutes of the meeting by themselves. VWCs/VDCs in 9 villages have taken up the overall implementation of the project.
Special focus is given to social and economic development of women through formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs). There are 57 SHGs in 11 villages with a total of 814 members. Inputs on health and hygiene are also provided by organizing training programs. The inputs have been given to the mahila pravartak in 9 project villages.

The Samyukata Mahila Samiti (SMS) have been formed in all the 11 project villages. In Pathardi region four livelihood activities have been implemented in four project villages. The trades of vermi celli making, flour mill, chilly pounding machine and goat rearing are the some of the examples. All these activities have been managed by the SMS of the respected villages. In Sangamner region one family has been supported for livelihood activity.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 1 Dec, 2005 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Apr, 2002 Preparation Phase

Developing the watershed to provide clean water, developing agriculture, and creating an institution so that villagers can continue to see benefits after project has ended.


During the reporting period, under soil and water conservation measures, 338.75 ha area have been treated. The treatments undertaken are Continuous Contour trenches, Water Absorption Trenches, Farm bunds, Stone outlets etc.

By end of this reporting period a cumulative 2935.27 ha area have been treated in 11 project villages with various treatments: Continuous Contour Trenches (CCT), Water Absorption Trenches (WAT), Stone Bunds (SB), and Refilling of the CCT, Plantation, Stone Outlet (SO) and Farm Bunds (FB).

Under the drainage line treatment, during the reporting period, the work of 15 check dams has been completed in 7 project villages namely Pirewadi, Morala, Dhangarwadi, Wanjarwadi Shirur, Kelwandi, Landakwadi and Khadakwadi.

In the project area, the people have been mobilized and Village Watershed Committees (VWCs) have been formed in 4 old villages (Pirewadi,Morala,Landakwadi and Nagtala). The Village Development Committee (VDCs) have been formed in remaining project villages (Kelwandi,,Wanjarwadi,Wanjarwadi,Dhangarwadi,Khadakwadi,Sawarchol and Shirasgaon). The VDC is sub committee of grampanchayat. The members of the VDC are selected form the various constituencies formed. It is ensured that at least 33% are the women members.

The VWC/VDC is established to fulfill following roles:
• Planning and execution of project works, identifying target group/population coordination between village level supervisors and farmers etc.
• Organizing monthly meetings to observe social discipline like banning free grazing and tree felling.
• Supervising work, measurements and payments
• Ensuring maintenance of assets and structures created
• Facilitating conflict resolutions
• Net working and linkages with government line departments.
• Collection of maintenance fund.

VWCs/VDCs formed in all the villages are functioning well. Six training programs have been organized for VWC/VDC members. The members from all the villages are organizing the meetings and writing minutes of the meeting by themselves. VWCs/VDCs in 9 villages have taken up the overall implementation of the project.
Special focus is given to social and economic development of women through formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs). There are 57 SHGs in 11 villages with a total of 814 members. Inputs on health and hygiene are also provided by organizing training programs. The inputs have been given to the mahila pravartak in 9 project villages.

The Samyukata Mahila Samiti (SMS) have been formed in all the 11 project villages. In Pathardi region four livelihood activities have been implemented in four project villages. The trades of vermi celli making, flour mill, chilly pounding machine and goat rearing are the some of the examples. All these activities have been managed by the SMS of the respected villages. In Sangamner region one family has been supported for livelihood activity.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

1.1 The main results and impacts observed during the year :

The results of the activities undertaken are visible in the project villages mainly in old villages. Some of the examples are as follows:

1. The surplus water is available for Rabi crop due to farm pond. The water stored in farm pond is utilized for Rabi crops which results increase in agricultural yield.
2. The water availability has been increased from 6 months (up to December) to 10 months (up to April) in 7 project villages.
3. The cropping pattern has been diversified in 11 project villages example the area under wheat has been increased from 447 ha. to 778 ha ( 57% increased). Eariler in most of the villages’ only rainfed crop was taken.
4. The income levels of all trades and occupations have increased in the last four years. On an average income has been increased from Rs. 7000 to Rs 12,000
5. Farmers who have demonstrated improved varieties of high yield seed have gain good result and they are providing the seed from their production to other farmers in the village. In this way 403 farmers are using improved varities and using their own seed.
6. The Self-Help Groups have helped primarily the women in terms of meeting their petty credit needs. The credit was also used to meet the needs of the families mainly in farming. Women have benefited from education and training inputs in areas of health, nutrition and social aspects. Their ability to participate in social aspects and gramsabhas is the most important benefit. There is an increase in the number of girls attending school. Girls between ages of 5 to 10 years attend school in the village. The ratio of girls between ages of 10 to 18 has increased in all the project villages. In four project villages the ratio of school going girl has been increased from 65% to 98%. In other three villages the ratio has been increased from 50% to 90%. In two villages the ratio is been increased from 10% to 60%. In Sangamner region the ratio of sending girls to school has been increased from 75% to 90%.
7. At present, wage employment generated through the project has given an opportunity to stay back in their village and project components have helped them understand their own resources while imbibing a sense of ownership that has lead to reduction in migration from 65% families to 52%families

For further information on implementation and watershed activities, see attached Annual Report, Chapter 2.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

Delays and Difficulties

1. Getting the permission for electricity connection was a lengthy procedure it delayed installation of flour mill, chilly grinding machines and vermi celli making machine.

2. The group activities are not effective when people are extensively busy in their field. It becomes very difficult to assemble the villagers.

3. While doing constructions work it is difficult to carry the material to the construction site. It delays the construction work. Some time the material does not get available on time because of the geographical factors and transportation.

4. After demonstration on any activity the impact of the activity does not get shared in the village meetings. It hinders the replication of the activity in the village. People do not see the impact and neglect the activity.

5. Group activties gets delay if the members of the group do seasonal migration.

Lessons Learned

1. The confidence of the VWCs enhanced by decentralizing the responsibility to the VWC members. The VWC members write project proposals if required support is provided to them.

2. The activities of agricultural demonstration should be done well in time and in appropriate season so that it can bare good result.

3. The poorest of the poor are involved in all the activities through continue follow up from project staff.

4. The regular inputs on health and hygiene are useful to create awareness among the members of SHGs. Impact of this activity can be seen in the project villages.

5. The labour oriented activity should be planned looking to the agriculture season, possible impacts of the work done. The problem of migration should be identified well in advance. It is an advantageous to complete the area treatment and plantation in the initial years of the project.

6. The impact of watershed work increased water level in the village. Because of the availability of water there is more work available in the field for the farmers. For the same reason people in the village are busy in their own farms and there is shortage of labour for area treatment work.

7. Wealth ranking made the procedure of contribution easier for any activity in the village. All the families in the village have divided in four segments very poor, poor, medium, and well off.

8. After seeing the horticulture plantation at Tambhol during exposure visit most of the farmers in project village motivated for horticulture activity. ( 93 farmers-55% of total)of the farmers have done horticulture plantation in project village Wanjarwadi pathardi.


People Impacted: 9395

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 9395

Watershed project rejuvenated the water table for 1513 households.

People Getting Other Benefits: 9395


Final Cost:
edit $353,939:
Karl Kübel Stiftung (KKS)
