The overall aim is to enhance livelihood opportunities, mainly farm based and to a lesser extent forest-based and off-farm, for tribal women and men in the project area. This is achieved through watershed development and capacity building.


The following strategy comprising of seven elements was considered during the implementation of the project: -
• Watershed village level institution building including all castes and classes of women and men for socio-economic and gender equity.
• Capacity building of women and men with emphasis on learning-by-doing
• Ensuring participation of project including monitoring and impact assessment
• Natural resource (soil, water, forest) conservation and management by community
• Agricultural extension
• Credit accessibility and income generation activities.

Soil and Water Conservation measures which is the major component of the project to increase the production of the agriculture. During the project period, an area of 6486 ha has been treated with various site specific and suitable treatments like: Continuous Contour Trenches (CCT), Water Absorption Trenches (WAT), Stone Bunds (SB), Refilling of the CCT, Plantation, Stone Outlet (SO) and Farm Bunds (FB), Nala bunds, grass seeding, pit plantation etc

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Dec, 2006 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jan, 2001 Preparation Phase

The overall aim is to enhance livelihood opportunities, mainly farm based and to a lesser extent forest-based and off-farm, for tribal women and men in the project area. This is achieved through watershed development and capacity building.


The following strategy comprising of seven elements was considered during the implementation of the project: -
• Watershed village level institution building including all castes and classes of women and men for socio-economic and gender equity.
• Capacity building of women and men with emphasis on learning-by-doing
• Ensuring participation of project including monitoring and impact assessment
• Natural resource (soil, water, forest) conservation and management by community
• Agricultural extension
• Credit accessibility and income generation activities.

Soil and Water Conservation measures which is the major component of the project to increase the production of the agriculture. During the project period, an area of 6486 ha has been treated with various site specific and suitable treatments like: Continuous Contour Trenches (CCT), Water Absorption Trenches (WAT), Stone Bunds (SB), Refilling of the CCT, Plantation, Stone Outlet (SO) and Farm Bunds (FB), Nala bunds, grass seeding, pit plantation etc


Creating and measuring long-term impact

In order to ensure the sustainability of the projects that have been initiated, formation of local trained youth cadre was very essential. To develop skills and knowledge to maintain the Natural Resources to the village level workers. Once they are equipped the VWC with the help of such workers can fully take over the project. In order to achieve this, village level workers were identified in village meeting with the help of the community. There are two such workers- Panlot Sevak PLS and a health promoter.

Four training programmes have been so far organized for the PLS to well equip them with the technical knowledge and practical exposure. They were also kept in fields directly for five days.

For the health promoters, so far three training have been organized with the help of the block Medical Officer, Navapur and the PHC, Khandbara. The basic knowledge of the problems, primary medicine, importance of the Hygiene and sanitation, drinking water purification was given.

Village level workers identified for water budgeting were also given three trainings so far.

One training program was organized for Animal Husbandry concepts for the village level workers at KVK Baramati. The paravets trained to address the needs of 10 villages.

After the introduction of the concept of Maintenance Fund in the VWC training and having realized it's importance the VWCs have collected the MF from the eligible families of the village. Each household has collecetd 100/yaer/family. At the end of the project period toatl of 9 villages have collected the required MF according to the norm. This amount collected by the VWCs have been deposuted in the bank. A proposal requesting the release of the MF to be released from the project, has been prepared by each VWC. This proposal after the verification at Regional level has been sent for the final approval and the disbursement of the MF.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

Delays and Difficulties-:

Type C villages:

1. It was planned to take up 7 additional villages in year 2005. The 7 villages have been identified in Pimpalner cluster. Only 4 villages fulfilled the criteria of initial qualifying shramdan.

2. In the 4 new villages community awareness and mobilization took time. WOTR’s self-selection criteria were new for them. Over the years as government works in the subsidy mode, contribution norm was new for the villagers.

3. In the near by areas government has launched the Employment Guarantee Scheme. The payment in this scheme is on daily wages. There is no local contribution for the work expected. Many farmers in new villages did the work initially in EGS and after this they participated in the project work. It gave scope to them to provide contribution in our project

4. The people who had taken advances from sugar factories /landlords migrated. They had taken advances in previous year (year 2004). It resulted into shortage of labour.

Type A and Type B villages

1. People are slow to adopt new techniques specially demonstrations on water saving devices and demonstrations of agricultural practices. Very few farmers have come forward to attempt the demonstrations.

2. The year 2005 had a good agriculture season. Due to the impact of the work done in old villages farmers are taking more than one crop. People are engaged in their field hence less labour force was available for the execution of the works.

3. In old villages, the people from neighboring villages grazed their animal in the project villages.

4. PRA tool was used to identify problems in the village. In some villages there was a problem of drinking water. There are funds for this activity with Grampanchayat. It was decided to complete this activity (which was planned under entry point activity through project) through Grampanchayat funds.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

Lessons Learnt-:
1. It is always advantages when the field staff participates in local festivals, celebrations. It helps them to win the confidence of the people. It is useful to organize video shows; street plays for community mobilization and awareness. Community Organizer should be with the community for maximum possible time. Community learns many basic principles by interactions and dialogue with villagers, hence farmer-to-farmer interaction, labourer to labourer interaction is possible in exposure visits.

2. The Self Selection Process: All villages desirous of participating in the project need to comply with certain demands
• Local contribution measured in cash of 25%
• Ban on free grazing in treated areas
• Ban on tree felling.
If these regulations are not met the project may be stopped at any time. While this initially takes a long time for acceptance, villages that accept these disciplines demonstrate ownership, which others opt out.

3. People understand the concepts through various games, street plays rather than a long lectures. Even in meetings different methodology is used.

4. In the initial years, regular and timely payment helps win the confidence of the people. The payment system should be discussed with the villagers. Transparency is essential on advantages and disadvantages of different programmes help in more involvement of the community.

5. The time required for community awareness and mobilization is minimum in the areas where work is already going on. Cluster level approach is best option to identify the projects within short period of time. It also helps in Planning and execution of the work. Since the projects are in a cluster, continuous support is given to the villagers and project staff.

6. The labour oriented activity should be planned looking to the agriculture season, possible impacts of the work done. The problem of migration should be identified well in advance.

7. The capacity building of CBOs is the key issue in project implementation. If VWC members are trained properly they will able to undertake their roles and responsibility for implementing the project in a full manner

8. Experience sharing workshops are useful to spread a common mission in the region. This platform is can be used to form regional level networks.

9. Whenever the results of demonstrations are discussed in a gramsabha following field day, helps in replication of the demonstration.

10. Advantage to get support from RAWE student. As they stay in the village for a period of 4-5 months it is beneficial to the people.

The drainage line survey is completed in all the villages. The sites have been identified in consultation with the villagers. It is planned to complete 7 check dams, 30 Earthen Nala Bund , 45 Gabion structures and 266 GPs.


People Impacted: 11674

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 11674

Watershed projects rejuvenated the water table for 2078 households.


Final Cost:
edit $743,430:
Karl Kübel Stiftung (KKS)
