Objectives of this project include: increased availability of potable water, increased food security due to increased agricultural productivity, enhancement of income through diversification of assets, reduction of distress migration, and creating SHGs.


At the Taluka Level major change is seen that in the western part of the Taluka which is mostly paddy growing area, the method of SRI (Systems of Rice intensifications) for paddy crop is accepted by farmers with more interest. As far as Agriculture department concern they are putting efforts in the villages so that farmers will accept this method. They organized various rallies, farmers School (Sheti Shala) at the village level. Also they give support by doing some demonstrations in the villages.

-Availability of potable water: Water table has been increased in the area where SWC work is completed in last year. Currently people are getting drinking water from community well & Hand Pump .Earlier water in the drinking water well was get over by the month of February .But during this year water was available till the month of May. Work of Drinking Water scheme is around to complete.

-Increased food security due to increased agricultural productivity: During this period area under Soyabean is increased by 25% compared to last two years. Groundnut area is replaced by soybean crop as it gives better result than groundnut crop. They use soyabean for daily consumption in meal & also excess quantity they sell in the market for their cash requirement. Some of the Farmers have accepted the SRI method for rice cultivation. They have seen that this method they can get 1.5 times more production as compared to the traditional method. Also some high yielding varieties is promoted in the project like US-10, Sahyadri, and Arize-6129 for paddy & Durga variety for Tur & JS -335 of Soyabean. Thus overall food security has been promoted in the project area.

-Enhancement of income through diversification of assets: dairy, poultry, improved agriculture and access to various livelihood opportunities: One women has started business of selling the vegetable in three hamlets. She earns her livelihood from this business. Also VDC has decided to take help from Manav Vikas Mission, Govt department at Collector office. This department provides support to the youths & village artesian through the various training program. They also help to link with the banks for fund requirement for initial capital investment.

-Reduction of distress migration: During this period project work was going on in the village. So mostly all labours were working on the project. There is almost no migration during the period.

-Women are organized into self help groups for solidarity enhancement, undertaking of social development activities and quality enhancing measures, to access and manage credit and undertake the possible income generating activities: Till now 18 SHG have been formed in the village involving 275 women in these SHG. The members have started internal lending in between the members so that they can easily fulfill their needs. Apex body from all these SHG called as Sayunkta Mahila Samitee is formed.SMS have successfully completed the SDA activities in the village. 45 units of Kitchen Garden was done in the month of July.

-To build up and / or enhance capacities of groups and local institutions to organize, implement, monitor and maintain the local assets: With the help of WOTR RRC Dhule PIM (Project Impact Monitoring) was carried out with VDC, SMS & some farmers. During the exercise participants are able to visualize the impacts of project. They had seen the impact and discussed among the communities. VDC & SMS Melawa cum workshop was arranged at Saverpada to share learning, difficulties with other project villages where other program are going on.

Objectives of this project include: increased availability of potable water, increased food security due to increased agricultural productivity, enhancement of income through diversification of assets, reduction of distress migration, and creating SHGs.


At the Taluka Level major change is seen that in the western part of the Taluka which is mostly paddy growing area, the method of SRI (Systems of Rice intensifications) for paddy crop is accepted by farmers with more interest. As far as Agriculture department concern they are putting efforts in the villages so that farmers will accept this method. They organized various rallies, farmers School (Sheti Shala) at the village level. Also they give support by doing some demonstrations in the villages.

-Availability of potable water: Water table has been increased in the area where SWC work is completed in last year. Currently people are getting drinking water from community well & Hand Pump .Earlier water in the drinking water well was get over by the month of February .But during this year water was available till the month of May. Work of Drinking Water scheme is around to complete.

-Increased food security due to increased agricultural productivity: During this period area under Soyabean is increased by 25% compared to last two years. Groundnut area is replaced by soybean crop as it gives better result than groundnut crop. They use soyabean for daily consumption in meal & also excess quantity they sell in the market for their cash requirement. Some of the Farmers have accepted the SRI method for rice cultivation. They have seen that this method they can get 1.5 times more production as compared to the traditional method. Also some high yielding varieties is promoted in the project like US-10, Sahyadri, and Arize-6129 for paddy & Durga variety for Tur & JS -335 of Soyabean. Thus overall food security has been promoted in the project area.

-Enhancement of income through diversification of assets: dairy, poultry, improved agriculture and access to various livelihood opportunities: One women has started business of selling the vegetable in three hamlets. She earns her livelihood from this business. Also VDC has decided to take help from Manav Vikas Mission, Govt department at Collector office. This department provides support to the youths & village artesian through the various training program. They also help to link with the banks for fund requirement for initial capital investment.

-Reduction of distress migration: During this period project work was going on in the village. So mostly all labours were working on the project. There is almost no migration during the period.

-Women are organized into self help groups for solidarity enhancement, undertaking of social development activities and quality enhancing measures, to access and manage credit and undertake the possible income generating activities: Till now 18 SHG have been formed in the village involving 275 women in these SHG. The members have started internal lending in between the members so that they can easily fulfill their needs. Apex body from all these SHG called as Sayunkta Mahila Samitee is formed.SMS have successfully completed the SDA activities in the village. 45 units of Kitchen Garden was done in the month of July.

-To build up and / or enhance capacities of groups and local institutions to organize, implement, monitor and maintain the local assets: With the help of WOTR RRC Dhule PIM (Project Impact Monitoring) was carried out with VDC, SMS & some farmers. During the exercise participants are able to visualize the impacts of project. They had seen the impact and discussed among the communities. VDC & SMS Melawa cum workshop was arranged at Saverpada to share learning, difficulties with other project villages where other program are going on.


People Impacted: 1600

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1600

People Getting Other Benefits: 1600


Final Cost:
edit $144,761:
Andheri Hilfe
