Self-supporting community- based mitigation program that provides arsenic safe water using modified dugwells along with public education on water related health effects.
This site #PW185, is in Tangra village of Chakdah block of Nadia district. Ranjit Biswas donated the site for the community.
Shikha Majumdar of Project WellImplementation Status: completed_partial Fri 19 Jul 2013, About 11 Years ago
people are not drinking due tn, iron ,organic smell ,turbid.
- Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Jul, 2011 Implementation Phase
- Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Oct, 2010 Preparation Phase
Self-supporting community- based mitigation program that provides arsenic safe water using modified dugwells along with public education on water related health effects.
This site #PW185, is in Tangra village of Chakdah block of Nadia district. Ranjit Biswas donated the site for the community.
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 40
It is estimated that 40 people will obtain water from source. Registers will be created as soon as the community starts using the water from this bore-dugwell.
Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $40
Creating and measuring long-term impact
Implementer: Project Well & Aqua Welfare Society
Aqua Welfare Society (AWS) is the partner NGO of Project Well. Their office is based in North 24 Parganas. The seven honorary board members are located in Kolkata. New field workers have been engaged mainly for the surveillance program. There is one project manager, one technical manager, one awareness program manager, two technical assistants, one maintenance assistant, one assistant for data entry, one account assistant and three field workers; three more field workers will be hired. All field staff are constantly interacting with the villagers and beneficiaries, training the users on well maintenance, organizing village meetings and health meetings. The project manager visits the villages three to four times a week and works alongside the field workers, meeting with government officials and villagers, selecting sites, coordinating well construction, sending reports to Project Well and meeting with the members AWS to keep the projects running. The awareness programmer is in charge of conducting public education programs in the communities and educational institutions, which is the other component that makes our program sustainable.
- funded:
- $1,160