This project will provide safe drinking water and hygiene education to the 505 residents of the community of Boqueron K'asa, located in the valleys of central Bolivia.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 25 Jan, 2008 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Dec, 2006 Preparation Phase

This project will provide safe drinking water and hygiene education to the 505 residents of the community of Boqueron K'asa, located in the valleys of central Bolivia.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

The maintenance costs include a plumber's monthly salary ($40) and a reserve for spare parts. A tariff will be assessed with the full partipation of the community to cover spare parts, cleaning materials, and the salary of the plumber.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

There will be a lot of emphasis on financial management training and sanitation-generation, with the idea that money from the water tariff will not only cover the cost of cleaning supplies, spares, and a plumber's salary, but that the community will be able to save money for a sanitation project.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

1. Water For People, LEMAG, and the communities need to have a clear policy for ensuring the local government's contribution is received timely. Delays in receiving the government's contribution delayed the project.

2. Carry out workshops on the importance of the depth of the trenches; also make practices digging trenches and use models to make people have anawareness of the importance of the trenches’ depth. Also, in the future, during the survey identify the rocky areas to avoid problems with the digging later.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 505

101 families will receive safe drinking water through this initiative and 1 public tap will be built.

Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $680

Creating and measuring long-term impact

The maintenance costs include a plumber's monthly salary ($40) and a reserve for spare parts. A tariff will be assessed with the full partipation of the community to cover spare parts, cleaning materials, and the salary of the plumber.


edit $12,625:
Blue Planet Network
