An entirely female driven project to provide safe drinking water to the villages of Damalwadi and Thakar Vasti (Ahmednagar district) and Wazar (Sangli district). Focus has been on management and maintenance post project.


Due to disunity among villagers, the Bhojewadi project was suspended.

The Dhanora project (of the original proposal) was substituted with a project in Thakar Vasti.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 30 Mar, 2006 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Dec, 2004 Preparation Phase

An entirely female driven project to provide safe drinking water to the villages of Damalwadi and Thakar Vasti (Ahmednagar district) and Wazar (Sangli district). Focus has been on management and maintenance post project.


Due to disunity among villagers, the Bhojewadi project was suspended.

The Dhanora project (of the original proposal) was substituted with a project in Thakar Vasti.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

Maintenance cost will be collected from all the beneficiary household at the rate of Rs. 20 per month. It will be used for the electric connection.
A maintenance cost will also be collected from the SMS, or women's group.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

In these three hamlets, the projects have included deepening existing wells, creating water systems with piping, repairing existing tanks, constructing tanks, connecting tank taps, attaching electric pumps to tanks and building waterstands.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1150

Damalwadi: 75 families, 450 people
Wazar: 72 families, 350 people
Thakar Vasti: 19 families, 350 people

People Getting Sanitation: 1150


Final Cost:
edit $25,326:
Blue Planet Network
