The project constructs 2 latrines and one Rooftop RWH structure that is connected to an underground water tank with a hand pump at Obborda and Tabarghanak Schools.


Deviation in accordance to the plan in Obborda School:
-The installation of 6 commodes (WC) in the existing latrines instead of construction of 2 traditional pit latrines.
-The installation of water tanks with a capacity for 450 gallons for the flashing purposes of 6 new installed commodes (WC).
-Construction of one septic tank for the 6 latrines.

Deviation for Tabarghanak School:
There was a delay caused by discussions concerning site selection for the construction. This did not cause the project to finish after the deadline.

  • Rajesh Shah of Peer Water Exchange
    • peer
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed_partial Mon 20 Feb 2006, Almost 19 Years ago

    Visit by NCA in February

    Report from NCA visit

    • Monitori...
  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 30 Dec, 2005 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jun, 2005 Preparation Phase
  • Rajesh Shah of Peer Water Exchange
    • peer
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 25 Apr 2005, Over 19 Years ago

    Jaghori field trip

    Visit report by NCA

    • Jaaghoi_...
    • Jaaghoi_...
    • Jaaghoi_...
    • Jaaghoi_...
    • Jaaghoi_...

The project constructs 2 latrines and one Rooftop RWH structure that is connected to an underground water tank with a hand pump at Obborda and Tabarghanak Schools.


Deviation in accordance to the plan in Obborda School:
-The installation of 6 commodes (WC) in the existing latrines instead of construction of 2 traditional pit latrines.
-The installation of water tanks with a capacity for 450 gallons for the flashing purposes of 6 new installed commodes (WC).
-Construction of one septic tank for the 6 latrines.

Deviation for Tabarghanak School:
There was a delay caused by discussions concerning site selection for the construction. This did not cause the project to finish after the deadline.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

RWH is a maintenance free system and constructed in local material at village level. It is only necessary to clean the structures before the rains begin.
Monitoring of the use of the handpumps, including proper hygiene, will be done twice a year.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

The construction activities in Obborda School includes:
-Construction of one underground water tank size 5 X 4 X 3.5 cu-m for the collection of rooftop rain water.
-Construction of retaining walls 56 cu-m Stone masonry with cement sand mortar
-Installation of 2- hand pump
-Supply and Installation of 450 gallons capacity water tank for latrines flash system.
-Installation of 6 commodes (WC) in 6 Cells of latrines for boys and girls.
-Putting of PVC pipe for collection of water
-Water proofing the underground water tank
-RCC on top of Underground water tank

The construction activities in Tabarghanak School includes:
-Construction of one underground water tank size 4.6 x 4.7 x 3 cu-m for the collection of rooftop rain water.
-Construction of retaining walls of Stone masonry with cement sand mortar
-Installation of 2- hand pump
-Putting of PVC pipe for collection of water from the rooftop and directing to the underground water tank
-Water proofing the underground water tank
-RCC on top of Underground water tank.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

The main challenge of this project is that rain water collection for drinking and hygiene purposes is not a common practice in Afghanistan. Therefore, monitoring will be essential.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1310

School Children Getting Water: 1310

1) 700 Students of Obborda School (girls & boys)
2) 610 Students of Tabarghanak School (girls & boys)

People Getting Sanitation: 1310

People Getting Other Benefits: 696

During the construction 184-skilled rural youth and 512 unskilled workers indirectly benefited from project through employment.


Final Cost:
edit $15,000:
Blue Planet Network
