Provision of Drinking Water at Yaldoz Girls High School and Kolal Khana Girls School in Andkhoy.


Instead of 10 schools as were originally proposed, 2 schools were outfitted with Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting structures.

At Yaldoz Girls High School, the following activities took place:
-1 existing underground storage water tank rehabilitated
-300 meter GI gutter installed around the school building roof
-the gutter of the school was connected with underground water tank
-the underground water tank waterproofed
-a V-shaped cover was constructed on top of the underground water tank
-a pump installed on the water tank

At Kolal Khan Girls School, the following took place:
-1 underground water tank constructed and covered by RCC slab
-the roof of the school building water waterproofed
-the gutter connected through PVC pipe with underground water tank
-1 pump installed

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Dec, 2006 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jun, 2006 Preparation Phase

Provision of Drinking Water at Yaldoz Girls High School and Kolal Khana Girls School in Andkhoy.


Instead of 10 schools as were originally proposed, 2 schools were outfitted with Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting structures.

At Yaldoz Girls High School, the following activities took place:
-1 existing underground storage water tank rehabilitated
-300 meter GI gutter installed around the school building roof
-the gutter of the school was connected with underground water tank
-the underground water tank waterproofed
-a V-shaped cover was constructed on top of the underground water tank
-a pump installed on the water tank

At Kolal Khan Girls School, the following took place:
-1 underground water tank constructed and covered by RCC slab
-the roof of the school building water waterproofed
-the gutter connected through PVC pipe with underground water tank
-1 pump installed


Creating and measuring long-term impact

The maintenance of rain water harvesting structures is a challenge because these schools have no funds available for the repair and maintenance. The schools authorities are planning to raise funds for the repair and maintenance of the structures.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

In all projects, the NCA approach is that the community has to make a contribution towards the project, as well as taking part in decisions concerning the implementation. This project is community based project, the community contributed in the construction of the rain water harvesting structure, by doing excavation for the underground water tank.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

The barefoot approach to rooftop rain water harvesting will be documented audio-visually and a film made as a demonstration and advocacy tool as this approach is new in Afghanistan.

After visiting the RRWH structure, UNICEF has decided to fund construction of rain water harvesting structures in four schools of Faryab province.
It is expected that successful implementation of these new projects will motivate other donor agencies to support more such projects in Faryab province.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 4600

4600 school girls, their teachers and school staff

School Children Getting Water: 4600

People Getting Sanitation: 4600


Final Cost:
edit $24,000:
Blue Planet Network
