The project consisted of the construction of an 8 faucet, 2000 liters hand washing station with rain styorage capability. Repairs were also made to an existing rain storage tank and several mop stations.

  • Field Photographer of PhotoPhilanthropy
    • peer
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Tue 19 Feb 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Maria Consoli Bartrum

    We were able to meet with Meredith Burns before going to this school. She is a Peace Corp volunteer from Harrisburg, VA and working closely with this school and 18 others to successfully institute the Healthy Schools Project.
    She was given a 3 month training in Guatemala before starting this program. This program consists of levels in order to get certified:
    1. Healthy Nook: practice of healthy habits, kids come clean, they have a healthy snack prepared in hygienic manner, have the correct infrastructure and that they have water 5 hours each day, 5 days of the school week.
    2. Height and weight measurement of the children, a plan for disasters, parents and teachers have to be trained in program design and management.
    Now they are including peer education, involving parents more and involving more schools . Volunteers are training the trainers. Of the 19 schools Meredith works with, 4 schools are certified at this time.
    Meredith believes that some of these healthy habits were going on but it was never a priority so this program makes it "muscle memory," where kids are beginning to automatically practice these healthy habits without being told.
    This school has 9 teachers, 171 students, grades K-6th grade.
    Lynn Roberts, head of APS and organizer for the construction of the hand washing station for the school, commented that the Heathy Schools Project was a perfect match for his program because while he had the funding for constructing the wash station, he was not able to finance a health education staff to teach the schools how to utilize the station most effectively for better health. So he and Dr. Sergio Mack, who originally started the Healthy Schools Project with the Peace Corp volunteers and has since passed away, began working together to strengthen the effort for healthier children and schools. They have been able to do as many as 40-60 schools a year in conjunction with the Peace Corp volunteers over the last 10 years.
    Unfortunately the number of Peace Corp volunteers has dramatically decreased in the last year mostly likely due to the state of the economy in the US and significant budget cuts that have been made, which is making the success of this program more difficult.

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  • Lynn Roberts of Agua Para La Salud (APLS)
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 26 Jul 2012, About 12 Years ago

    Panimatzalam School Hand Washing Station

    The project was finished in mid June 2012. Along with the construction of an 8 faucet/ 2000 liter tank hand washing station we were able to repair an existing rain storage tank that was constructed by another organization and repair several existing mop stations for cleaning the school.

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  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 15 Jun, 2012 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 4 Jun, 2012 Preparation Phase

The project consisted of the construction of an 8 faucet, 2000 liters hand washing station with rain styorage capability. Repairs were also made to an existing rain storage tank and several mop stations.


People Impacted: 161

School Children Getting Water: 161

People Getting Other Benefits: 161

The Panimatzalam school is part of the Peace Corps healthy Schools project in which Peace corps volunteers spend between 2-6 years training the teachers in hygiene education techniques.


Final Cost:
