Funded by Blue Planet Network, The Samburu Project will drill and install a well in the Lempuranai Community.


After an unsuccessful day in Lororo looking for a viable well site, Lucas and Kariuki moved to Lempuranai, a neighboring area. This community currently travels more than 10 kms daily in search of water.

A new well in the community will reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases. Women will have more time to venture into other economic activities. Water from the well will be used for drinking, cooking, washing clothes and bathing. The community also intends to establish a farm near the well. The water will also be used for livestock.

After surveying three sites a viable location was found.

  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 10 Jan 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Construction Complete & Well Pumping Water

    Today, the well construction was completed and the community is pumping clean water!

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 10 Jan, 2013 Implementation Phase
  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 04 Dec 2012, Almost 12 Years ago

    Water Struck at 50 Meters!

    After two days of drilling water was struck at 50 meters!

  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sun 05 Aug 2012, About 12 Years ago

    Lempuranai = WATER

    After surveying three locations in Lempuranai, Kariuki found a viable site.

    • Lempuran...
    • Lempuran...
    • Lempuran...
    • Lempuran...
  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sat 04 Aug 2012, About 12 Years ago

    Lororo = NO WATER

    After surveying 5 sites, Kariuki was unable to find a viable location for a well in Lororo. Tomorrow, they will move to Lempuranai in hopes of better luck.

  • Implementation Phase Project started on 4 Aug, 2012 Preparation Phase
  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 30 Jul 2012, About 12 Years ago

    Kariuki Lost in the Bush

    Hydrogeologic surveys were scheduled to begin on July 12th, however, our wonderful hydrogeolgist, Joseph Kariuki, was delayed. He rescheduled to arrive in Wamba on July 22nd, but he has yet to appear. We hope that he has just gotten stuck in the bush on another job. Oftentimes, there is no mobile signal where he works. We will send an update as soon as he surfaces.

Funded by Blue Planet Network, The Samburu Project will drill and install a well in the Lempuranai Community.


After an unsuccessful day in Lororo looking for a viable well site, Lucas and Kariuki moved to Lempuranai, a neighboring area. This community currently travels more than 10 kms daily in search of water.

A new well in the community will reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases. Women will have more time to venture into other economic activities. Water from the well will be used for drinking, cooking, washing clothes and bathing. The community also intends to establish a farm near the well. The water will also be used for livestock.

After surveying three sites a viable location was found.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

A well committee has been created and roles have been established. Once the well has been successfully drilled, the well committee will establish a fund for the well. Every household will contribute an agreed upon amount of money monthly towards well maintenance and management.


People Impacted: 1050

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1050

210 households @ 5 people per house
Data Source: Community Elders & Local Government

School Children Getting Water: 122

Lempuranai Preschool - 38 students
Lempuranai Primary School - 84 students

People Getting Sanitation: 1050

Improved sanitation is an ancillary benefit of community water availability.

People Getting Other Benefits: 1050

Water is the foundation from which all things grow. The expectation is that this community will receive many benefits beyond access to clean, safe drinking water.

Implementer: Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Final Cost:
