This program is a community-effort to engage families to make improvements to their health and wellbeing by improving the sanitation situation in their community. Families that participate in the project will partake in the construction of their bathroom


This project improves sanitation through the construction of ecological latrine. This model does not require plumbing or water for usage. The latrine is built above ground on top of a double vault system, with one chamber in use at any given time. A toilet seat with two holes separates urine from fecal matter. Only fecal matter enters the disposal chamber where it is contained. When this chamber fills, the toilet seat is moved to the second chamber and fecal matter in the first chamber begins the composting process. When the second chamber is filled, compost from the first chamber is removed, and the process starts over. After each use of the latrine, dry material is added to prevent odor, repel bugs and support decomposition. The above-ground model eliminates risk of fecal matter leaking into ground water. The education program of this project aims to ensure that local people adopt the habit of utilizing and maintaining their ecological latrine, and that people gain a deep understanding between the connection of hygiene, sanitation and health. Etta Projects oversees the education component of the project. They hold community meetings, train community Sanitation Promoters, and educate families on proper hygiene when using these facilities. The participating villages elect two Community Sanitation Promoters that act as group leaders. Sanitation Promoters encourage families to properly maintain their ecological bathrooms, reinforce effective hygiene practices, serve as model participants by practicing lessons learned in their own home, monitor and evaluation project results and ensure proper communication between Etta Projects and the communities. Also included in the educational program are workshops that target children.

  • Katie Chandler of Etta Projects
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed_late Sat 15 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Final Report

    Please see attached final report

    • 2012-201...
  • Katie Chandler of Etta Projects
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 10 Jan 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Before and After Sanitation Pictures

    The attached pictures show the before and after sanitation situation in the village San Martin.

  • Katie Chandler of Etta Projects
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 10 Jan 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Before and After Sanitation Pictures

    The attached pictures show the before and after sanitation situation in the village San Martin.

    • SAN_MART...
  • Katie Chandler of Etta Projects
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Sun 02 Dec 2012, Almost 12 Years ago

    Construccion Completa

    • Durante los primeros días del mes de Noviembre se realizaron las compras de materiales para los techos de San Martin y para el colocado de tubos de ventilación.
    • Se coloco techos a los 2 baños pendientes.
    • Se coloco tubos de ventilación al 100% de banos ecológicos en San Martin
    • Se tiene el 100% de banos en San Martin listos para funcionar.
    • Se entrego tapas de madera, las cuales no tuvieron ningún costo, con ayuda de Reynaldo Canedo, conseguimos un tronco, el cual acerramos y dio la casualidad que era justo a la medida. Las familias quedaron muy contentas y decidieron forrarlas para que queden mas bonitas, como se puede ver en las fotos a continuación.

    o RESULTADO : 100% de los baños concluidos y listos para su funcionamiento.

  • Katie Chandler of Etta Projects
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Sat 01 Dec 2012, Almost 12 Years ago

    Actividades: Mes de Nov. 2012

    • Comunidad San Martín.- realizar con las promotoras de saneamiento dos talleres: uso y mantenimiento de los baños, entrenamiento en llenado de instrumentos de monitoreo del uso de los baños. Realizar tres talleres con las familias: uso y mantenimiento de los baños, preservación de los alimentos y entrenamiento en soluciones a posibles problemas de los baños ecológicos. Realizar un taller con los niños: uso de los baños ecológicos.

    Actividades con los niños.- los niños asisten con sus padres a los talleres de las familias y escuchan la capacitación pero aún no se realizó el taller exclusivo para ellos sobre el uso de los baños con los niños debido a que en esta comunidad no se había iniciado el uso de los baños.

    06 y 07 de Noviembre de 2012 en Montero y comunidad Paisaje
    Taller de capacitación sobre uso correcto y mantenimiento de los baños y entrenamiento en el llenado de los instrumentos de Monitoreo del uso de los baños ecológicos.
    Las promotoras de saneamiento de San Martín acudieron a Montero el Martes 06 de nov., ese día se realizó el tema de uso correcto del baño ecológico, el miércoles 07 se visitó la comunidad Paisaje y algunos baños de Montero para entrenar en el correcto llenado del instrumento de monitoreo del uso de los baños.
    Las promotoras aprendieron el uso correcto de los baños, escucharon las experiencias de las familias de Paisaje y practicaron el llenado del instrumento de monitoreo de los baños.

    08 de noviembre
    Taller de capacitación sobre “preparación de accesorios para iniciar el uso de los baños y uso correcto y mantenimiento de los baños ecológicos”.
    Asistieron 8 de las 11 familias.
    Se realizó el tema a través de diapositivas y exposición dialogada con participación activa de los asistentes, las familias practicaron uno `por uno sobre la manera correcta de usar el baño y como prepararlo: como sentarse, como preparar y colocar el material secante, como batir las cámaras, etc.

    Los asistentes aprendieron como tener listo su baño para usarlo correcta_ mente.

    20 de noviembre
    Taller de capacitación sobre “preservación de los alimentos y campaña de desparasitación”

    Asistieron 9 de las 11 familias.
    Se realizó el tema a través de diapositivas y exposición dialogada con participación activa de los asistentes y demostración con alimentos. Se entregó antiparasitarios a los adultos de la comunidad para reforzar el taller de saneamiento e higiene.
    Al final de la reunión se realizó sorteos de premios entre los participantes que respondieron correctamente las preguntas y a las familias que llegaron puntuales a la reunión.

    Los asistentes aprendieron como preservar correctamente sus alimentos.

    26 de noviembre
    Capacitación sobre soluciones a posibles problemas de los baños ecológicos

    Asistieron 9 de las 11 familias.
    Se realizó el tema a través de diapositivas y exposición dialogada con participación activa de los asistentes.
    Al final de la reunión se realizó sorteos de premios entre los participantes que respondieron correctamente las preguntas y a las familias que llegaron puntuales a la reunión.

    Los asistentes aprendieron a solucionar los problemas que se puedan ir presentando a medida que usen sus baños.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 1 Dec, 2012 Implementation Phase
  • Katie Chandler of Etta Projects
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Fri 09 Nov 2012, Almost 12 Years ago

    Oct- Capacitacion

    Adjunto el informe de capacitacion de comunidad y promotoras

    • Banos_Ec...
  • Katie Chandler of Etta Projects
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Wed 03 Oct 2012, About 12 Years ago

    Actividades: Mes de Sep. 2012

    • Se ha realizado en levantado de una cámara en la comunidad de San Martin, quedando pendiente solo el revocado.

    • Durante este mes se verifico y aprobó el nuevo modelo de canastillos con las nuevas medidas, los cuales se deben recoger la primera quincena de octubre.

    • También debo informar que se realizó la compra del 70% de los materiales restantes para todo el proyecto, concluyendo la compra de materiales la primer semana de Octubre.

  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Apr, 2012 Preparation Phase

This program is a community-effort to engage families to make improvements to their health and wellbeing by improving the sanitation situation in their community. Families that participate in the project will partake in the construction of their bathroom


This project improves sanitation through the construction of ecological latrine. This model does not require plumbing or water for usage. The latrine is built above ground on top of a double vault system, with one chamber in use at any given time. A toilet seat with two holes separates urine from fecal matter. Only fecal matter enters the disposal chamber where it is contained. When this chamber fills, the toilet seat is moved to the second chamber and fecal matter in the first chamber begins the composting process. When the second chamber is filled, compost from the first chamber is removed, and the process starts over. After each use of the latrine, dry material is added to prevent odor, repel bugs and support decomposition. The above-ground model eliminates risk of fecal matter leaking into ground water. The education program of this project aims to ensure that local people adopt the habit of utilizing and maintaining their ecological latrine, and that people gain a deep understanding between the connection of hygiene, sanitation and health. Etta Projects oversees the education component of the project. They hold community meetings, train community Sanitation Promoters, and educate families on proper hygiene when using these facilities. The participating villages elect two Community Sanitation Promoters that act as group leaders. Sanitation Promoters encourage families to properly maintain their ecological bathrooms, reinforce effective hygiene practices, serve as model participants by practicing lessons learned in their own home, monitor and evaluation project results and ensure proper communication between Etta Projects and the communities. Also included in the educational program are workshops that target children.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

The process of alternating usage of the pits and excavating compost must be maintained for the toilet to function and be sustainable. Families can utilize the compost for beneficial purposes. Training in the importance of sanitation and family participation in the construction also adds to the sustainability of the bathroom.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

Heavy rains have impacted the project in various ways. The rain left the roads impassable, and arriving to the villages has been a challenge. Also, the rain has impacted people's ability to work and earn money. Some families not do not have the resources to contribute to the project.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

Modification of toilet seat from cement to metal to fiber glass and plastic.


People Impacted: 100

School Children Getting Water: 17

16 students plus 1 teacher. Etta Projects works with village teachers so they acknowledge ecological bathrooms as a sanitation model. Project staff offer children educational workshops so that they support the use and maintenance of their family’s ecological latrine.

People Getting Sanitation: 100

People Getting Other Benefits: 100

Improves hygiene habits with education on bathroom use, hand-washing, food preparation, garbage disposal, water storage;

Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $354

Creating and measuring long-term impact

The process of alternating usage of the pits and excavating compost must be maintained for the toilet to function and be sustainable. Families can utilize the compost for beneficial purposes. Training in the importance of sanitation and family participation in the construction also adds to the sustainability of the bathroom.

Implementer: Comprehensive Sanitation Improvements Project - San Martin

Etta Projects has worked with the village San Martin for the last two years. We have supported the implementation of a water system; the formation of a community water committee; the implementation of a school garden; teacher training workshops in hygiene, self-esteem and values; the formation of community health promoters (who now also serve as sanitation promoters); and community leadership training.


Final Cost:
Rotary International Foundation
