Funded by Mara Brock and Salim Akil, The Samburu Project will drill and install a shallow well equipped with a handpump in the Lkisin community.


The Samburu Project drilled another well in this area in 2006. That well is located near Lkisin Primary School. There was an issue with the community because the students were taking so much time to get water and lost time in school. By drilling a second well in this community, the one well can be dedicated to the school, alleviating the time students spend fetching water.

The community lives near Lkisin River which is seasonal. During the rainy season, the water becomes dirty and not fit for human consumption. Beyond this seasonal river, there are no other water sources in the area.

On day 1, the community wanted the well on one side of the river which was not viable. They tried five sites unsuccessfully,

On day 2, they found a site after five sites, 1 km from Lkisin 1.

Ten sites were surveyed before finding a viable location.

  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 10 Jan 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Construction Complete & Well Pumping Water

    Today, construction was completed on the well and the people in the community are pumping and drinking clean water!

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 10 Jan, 2013 Implementation Phase
  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 11 Dec 2012, Almost 12 Years ago

    Water Struck at 20 Meters!

    On the first day of drilling, water was struck at 20 meters!

  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 29 Aug 2012, About 12 Years ago

    Lkisin = WATER

    After two days and 10 surveys, Kariuki found a viable site.

  • Implementation Phase Project started on 29 Aug, 2012 Preparation Phase
  • Kristen Kosinski of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 28 Aug 2012, About 12 Years ago

    Site Selection - Day 1

    After surveying five sites on one side of the river unsuccessfully, Kariuki will move to the other side of the river tomorrow in hopes of success.

Funded by Mara Brock and Salim Akil, The Samburu Project will drill and install a shallow well equipped with a handpump in the Lkisin community.


The Samburu Project drilled another well in this area in 2006. That well is located near Lkisin Primary School. There was an issue with the community because the students were taking so much time to get water and lost time in school. By drilling a second well in this community, the one well can be dedicated to the school, alleviating the time students spend fetching water.

The community lives near Lkisin River which is seasonal. During the rainy season, the water becomes dirty and not fit for human consumption. Beyond this seasonal river, there are no other water sources in the area.

On day 1, the community wanted the well on one side of the river which was not viable. They tried five sites unsuccessfully,

On day 2, they found a site after five sites, 1 km from Lkisin 1.

Ten sites were surveyed before finding a viable location.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

A well committee has been created and roles have been established. Once the well has been successfully drilled, the well committee will establish a fund for the well. Every household will contribute an agreed upon amount of money monthly towards well maintenance and management.


People Impacted: 980

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 980

156 households @ 5 people per house
200 Additional School Children
Data Source: Community Elders & Local Government

School Children Getting Water: 200

Lkisin Preschool
Lkisin Primary School

People Getting Sanitation: 980

Improved sanitation is an ancillary benefit of community water availability.

People Getting Other Benefits: 980

Water is the foundation from which all things grow. The expectation is that this community will receive many benefits beyond access to clean, safe drinking water.


Final Cost:
