Monitoring and sharing the STP operations and water reuse of Rainbow Drive


Treat water in the best manner and share info with entire Bangalore community.

Technology: Phytorid

Operations outsourced: No

Sewage Treatment Plant Data

No specific STP design or operating data
  • Pranav Padukone
    • Visitor
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 25 Feb 2016, Over 8 Years ago

    Sewage Treatment Plant

    It was really informative.I didn't know there where many ways to treat water especially the biological treatment plant. I liked the trip a lot. It was a really interesting one.

  • Simran Hinduja (Inventure Academy)
    • Visitor
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    Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, Over 8 Years ago

    visit to STP

    we went to see an STP on the 11th of feb. we went to many places. we also got to see how the STP worked. overall it was a really good experience.and it was also interesting as we got to know a lot about how an stp looks like and how it works.

  • fashionista101
    • Visitor
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, Over 8 Years ago

    Rainbow Drive STP

    Rainbow Drive's STP was completely functional as has been for over 10 years. They had several processes that re-ensured the quality of water was okay to be reused by people to wash cars, garden, clean etc. The first step of their STP was under a flower bed of flowers that made it look beautiful as well, you would have never guessed what was underneath. They had a very systematic and organised way of cleaning the water so that there were no cracks or spills. It all ended up in one big, mint green tank, where the final cleaning takes place.

  • Sanketh.Rao(Inventure Academy)
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    Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, Over 8 Years ago

    STP visit

    We visited 2 different communities,Rainbow Drive and Lake Shore Homes where they both had their own unique way to control their sewage .We initially visited Rainbow Drive-They had segregated the sewage into wet and dry which made it easier for the process of adding chemicals ,which cleaned the sludge and they use the same water to water the plants and they had grown well showing us that the water was indeed cleaned and used .Lake Shore Homes-The method was the same but they used it for bathing and other sanitary uses.All in all ,us students of Inventure Acedemy learnt that in a few 25 years if we dont start saving water we might find ourselves fighting for water .This trip also taught us to be a CITIZEN and not a SHITIZEN!!

  • Pranav Mishra (Inventure Academy)
    • Visitor
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, Over 8 Years ago

    Rainbow Drive STP

    The residents of rainbow drive had a unique, self-imposed type of sewage treatment plant, functional for 10 years. The process was largely natural based; the sewage was run under the roots of various flowering plants and harmful minerals are absorbed through the roots in a strictly confined bed. The flowers made the STP visually attractive, while underneath the soil the plants were doing their work. The water was then collected and put through secondary treatment processes. The finished product water samples were clean enough to use for gardens, toilets, etc.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Dec, 2013 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jan, 2012 Preparation Phase

Monitoring and sharing the STP operations and water reuse of Rainbow Drive


Treat water in the best manner and share info with entire Bangalore community.

Technology: Phytorid

Operations outsourced: No


Creating and measuring long-term impact

Monthy costs in energy and staff for all water, sewage treatment, and general activies. Need to get economics of treatment only.


People Impacted: 500

People Getting Other Benefits: 500

Groundwater level rising with good quality

Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $5000

Creating and measuring long-term impact

Monthy costs in energy and staff for all water, sewage treatment, and general activies. Need to get economics of treatment only.


Final Cost:
