Rotary District project to provide Kisii District Hospital with a continuous supply of clean running water.


The project progressed slowly because of delays in receiving funding. While waiting the arrival of funds, the community dug a trench from the spring location about a kilometer uphill to the hospital water storage towers. Once funds arrived work progressed smoothly starting with the location of the eye of the spring and building of the filtration system. During the course of digging a second spring was located and this two was tapped to provide water to the local community and as a back up to the primary spring. The second spring, however, is seasonal. While work on the spring was progressing, a pump house was built, the pump was purchased and installed, and savings in construction costs allowed the purchase of what was to be a back-up diesel generator. The back-up is now serving as primary while the hospital waits for the government to install three phase power to the pump. The cement facility built where the community has access to spring water exceeded all expectations. the water flows throughout the day on a schedule that allows women to draw water in the early morning and vendors to draw water later in the day. There are platforms built to facilitate washing clothes and businesses are sprouting up around the facility. At night, the water is redirected to filling up the hospitals water storage tanks.