Sewage Treatment Plant #1 (STP-1) was constructed in 2006, but many issues (esp. people issues) prevented it from operating as designed. This project completes the STP with storage wells and a grey water reuse system.
MetriX Summary
LW STP 1: BOD (6)
LW STP 1: Inlet BOD (1)
LW STP 1: COD (6)
LW STP 1: TDS (6)
LW STP 1: pH (2)
Laughing Waters is an urban residential community in the Bangalore suburbs. This ambitious plan goes beyond treating sewage water and discharging it (as is done today to the annoyance of the neighbors and some residents).
The plant is anaerobic using no energy.
Sewage Treatment Plant Data
No specific STP design or operating data-
Dr. Surendra Kulkarni of Lake Shore Homes
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Tue 15 Sep 2015, Over 9 Years agoVisit by Dr. Surendra Kulkarni of Lake Shore Homes
I visited the LW STPs with Rajesh and we noticed that the treated water had a foul odour in the 3 recharge wells. It looks like BOD is not lowered enough for human contact (so can't do irrigation like we do in Lake Shore Homes).
PA Chairman of KSPCB
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Fri 30 May 2014, Almost 11 Years agoVisit by KSPCB Chairman
Chairman of the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) Dr. Vaman Acharya and his team visited the Laughing Waters STP's among other sites in Whitefield at the invitation of Rajesh Shah.
We looked at the anaerobic treatment and the water in the recharge wells.
Rajesh Patil
PA to Chairman -
Regional Officer of KSPCB
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Fri 14 Mar 2014, About 11 Years agoVisit by PCB SEOs
At the invitation of Rajesh Shah, we visited STPs in Whitefield, including all the STPs in Laughing Waters.
We took a water sample to test at our lab.
M. G. Yatish and D. Shanmukappa
KSPCB Senior Environmental Officers -
Nitin Agarwal
- Visitor
- confidential
Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 21 Feb 2013, About 12 Years agoNeed Help in discharge of STP treated Water
My name is Nitin Agarwal and I live in SLS Sunflower Boganhalli Bangalore, It is New New Horizon College. In our society there is rougly 40000 Liters of water is genrated after STP treatment which has to be waisted.
We tried to contact a few builders nearby but none to our rescue. Would request to please help as a lot of water is bein discharged in open. My conact email ID is
Rajesh Shah of Peer Water Exchange
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Mon 24 May 2010, Almost 15 Years agoNew 2nd main sewage line being put in
The residents of 2nd main know that the sewage line east of the STP actually is lower than the inlet and so has been always containing stagnant stuff.
This has led to constant smell and may have been the cause of stench, esp. during rainy.
Finally, i got the entire line measured (4 times) and decided to redo it. The design was circulated among the impacted residents of 2nd main and approved.
For the past 5 days we have been digging up, and today we have delivery of all the 400+ feet of new pipe. Its going to be an expensive project, much needed, and covered by STP funds.
Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Thu 15 Apr 2010, Almost 15 Years agoRelayout of the sewage line
This project will never finish!
The line east of the STP down 2nd Main has always been a problem. Most of it is lower than STP and thus has been partially responsible for smell and other issues.
3 measurements of the entire line were taken and a plan to raise the line is attached. The problem is that one of the homes has a low sewage line inlet so it needs to be raised.
The plan is to lay the new line on top of the old one and then start blocking the old line and raising the floor of all the existing chambers.
Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed_late Tue 23 Mar 2010, About 15 Years agoMotor burns out
The motor burnt out yeserday and the plumber removed it and took it to Whitefield for repair.
Rs 1,950 later, the motor is back after the re-winding.
The person constructing their home next to the STP is finding a lot of water at the foundation level - coming from the soakpits. So we are running the motor continuously to keep them empty and give the foundation a chance to dry. So the motor may burn out due to overuse.
Its hard to find a good quality motor.
The next stage to use the water hopefully happens soon.
Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Sat 06 Mar 2010, About 15 Years ago -
Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Fri 15 May 2009, Almost 16 Years agoElectricity connection and meter installed
Now, water can be pumped out for resuse.
Need a shed to protect motor. And an auto level controller would be a must too.
This project can be now marked complete, though small issues will surface constantly.
- Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 29 Apr, 2009 Implementation Phase
Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 01 Apr 2009, Almost 16 Years agoBanana trees planted
Around 30 banana saplings were planted in a vacant plot about 40 meters away.
A temporary pump connection allows 2 hours of pumping operation to empty the soak pits to the vacant plot.
A more permanent shed needs to be constructed and a permanent motor needs to be installed.
Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: in_progress Sun 15 Mar 2009, About 16 Years agoPlan to store water, treat it, and reuse it
I have drawn up an ambitious plan to reuse the water from the STP by combining the plan of storing the output water, recharging the ground, treating the water, and reusing it with plans of building an office for LWORA and also reducing water consumption for washing cars.
Currently the water was being pumped out of the plot and we had one or two complaints.
Then we diverted it to the empty plot at the end of the street and the owner complained, thinking it was sewage. On being informed it was not, still complaints.
Rajesh Shah of Blue Planet Network
- peer
- confidential
Implementation Status: completed Tue 17 Feb 2009, About 16 Years agoNew storage wells in operation
The 3 new storage wells constructed out of concrete rings were put into operation today.
Two of the wells are 4.2m (13') deep and since inlet is 1.6m deep, their effective water storage depth is 2.6m. The 3rd well was therefore created to be a little deeper - 5.2m. The total storage capacity of the wells is 10,300 liters. Not quite enough so the original soak pit is going to be cleaned up and also added to storage.
A GI pipe (so that the workers on the soakpit do not keep breaking the plastic pipes) was connected to the pump but with so many bends that it is more than the pump can handle.
So the motor is being moved closer with a shorter simpler (one round bend) connection.
- Implementation Phase Project started on 29 Aug, 2008 Preparation Phase
How it Works
Every field note helps building a history of activity at the project site. Every visit should result in a field note, including visits by peers and 3rd parties. Visits can be before implementation, during implementation and during operational state.
If the field note is during the operating phase of the project, then PWX considers the note as a verification note. Verification can show if the current operating state is different from that in the 'final' report and thus draw attention and resources to resolve issues.
Soon PWX AnalytiX will track the number of projects verified and combine that with the amount of time elapsed since 'completion', to summarize monitoring efforts and the sustainability of projects.
Sewage Treatment Plant #1 (STP-1) was constructed in 2006, but many issues (esp. people issues) prevented it from operating as designed. This project completes the STP with storage wells and a grey water reuse system.
Laughing Waters is an urban residential community in the Bangalore suburbs. This ambitious plan goes beyond treating sewage water and discharging it (as is done today to the annoyance of the neighbors and some residents).
The plant is anaerobic using no energy.
MetriX Summary
LW STP 1: BOD (6)
LW STP 1: Inlet BOD (1)
LW STP 1: COD (6)
LW STP 1: TDS (6)
LW STP 1: pH (2)
MetriX Summary
LW STP 1: BOD (6)
LW STP 1: Inlet BOD (1)
LW STP 1: COD (6)
LW STP 1: TDS (6)
LW STP 1: pH (2)