The group has 15 active members working in five locations in Nyakach namely Rangul, North Nyakach. Asawo, North East Nyakach and East Nyakach. The main focus has been solar cooking and solar water testing and pasteurization and this has been supported by Solar Cookers International. Funds have not been enough to do other activities in the plan. From the water pasteurization trainings we have done, many people are happy to report a reduction of waterborne diseases in their families especially among the children. This has given us alot of encouragement to help more people access clean, safe water for drinking. One woman said, 'How come we have drunk unsafe water for so long? Life is much healthier with clean pasteurized drinking water and our children are happier' This just makes our day! The group is commited to improving the health of the community and especially the children.
Date Founded
Primary Focus
Capacity Building
Secondary Focus
Drinking Water - Households
History of Water Projects
Related work not on PWX.
Water testing and pasteurization at house hold level to ascertain the drinking water status. This has been done throgh our work with solar cookers international in Nyakach. Water testing and water pasteurization has been undertaken since 2004 to date. This has enabled many people know and appreciate the status of their water and seek measures to make it safe for family drinking.
Organization Background
The group was started with only 5 members when Solar Cookers International introduced solar cooking and water pasteurization activities to the community of Nyakach. Currently the group has 15 members who are actively involved in group activities. Solar Cookers International (EA), is a branch office of Solar Cookers International (US). This is a non profit organization with a mission to assist communities use the power of the sun to cook food and pasteurize drinking water for the benefit of people and environment. A recent addition to the mission was water testing to ascertain its quality.
On solar cooking the group has had training sessions for the community members and reached about 34,060 people selling about 1,650 cookit which are currently in use within the community. Through the groups work, families have seen the benefits of solar cooking some of which include saving money,girl child getting more time for education,children have more time to play as opposed to looking for firewood,women can engage in more productive economic activities and rest and more cooking friendly atmospheres at home resulting in reduced respiretory tract infections for women and children below five years.