Oywa "A" solar support group proposes to install five plastic tanks and conducting trainings on rain water catchment, WASH and water testing, solar pasteurization within five location covered by the project.

  • Dinah Chienjo of Oywa 'A' Solar Support Group
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: pending Sat 16 Jan 2010, Almost 15 Years ago

    Progress of our project

    We have had 3 meetings to set up the program for implementation as soon as we receive the funds. Community contribution in terms of materials are already at the site. The meetings were attended by Jesca, Seline, Mary , Julius and 3 other group members of oywa a. The water project has 21 members forming the committee who also attended. Local administration was represented by the area assistant chief. We have also sent in our bank details to enable the funds to be transferred to the group as soon as possible.
    We have completed installation and will give final report in a few days time. The onset of El nino is both a blessing and a curse. It delayed our activities but also filled our tank with water. The challenges we faced are lessons we hope to share with all of you. God bless you all.

  • Dinah Chienjo of Oywa 'A' Solar Support Group
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sun 06 Sep 2009, Over 15 Years ago

    Progress/ status report- on installation of a water tank

    We have conducted WASH, solar cooking and pasteurization trainings to 3 groups in preparation to the installation of the tank that has already been funded. A total of 76 adults attended these trainings.
    The base for this tank that has been funded will be constructed as we await to collect the money that has already been disbursed to us.
    Solar cooking, water testing, WASH and solar water pasteurization are ongoing. Detailed reports will be availed to you soon in the PWX.
    The installation of the tank is on and will be completed by early September. More detailed reports including expenses will be posted soon.
    The installation process of the tank is almost complete. We are now waiting for rainfall to fill the tank and to enable us officially launch the project and give final reports.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 5 Sep, 2009 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 4 Aug, 2009 Preparation Phase
  • Gemma Bulos of A Single Drop
    • peer
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 17 Nov 2008, About 16 Years ago

    A Single Drop Site Visit

    AWWC Site Visit
    OYWA ‘A’ SOLAR SUPPORT GROUP-Jesca and Seline
    Katito, Kenya, November 17-21, 2008

    Follow-up conducted by Mariah Klingsmith, A Single Drop
    and Felix Obwar, GROOTS Kenya

    • Revise AWWC project proposal
    • Review and refine AWWC project proposal budget
    • Turn over AWWC seed grant funds (65,000 KSh)
    • Conduct WASH workshop for members of Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Group
    • Gain knowledge about the activities conducted since the AWWC and about the future water project plans

    Community/Organization Planning Meeting towards Implementation
    Prior to arriving in Katito to meet with Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Group there was coordination and communication between GROOTS Kenya, ASD and AWWC participants Jesca and Seline.
    • They were instructed to obtain materials quotations from at least three different places, as is standard procedure for all GROOTS funded projects.
    • They were asked to invite any key members of the community and implementation team, including any skilled labor to be used and representatives from the division.
    • They were asked to complete revisions to their project proposal sent by the AWWC organizers.
    The following are the schedule and accomplishments of the planning meeting:

    Project Implementation

    • We attended 2 community WASH/RWH trainings conducted by Julius, Mary, Jesca and Seline for women’s groups who have received solar training from the group in the past.
    • Budget for technology installation completed
    • Proposal revised and updated
    • Needs assessment and expectations activity done to prepare for future training for business planning, project development and proposal writing

    • Getting the group to clearly define their budget; this has come up with almost every group. Esther’s insistence that we should go and visit them only when they are “ready” and we will be able to impact them with our visit and in turn we will benefit is proving difficult. Balancing the follow-up schedule with our ability to encourage them to really prepare is a challenge.
    • It will be interesting to see how this group functions once SCI moves its regional office to Kisumu at the beginning of the year.
    • This group has specifically requested future trainings in proposal writing, project development, and business planning-all three which were topics from the AWWC that they feel were not covered in sufficient length.
    • Create step-by-step rainwater catchment installation guide to supplement training and handouts from the AWWC
    • Arrange for future visit to conduct training on business planning, proposal writing, and project development
    • Send site visit report, pictures and copy of signed money receipt to Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Group

    LATEST NEWS (as of December 16, 2008)
    The gutters and storage tank were installed at the church and a WASH session was conducted for the church’s congregation. The church leadership and some church members were involved in the installation. Jesca and Seline were able to assist the hired craftsman to bolster their knowledge gained at the AWWC and they say now they are confident to do the next installation on their own. They will be submitting their final narrative report and liquidation by next Monday and will be bringing pictures on Saturday, December 20 to Oyugis, where they will be training the BioSand Filter participants on solar cooking and the Portable Microbiology Lab.

    Budgets for Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Group water project

    Materials QUantity Unit Cost Requested
    Training 8 days
    Transport for Two 8 days 400/= 6400/=
    Lunch for 2 8 days 100/= 1600/=

    Pens 50 pieces 10/= 500/=
    Note Books 4 30/= 120/=
    Fullscaps 1 Rim 400/= 400/=
    Felt pens 3 50/= 150/=
    Files 5 50/= 250/=
    Masking tape 1 50/= 50/=
    Film 300/=
    Camera Batteries 2 pieces 30/=

    TOTAL 9800/=
    Exchange rate is 78 /= to $1

    Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support group members accepting their AWWC seed grant funds

    The Episcopal church where the rainwater harvesting system with plastic storage tank will be installed

    Jesca, Julius, Mary and Seline-members of Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Group working on budgeting and planning for the implementation of their project from the AWWC

    Being greeted on the roadside by a group of women from a community group Sunny Solutions supports

    They had solar cooked rice, cake and green vegetables in preparation for our arrival

    Jesca teaching WASH educatio

    Women’s group members engaged in conversation about “how we use water”

    Jesca pointing out a n open water source used by the local community

    Seline and Jesca teach a community group about RWH and WASH education, complete with visual aids

    A community water project; this group raised 10,000 KSh amongst themselves to get a connection to the municipal water source and now they sell the water at 15 KSh per 20 liter container.

    Learning about the Portable Microbiology Lab from Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Group member, Mary

    After school chores are a little different for kids here in Africa

Oywa "A" solar support group proposes to install five plastic tanks and conducting trainings on rain water catchment, WASH and water testing, solar pasteurization within five location covered by the project.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

1.High poverty level affected the level of community contribution.
2.Other neighboring communities also request for installation of water tanks to them.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1764

School Children Getting Water: 687


Final Cost:
