The project is supporting the establishment of water supply system in Tangisahi villagein Nayagarh district, Orissa state.
Tangisahi, a tribal village in Nayagarh district have started building their sanitation in April 2008 and currently, all 18 families have completed the construction of their toilets and bathing rooms and are now ready to build their water supply system. The toilets and bathrooms were built at least 3m away from house. In order to avoid flooding of latrine pits during rainy season, the tops of the platform and the pits are 0.45-0.6m above ground level. Villagers were also encouraged to grow banana, papaya and coconout trees around toilet soak pits to leach excess water, so that the pit can be used for at least five years before it becomes full and waste must be diverted to the second pit. By the time the second pit is full, the contents of the first have been composting for at least five years and the pathogens have been killed. This compost can then be used as organic maneau. The design and layout of toilets-bathing rooms were done in consultation with the villagers. The whole sanitation infrastructure was built with full community participation and each family was involved in the whole process and thus, ensuring 100% inclusion at all times. Gram Vikas had also provided technical support and training during the course of construction.
Chitra Chaudhuri of Gram VikasImplementation Status: completed Thu 08 Jul 2010, About 14 Years ago
Joy of achievement
Every household in the village is connected with running water supply. The water tank is of 5oooltr capacity. Most of the families are below poverty line. It was difficult for them to collect the corpus amount for the purpose. But they were determined as they understood TBRs & protected piped water to each household can assure them good health & life.
They are now in a process of formulating rules & regulations to look after the sustainability aspects.
- Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 30 Apr, 2010 Implementation Phase
Chitra Chaudhuri of Gram VikasImplementation Status: in_progress Mon 19 Apr 2010, Over 14 Years ago
Work in progress
The TBRs construction of the village is completed. Repesentatives from each HHs took part in identification of the water source from the hillock in the vicinity. The community has undergone various challanges like
Low water level to trap the perrenial stream
Rise in temparature & humidity
Harvesting season & festivity during work88% of the HHs being BPL catagory they have to maintain harmonious balance between the community work & family mean. However the villagers have conducted meetings to plan out the digging work to lay the pipelines. They have scheduled to complete the task during the end of current month.
- Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Nov, 2009 Preparation Phase
The project is supporting the establishment of water supply system in Tangisahi villagein Nayagarh district, Orissa state.
Tangisahi, a tribal village in Nayagarh district have started building their sanitation in April 2008 and currently, all 18 families have completed the construction of their toilets and bathing rooms and are now ready to build their water supply system. The toilets and bathrooms were built at least 3m away from house. In order to avoid flooding of latrine pits during rainy season, the tops of the platform and the pits are 0.45-0.6m above ground level. Villagers were also encouraged to grow banana, papaya and coconout trees around toilet soak pits to leach excess water, so that the pit can be used for at least five years before it becomes full and waste must be diverted to the second pit. By the time the second pit is full, the contents of the first have been composting for at least five years and the pathogens have been killed. This compost can then be used as organic maneau. The design and layout of toilets-bathing rooms were done in consultation with the villagers. The whole sanitation infrastructure was built with full community participation and each family was involved in the whole process and thus, ensuring 100% inclusion at all times. Gram Vikas had also provided technical support and training during the course of construction.
People Impacted: 99
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 99
Total families: 18, out of which 16 families are living below poverty line (BPL) and 2 families above poverty line (APL). All families are scheduled tribe.
The total population is 99 out of which 70 adults (39 male and 31 female) and 29 children (17 boys and 12 girls).
(Data source: Gram Vikas households' survey)
School Children Getting Water: 29
A total number of 29 children are living in the village out of which 17 boys and 12 girls.
(Data source: Gram Vikas households' survey)
People Getting Sanitation: 99
Total families: 18, out of which 16 families are living below poverty line (BPL) and 2 families above poverty line (APL). All families are scheduled tribe.
The total population is 99 out of which 70 adults (39 male and 31 female) and 29 children (17 boys and 12 girls).
(Data source: Gram Vikas households' survey)