Installing a set of eco-san toilets at Doddaupparalli primary school along with educational materials and a program for continuous education (as new students come in and old students leave) and a program to monitor use and maintenance.
Aa foundation in collaboration with VMWARE and PWX is installing eco-san toilets along with a continuing education program (to ensure future students use the facilities) and a monitoring and maintenance (esp. when the bins get filled up) plan.
- Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 30 Dec, 2017 Implementation Phase
- Implementation Phase Project started on 21 Aug, 2017 Preparation Phase
Varalakshmi VS of Aa Foundation for Community DevelopmentImplementation Status: completed Mon 23 Jan 2017, About 8 Years ago
Sanction of funds and preliminary meeting with community
We thank VMWARE for supporting the sanitation project for Doddaupparalli.
Three consecutive meetings and field survey has been conducted. At the end of January the project will be start with the participation of community in prioritizing the households. location maps of each toilets and youth meetings.
The discussion with the Sanjeevini trust to conduct health session every month is under process and field visit has been made by them.
Prahalad from Sochara is coming for two days mason training programme.
Installing a set of eco-san toilets at Doddaupparalli primary school along with educational materials and a program for continuous education (as new students come in and old students leave) and a program to monitor use and maintenance.
Aa foundation in collaboration with VMWARE and PWX is installing eco-san toilets along with a continuing education program (to ensure future students use the facilities) and a monitoring and maintenance (esp. when the bins get filled up) plan.
People Impacted: 380
People Getting Sanitation: 250
The situation on th edate at the doddaupparalli is none of the community members are used to toiilet concept , thoud the villages has youth who are passed out higher school and few are in colleges. this the open defecation is persistent there, thou local panchayat have supported to build three toilets non of them are completed and in usage. The project primary goal will be empowering,capacity building of the community through the sessions and training both related to health and construction , making them to participate to build the toilets and followup/ repeate the messages to ensure usage of toilets.
People Getting Other Benefits: 250
The project is designed on integrated approach. the following out comes are seen at the end of the implementation.
1. knowledge and capacity building of children 50 on usages of toilets and health benefits , washing hands.
2. usages of double pit system ensuring manure for farm lands.
3. ensuring 100% of usage of built toilets.
4. empowering youths on health issues( adverse usage of pan, alcohol ) forming youth group through sports club.
5. regular guidance and monitoring of construction mason training for minimum 2 people at home.(individual house hold).
6. A forestation programmes minimum 600 saplings are planted by community , school children and volunteers.
7. one health session by specialist , or health camp every month.