Creating a pond at a farm to capture rainwater directly falling and some runoff from a creek.


Every year the rain water flows far away with out having a chace to perculae in the ground. From this year 2020 with this project of saving rainwater in a farm pond as big as 90' x 50' x 20' appox which is 90,000 cubic ft holds around 2.5 lakh liters of rain water. The walls and the flooring of the pond is left naturally to perculate the water into the ground hoping to get the surrounding underground water streams to recharge. The pond is going to be well fenced surrounding for any possible accidents of animals and childrens. Plantation of trees is also planned to keep micro climate and avoide water evapuration.

  • Rajesh Shah of Peer Water Exchange
    • peer
    • confidential
    • Mobile
    Operating Status: working_subopt Sat 06 Jun 2020, Over 4 Years ago

    Visit after rain


  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 5 Jun, 2020 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 6 May, 2020 Preparation Phase

Creating a pond at a farm to capture rainwater directly falling and some runoff from a creek.


Every year the rain water flows far away with out having a chace to perculae in the ground. From this year 2020 with this project of saving rainwater in a farm pond as big as 90' x 50' x 20' appox which is 90,000 cubic ft holds around 2.5 lakh liters of rain water. The walls and the flooring of the pond is left naturally to perculate the water into the ground hoping to get the surrounding underground water streams to recharge. The pond is going to be well fenced surrounding for any possible accidents of animals and childrens. Plantation of trees is also planned to keep micro climate and avoide water evapuration.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

To clear the possible sediments over the year


Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $200

Creating and measuring long-term impact

To clear the possible sediments over the year


Final Cost:
edit $150,000:
