2 deep dry borewells to be recharged


Out of 2 Bore wells , one was 800 ft was left dried. After reboring till 1300ft. There was no luck to hit the water table. So the recharge of the bore well is taken up. The other bore well which was 1200ft wal already dried.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 14 May, 2020 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 29 Apr, 2020 Preparation Phase

2 deep dry borewells to be recharged


Out of 2 Bore wells , one was 800 ft was left dried. After reboring till 1300ft. There was no luck to hit the water table. So the recharge of the bore well is taken up. The other bore well which was 1200ft wal already dried.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

5K required for each borewell once in two years to replace charcoal


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 500

The rural school and offen the local villagers depend on this water resource

School Children Getting Water: 80

RIDS Rural School

Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $133

Creating and measuring long-term impact

5K required for each borewell once in two years to replace charcoal


Final Cost:
